Richard L. Hahn

Senior Chemist

Chemistry Department
Building 555
Brookhaven National Laboratory
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000

Phone: (631) 344-4337
FAX:    (631) 344-5815

Solar Neutrino Research

GALLEX and SNO solar neutrino experiments; R&D on LENS solar neutrino project; neutrino physics; heavy‑ion nuclear reaction mechanisms; transuranium elements, nuclear and chemical properties; nuclear fission; discovery and identification of new isotopes and new elements; chemical properties and structures of ions in aqueous solutions

Education and professional positions
B.S. Brooklyn College, 1955; M.A. Columbia University, 1956; Ph.D. Columbia University, 1960

Brookhaven National Laboratory: Guest Jr. Research Associate, 9/58-3/60; Postdoctoral Research Associate, 3/60-5/62. Oak Ridge National Laboratory: Senior Staff Scientist, 6/62‑2/87; Section Head for Nuclear and Transuranium-Element Chemistry, Chemistry Division, 1974-1979; Director, Transuranium Research Laboratory, 1974-1984; Brookhaven National Laboratory: Research Collaborator, 9/86-1/87; Chemist, 2/87-10/87; Chemist, with tenure, 11/87-9/94; Senior Chemist, 10/94-present

Visiting Scientist, Institut de Physique Nucléaire, Orsay, France, 1972-1973; Visiting Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, 1974-1980, 1984-1987; Visiting Scientist, Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, W. Germany, 1979; Visiting Scientist, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 1984-1987; Visiting Scientist, Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Assergi, Italy, 1987-present; Visiting Scientist, Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO), Sudbury, Canada, 1996-present; Member of the International GALLEX Collaboration, 1986-1998; Member of the Canadian-American-British SNO Collaboration, 1996-present; Member of the International LENS Collaboration, 2000-present

HONORs and Awards
American Chemical Society
Award In Nuclear Chemistry, 2000
Brookhaven National Laboratory Research & Development Award,
American Nuclear Society
, Radiation Industry Award, 1977 (for research on charged-particle activation analysis)
Scholar in Residence, Southwestern University, Georgetown, TX, 1983

Professional Activities
DOE Transplutonium Program Committee, 1975-1980

American Chemical Society:  Symposium Organizer and Chairman:  Transuranium Elements, 1978; Neutrino Sciences, 1991; Neutrino Science, 1994; Neutrino Oscillations, 1999

American Chemical Society, Division of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology:  Secretary, 1978-1980; Vice Chairman, 1981; Chairman, 1982; Alternate Councilor, 1991-1993; Executive Committee, 1996-present

Member of Selection Committee for ACS Nuclear Chemistry Summer School, 1982-1984

Director's Review Committee, Isotopes and Nuclear Chemistry Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1984-1986

Committee on Nuclear and Radiochemistry of the National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences:  Vice-Chairman, 1987-1990; Chairman, 1990-1993.

Participant in National Research Council Workshops on:  Opportunities and Challenges in Research with Transplutonium Elements, 1983; Training Requirements for Chemists in Nuclear Medicine, Nuclear Industry and Related Areas, 1988

Co-organizer of and Participant in National Research Council Workshop on Availability of Isotopically Enriched Materials, Washington, DC, February 20-21, 1992

Faculty Member, ACS Nuclear Chemistry Summer School at BNL, 1992

Expert Witness before U.S. Congress Government Operations Committee that investigated DOE’s Isotope Production Program, August 1992 and December 1993

American Physical Society, Division of Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Science Resources Committee, 1994

Peer Reviewer of Nuclear Science Programs for DOE and NSF

NSF Site Reviewer for the Borexino Solar Neutrino Project at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Assergi, Italy, 1999-present

Canadian - U.S. Scientific and Technical Review Committee of Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO-STRC), October 1994-February 1996

Director's Review Committee, Nuclear Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2000-present

Program Advisory Committee for 88" Cyclotron, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 1999-2000; Chair of PAC, 2001

Fast-Closing Valve System for Cyclotrons
R. L. Hahn, R. L. Stone, J. R. Tarrant and L. D. Hunt, U.S. Patent No. 3,675,072, January 1971

Method for Exploring and Discovering Uranium Deposits Within a Petrofluid System
I. L. Thomas and R. L. Hahn, August 1978

C. V. Revised, 22 April, 2005


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Last Modified: January 31, 2008