You are here: Home News Room Radio Addresses 2007 February 9, 2007 - Tax Relief: Helping Those who Need it Most

February 9, 2007 - Tax Relief: Helping Those who Need it Most

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"As the cost of living rises, more Hawai`i families are struggling to make ends meet.
Our Administration is proposing comprehensive tax relief to help those who need it most.

Among these proposals includes eliminating the general excise tax on certain essential foods such as dairy products, eggs, canned meats and infant formula.

Removing the tax on these foods will save taxpayers $55 million during the next two years and will benefit everyone in the state, especially those with children and larger families.

This is a clear common sense approach to assist Hawai`i families, because no one should have to pay the government for eating essential foods.

Please contact your legislators and ask for the passage of the Administration's much needed tax relief package."


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