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2006 Legislative Session


The 2006 Hawai`i State Legislative session was the most productive that I have been a part of in the past four years.  This year’s session was marked by tremendous bipartisan cooperation in addressing the most pressing challenges facing our state. 

As a result, we made progress on key issues such as energy self-sufficiency, affordable housing, homelessness, emergency preparedness, environmental protection, public safety, identity theft and education.

The House and Senate approved 354 bills this year, nearly 25 percent more than each of the previous three years. 

In reviewing and making final decisions about these bills, our Administration received valuable input from community organizations, businesses, county and federal agencies, and private citizens. 

In this section of my Web site, you can view the 318 bills that became law.  In addition, you can read the reasons why I felt it was necessary to veto 32 bills, as well as review the recommendations I have submitted to the Legislature on how to fix the bills I have concerns about, but still allowed to go into law without my signature.

Much was accomplished this year, and I appreciate everyone’s efforts to make Hawai`i an even better place for our residents and visitors to live and work. 

I look forward to working with the public as together we begin preparing for the 2007 session of the Hawai`i State Legislature.

Mahalo and have a great summer.


Linda Lingle




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