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This document is saved at http://www.fcc.gov/mmb/asd/decdoc/letter/1997--08--28--renewal.html


*****Please read before responding to Question 6, Section II of FCC Form 303-S or using Appendix C of the Renewal Booklet. *****


28 August 1997

On August 1, 1996, the Commission adopted new guidelines for use in evaluating human exposure to radiofrequency ("RF") radiation emissions from FCC-regulated transmitters. Footnote 1. These new guidelines were to be used in evaluating exposure due to existing and proposed broadcast facilities after a transition period which was to end on December 31, 1996. By Commission action of December 24, 1996, the initial transition period was orignally extended until September 1, 1997. Footnote 2. However, by recent Commission action of August 25, 1997, the transition period for complying with the new standards has now been extended until October 15, 1997. Footnote 3. As such, applicants filing renewal applications during this transition period, may continue to use the RF worksheets and the accompanying explanation provided in Appendix C of the Renewal Booklet in responding to Question 6, Section II of FCC Form 303-S.

Applicants filing renewal applications after this transition period will be expected to use the newly-adopted guidelines to evaluate compliance with our regulations on environmental RF exposure. Therefore, after October 15, 1997, neither the current version of the RF worksheet nor the accompanying explanation in Appendix C of the Renewal Booklet can be used in responding to Question 6, Section II of FCC Form 303-S. Applicants needing assistance in evaluating their facilities under the new guidelines should note that a revised version of OET Bulletin 65 has been recently released. Footnote 4. Additionally, future versions of the Renewal Booklet will include a revised Appendix C which will further inform applicants of their options for responding to Question 6, Section II of FCC Form 303-S in light of the new RF guidelines.

If you need additional processing assistance, you may contact us on the Radio Renewal Information Line at 1-800-671-2233 or by e-mail at radioren@fcc.gov. Further information concerning OET Bulletin 65 and the new RF guidelines can be obtained by contacting the Commission's RF safety group (Office of Engineering and Technology): (202)418-2464 (e-mail: rfsafety@fcc.gov). Inquiries can also be directed to the FCC's Call Center. The toll-free number is 1-888-CALL FCC (1-888-225-5322).


Footnote 1: See, Report and Order in ET Docket 93-62, 11 FCC Rcd 15123 (1996), and 47 CFR §1.1307(b), as amended.

Footnote 2: See First Memorandum Opinion and Order in ET Docket No. 93-62, 11 FCC Rcd 17512 (1997).

Footnote 3: Second Memorandum Opinion and Order and NPRM in ET Docket 92-62, adopted August 25, 1997,(FCC 97-303). [( Word Perfect 5.1 version).]

Footnote 4: An electronic version of OET Bulletin 65 is available on the Commission's World Wide Web site ( www.oet.rfsafety). Copies can also be purchased from the Commission's duplicating/research contractor: International Transcription Service, Inc., 1231 20th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036; Telephone: (202)857-3800, FAX: (202)857-3805.

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Questions on this page may be referred to Ricardo Durham, rdurham@fcc.gov or Brian Butler, bbutler@fcc.gov.

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