Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology
Office of Management and Budget
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Confidentiality and Data Access Committee (CDAC) 
About CDAC


This Committee is the first interest group of OMB's Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology (FCSM). The Confidentiality and Data Access Committee (CDAC) was formed for two main reasons:

  1. Staff members of statistical agencies who work in the "confidentiality area" expressed a need to have a forum where they could communicate among themselves, exchange ideas, etc.
  2. CDAC is a follow-on activity for the FCSM's Statistical Policy Working Paper # 22 (SPWP # 22), Report on Statistical Disclosure Limitation Methodology.


  • The members of CDAC are federal employees of Executive Branch agencies and those administrative or independent agencies associated with the Executive Branch. They are responsible for (and/or working on) statistical disclosure limitation methods, administrative procedures to enhance researcher access to confidential statistical data, an agency=s Disclosure Review Board, etc.
  • CDAC must comply with the Federal Advisory Committee Act. Consultants and contractors of the participating agencies can attend meetings in support of their work at the request of their sponsoring agency if the CDAC member from that sponsoring agency determines that there is not a conflict of interest.
  • The Chair decides on CDAC membership, after consulting with current CDAC members and the FCSM's Chair.
  • The Chair of CDAC is a member of FCSM for the duration of his/her two-year term. He/she attends the FCSM meetings and reports on CDAC activities.


  • Look for opportunities to implement the recommendations and research agenda contained in Chapters VI and VII of SPWP # 22;
  • Disseminate SPWP # 22 "beyond the beltway";
  • Share current research activities;
  • Explore new research ideas;
  • Serve as a forum where other government entities (agencies, their contractors, etc.) can get assistance on confidentiality and access issues;
  • Stimulate and/or renew interest in the academic community to pursue research in relevant areas;
  • Organize sessions for the annual Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM) sponsored by the American Statistical Association, the International Biometric Society (ENAR and WNAR), the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, and the Statistical Society of Canada; and
  • Organize sessions for FCSM conferences.

Schedule of meetings:

  • CDAC will meet four times a year.

Committee's Officers:    

For 2004-2005, the officers are:

  Past and Future Officers:
  • 1997: the chair was Virginia de Wolf, currently an independent consultant (previously worked at the Office of Management and Budget and BLS), and the vice-chair was Laura Zayatz, Census Bureau.
  • 1998-1999: the chair was Laura Zayatz, Census Bureau, and the vice-chair was Al Zarate, NCHS.
  • 2000-2001: the chair was Al Zarate, NCHS, and the vice-chair was Jacob Bournazian, EIA.
  • 2002-2003: the chair was Jake Bournazian, EIA, and the Vice-Chair was, Steve Cohen, BLS.

Duties of CDAC chair:

  • Schedule quarterly meetings during his/her term;
  • Notify members and their consultants/contractors of meetings;
  • Arrange agenda for each meeting;
  • Between meetings, notify members and their consultants/contractors of relevant issues;
  • Make decisions on membership after consulting with current CDAC members and the FCSM chair;
  • Attend FCSM meetings and report on CDAC activities;
  • Appoint members to CDAC workgroups to deal with new initiatives; and
  • Aid past chair in choosing a vice-chair after consulting with the FCSM's chair.

Duties of CDAC vice-chair:

  • Take minutes at each meeting; and
  • Substitute for chair when necessary.

Duties of CDAC past chair:

  • Keep membership list current;
  • Assist chair and vice-chair;
  • Aid chair in choosing vice-chair after consulting with the FCSM's chair; and
  • Help arrange seminars to be held prior to the January and July CDAC meetings.

Duties of each CDAC member:

  • Inform members of our parent committee, FCSM, who work in the same agency of CDAC activities, scheduled lectures, etc.;
  • Distribute notices of seminars, meetings, etc., in his/her agency;
  • Contribute information to quarterly CDAC meetings about relative issues in his/her agency; and
  • Participate in new initiatives when relevant or interested.

Responsibilities of members and consultants:

  • Because this group provides a forum for the frank interchange on issues, some of which are quite sensitive, all discussions are made in confidence and are not to be disclosed outside the group. Should there be discussion of any topics representing a potential conflict of interest for the consultants, they are expected to excuse themselves from that discussion.

Last Revised: January 14, 2004 FCSM Home
Statistical Committees