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Quotes and Thoughts of the Week

"Energy independence for Hawai`i is one area where we have to be one team. We can't have political parties, we can't have the governor and the legislature, we can't have the public and private sector, the environmentalists and the business people. We have to recognize that anything is better than being 90 percent reliant on a polluting source of energy that takes our money and sends it out of state.

- Governor Lingle, encouraging all sectors of the state to come together in support of a common goal - energy independence for the State of Hawai`i. Read more about the state's progress toward energy independence.


"If history plays out as it has before, then we should come out of this much healthier than we once were. We have weathered these cycles in the past."

- State Tourism Liaison Marsha Wienert, sharing her optimism for the future of Hawai`i's visitor industry during a meeting with the Governor's Maui Community Advisory Council. Read more.


"Governor, you make businesses in Hawai`i very, very proud."

- Gail Ann Chew, executive director of the Hawai`i Restaurant Association thanking the Governor for her work to support Hawai`i's business community. Read more.


"We know that the economy needs to continue to be stimulated. That’s why we're in the bond market and pushing our capital improvement program."

- Governor Lingle, sharing steps her administration is taking to strengthen Hawai`i's economy. Read more.


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