James T. Muckerman

Senior Chemist

Chemistry Department
Building 555
Brookhaven National Laboratory
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000

Phone: (631) 344-4368
FAX:    (631) 344-5815
e-mail: muckerma@bnl.gov

Gas-Phase Molecular Dynamics

Catalysis on the Nanoscale: Preparation, Characterization and Reactivity of Metal-Based Nanostructures


Research Interests

Theoretical dynamics of reactive collisions and photodissociation processes
Laser control of molecular dynamics
Grid methods in quantum mechanics
Combined quantum/classical approaches for treating the dynamics of large systems
Calculation of potential energy surfaces
Electronic properties of metal-containing clusters



B.A. Carleton College, 1965
Ph.D. University of Wisconsin, 1969

Professional Employment

Associate Chemist, Brookhaven National Laboratory, 9/69-6/73
Chemist, BNL, 7/73-6/75
Chemist, with tenure, BNL, 7/75-4/86
Senior Chemist, BNL, 5/86-12/87
Assistant Chairman, Chemistry Department, BNL, 1/88-9/90
Associate Chairman, Chemistry Department, BNL, 10/90-12/93
Senior Chemist, BNL, 1/94-present

Adjunct Appointments and Fellowships
Adjunct Associate Professor, Research Institute for Engineering Sciences, Wayne State University,
Detroit, MI, 1974-1976
Visiting Lecturer, Chemistry Department, Columbia University, New York, NY, Spring 1975
John Simon Guggenheim Fellow, University of Oxford, England, 1980-1981
Guest Professor, College of Chemistry and Molecular Sciences, Wuhan University, P. R. China, 2004-2006

Professional Activities
Vice-Chairman, Gordon Research Conference on Atomic and Molecular Interactions, Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH, July 20-24, 1992
Chairman, Gordon Research Conference on Atomic and Molecular Interactions, Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH, July 3-8, 1994
Vice-Chairman, Conference on the Dynamics of Molecular Collisions, Split Rock Resort, PA,
July 18-23, 1999
Chairman, Conference on the Dynamics of Molecular Collisions, Copper Mountain, CO,
July 15-20, 2001

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Last Modified: January 31, 2008