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Quote and Thoughts

"We are an aggressive state moving forward that recognizes opportunities and takes action on them."

- Governor Lingle, sharing her vision for the future of Hawai`i with sales and marketing executives.

"The Governor and Lt. Governor come to our competitions and they know us by name."

- Dale Olive, Waiakea High School science teacher and robotics advisor, referring to the Governor and Lt. Governor's strong support of robotics.


"They're just fantastic kids, everything you want from students. I don't have any kids of my own, so I kind of take on my team as surrogates. They're smart, they're committed. They're putting in 40 hours a week in addition to all their school work. I think we're going to be very happy with our results."

- Hilo High School physics teacher and lead advisor Tom Murphy, referring to the students on the Hilo High Robotics Team. The Hawai`i Regional will be the Vikings' first appearance at a FIRST Competition.


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