The Honorable Ted Stevens
President Pro Tempore
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510
Dear Senator Stevens:
In accordance with section 2104(a)(1) of the Trade Act of 2002
(the Trade Act), and pursuant to authority delegated to me by the
President, I am pleased to notify
the Congress that the President
intends to initiate free trade agreement (FTA) negotiations with
Dominican Republic. We expect these negotiations to get underway in January
2004, and we
will be consulting closely with the Congress over the next
90 days regarding these
negotiations, as required by the Trade Act.
Through these negotiations, we expect to provide for essentially
the same disciplines as those in the FTA we are currently negotiating
with the five member
countries of the Central American Economic
Integration System (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala,
Honduras, and
Nicaragua, hereinafter "Central America"), and to negotiate specific market
access commitments with the Dominican Republic.
Recognizing the benefits of strengthening the economic ties among
the Dominican Republic, Central America, and the United States, we will
seek to integrate
the Dominican Republic into the agreement that we are
currently negotiating with Central
America. We would then work
to present the Congress one FTA covering both the Dominican Republic
and Central America, provided this would not delay enactment of the
Central American
agreement. We discussed these matters during our
meeting with the Congressional Oversight
Group on July 24, and we will
be consulting further with the Congress as negotiations
Since 1985, U.S. unilateral trade preferences through the
Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI) have defined the U.S. trade
relationship with the Dominican Republic.
An FTA with the Dominican
Republic will respond to direction from the Congress in the
Basin Trade Partnership Act to conclude comprehensive, mutually advantageous
agreements with CBI countries. The Dominican Republic is the
largest economy in the Caribbean
Basin region and is the largest
beneficiary of CBI preferences, accounting for more than one
quarter of
U.S. imports under the program. An FTA will build on the success of the CBI and
U.S. access to the Dominican Republic’s market, which already
receives $4.3 billion in U.S.
exports annually and approximately $1.4
billion in U.S. investment. The markets of the
Dominican Republic and
Central America combined would create the second largest U.S.
partner in Latin America.
The Dominican Republic’s relatively open trade and investment
regime, augmented by recen fiscal reforms, has made it one of the
world’s fastest growing
economies over the last decade and an economic
engine in the Caribbean Basin. It maintains strong
trade relations
within the Caribbean, including with its neighbor, Puerto Rico, and with
Central America, thus serving as an economic bridge within the region.
Adding the Dominican
Republic as an FTA partner will promote economic
growth and further integration in the Caribbean
by building on a
successful agreement with Central America and by lending further momentum to
concluding the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) negotiations by
January 2005.
An FTA will also build on the progress we have made through our
bilateral Trade and Investment Council over the last year, where the
Dominican Republic has made
important efforts to resolve bilateral
trade and investment issues. Through this process, the
Republic has become a reliable trade partner in the region and also has worked
with us to advance common objectives in the World Trade
Organization (WTO) and FTAA
negotiations. In the course of negotiating
an FTA, we intend to pursue further cooperation with
the Dominican
Republic that will support the U.S. objective of expanding multilateral trade
Moreover, an FTA with the Dominican Republic will foster economic
growth and create higher paying jobs in the United States by further
reducing and
eliminating barriers to trade and investment between the
Dominican Republic and the United States.
For example, an FTA
negotiation would enable us to continue to address remaining
access impediments in the Dominican Republic, such as tariffs on agricultural
restrictive import licensing practices, inadequate protection of
intellectual property rights, in
particular for cable broadcasts, and
restrictions that the Dominican Republic imposes on U.S. firms to
services market.
An FTA with the Dominican Republic will also enhance our efforts
to strengthen democracy and support for fundamental values in the
region, such as respect for
internationally recognized worker rights
and the elimination of the worst forms of child labor,
greater respect
for the rule of law, sustainable development, and accountable institutions of
governance. Strong anti-corruption and transparency requirements in the
FTA will help combat
U.S. industry and agricultural community support for FTA
negotiations with the Dominican Republic is strong. The Dominican
Republic is an important market
for U.S. agricultural, fish, and
forestry products, with exports valued at $625 million in
2002. The
Dominican Republic is the eighth largest market for U.S. exports of corn, and
the fifth
largest market for U.S. soybean meal. The textile and apparel
sectors in the United States and the
Dominican Republic are highly
integrated, with over $3 billion in two-way trade in 2002. The
Dominican Republic imports a substantial amount of U.S. manufactured
products, including
plastics, electronics, and telecommunications
Initial consultations with the Congressional Oversight Group and
other Members of Congress regarding FTA negotiations with the Dominican
Republic have been
positive, and we believe that there is broad
bipartisan interest in such an agreement. The
Administration will
continue to consult closely with the Congress, including the Congressional
Oversight Group.
Consistent with the Administration’s notification regarding FTA
negotiations with Central America, our specific objectives for
negotiations with the
Dominican Republic are as follows:
· Trade in
- Seek to eliminate tariffs and other duties and charges on
between the Dominican Republic and the United States on the
broadest possible
basis, subject to reasonable adjustment periods for
- Seek to eliminate non-tariff barriers in the Dominican
Republic to
U.S. exports, including licensing barriers on agricultural
products, restrictive
administration of tariff-rate quotas, unjustified
trade restrictions that affect new
U.S. technologies, and other trade
restrictive measures that U.S. exporters
- Seek to eliminate government practices that adversely
affect U.S.
exports of perishable or cyclical agricultural products,
while improving U.S.
import relief mechanisms as appropriate.
- Pursue a mechanism with the Dominican Republic that will
achieving the U.S. objective in the WTO negotiations of
eliminating all export
subsidies on agricultural products, and in the
FTAA negotiations of eliminating
agricultural export subsidies on trade
in the Hemisphere, while maintaining the
right to provide bona fide
food aid and preserving U.S.
agricultural market
development and export credit programs.
- Pursue fully reciprocal access to the Dominican Republic’s
for U.S. textile and apparel products.
· Customs Matters, Rules of
Origin, and Enforcement
- Seek rules to require that the Dominican Republic’s customs
operations are conducted with transparency, efficiency, and
predictability, and
that customs laws, regulations, decisions, and
rulings are not applied in a manner
that would create unwarranted
procedural obstacles to international trade.
- Seek rules of origin, procedures for applying these rules,
provisions to address circumvention matters that will ensure that
preferential duty
rates under an FTA with the Dominican Republic apply
only to goods eligible to
receive such treatment, without creating
unnecessary obstacles to trade.
- Seek terms for cooperative efforts with the Dominican
regarding enforcement of customs and related issues, including
trade in
textiles and apparel.
· Sanitary and
Phytosanitary (SPS) Measures:
- Seek to have the Dominican Republic reaffirm its WTO
on SPS measures and eliminate any unjustified SPS
- Seek to strengthen collaboration with the Dominican Republic in
implementing the WTO SPS Agreement and to enhance cooperation with the
Dominican Republic in relevant international bodies on developing
international SPS standards, guidelines, and recommendations.
· Technical Barriers to
Trade (TBT):
- Seek to have the Dominican Republic reaffirm its WTO TBT
commitments and eliminate any unjustified TBT measures.
- Seek to strengthen collaboration with the Dominican
Republic in
implementing the WTO TBT Agreement and create a procedure
for exchanging
information with the Dominican Republic on TBT-related
· Intellectual Property
- Seek to establish standards to be applied in the Dominican
Republic that build on the foundations established in the WTO Agreement
on Trade-Related
Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights and other
international intellectual
property agreements, such as the World
Intellectual Property Organization
(WIPO) Copyright Treaty, the WIPO
Performances and Phonograms Treaty, and
the Patent Cooperation
- In areas such as patent protection and protection of
information, seek to have the Dominican Republic apply
levels of protection and
practices more in line with U.S. law and
practices, including appropriate
- Seek to strengthen the Dominican Republic’s procedures to
intellectual property rights, such as by ensuring that
Dominican authorities
seize suspected pirated and counterfeit goods,
equipment used to make such goods
or to transmit pirated goods, and
documentary evidence.
- Seek to strengthen measures in the Dominican Republic that
for compensation of right holders for infringements of
property rights and to provide for criminal penalties
under Dominican law that are
sufficient to have a deterrent effect on
piracy and counterfeiting.
· Trade in
- Pursue disciplines to address discriminatory and other
barriers to
trade in the Dominican Republic’s services markets. Pursue
a comprehensive
approach to market access, including any necessary
improvements in access to
the telecommunications, financial services,
energy, and other
- Seek improved transparency and predictability of Dominican
regulatory procedure, specialized disciplines for financial services,
additional disciplines for telecommunication services and other
sectors as necessary.
· Investment:
- Seek to establish rules that reduce or eliminate artificial
trade-distorting barriers to U.S. investment in the Dominican
Republic, while
ensuring that Dominican investors in the United States
are not accorded greater
substantive rights with respect to investment
protections than U.S. investors
in the United States, and to secure for
U.S. investors in the Dominican Republic
important rights comparable to
those that would be available under U.S.
legal principles and
- Seek to ensure that U.S. investors receive treatment as
as that accorded to domestic or other foreign investors in
the Dominican Republic
and to address unjustified barriers to the
establishment and operation of U.S.
investments in the Dominican
Republic. Provide procedures to resolve disputes between
U.S. investors
and the Dominican Republic that are in keeping with the
trade promotion
authority goals of being expeditious, fair, and
· Electronic
- Seek to affirm that the Dominican Republic will allow U.S.
and services to be delivered electronically to its market and to
ensure that the
Dominican Republic does not apply customs duties to
digital products or
unjustifiably discriminate among products delivered
· Government
- Seek to establish rules requiring government procurement
procedures and practices in the Dominican Republic to be fair,
transparent, and
predictable for suppliers of U.S. goods and services
that seek to do business with
the Dominican Republic.
- Seek to expand access for U.S. goods and services to the
Republic’s government procurement market.
· Transparency/Anti-Corruption/Regulatory
- Seek to make the Dominican Republic’s administration of its
regime more transparent, and pursue rules that will permit timely
meaningful public comment before the Dominican Republic adopts
- Seek to ensure that the Dominican Republic applies high
prohibiting corrupt practices affecting international trade
and enforces such
· Trade
- Provide a safeguard mechanism during the transition period
allow a temporary revocation of tariff preferences if increased
imports from the
Dominican Republic are a substantial cause of serious
injury or threat of serious
injury to the domestic industry.
- Make no changes in U.S. antidumping and countervailing duty
· Environment:
- Seek to promote trade and environment policies that are
- Seek an appropriate commitment by the Dominican Republic to
effectively enforce its environmental laws.
- Establish that the Dominican Republic will strive to ensure
it will not, as an encouragement for trade or investment, weaken
or reduce the
protections provided for in its environmental laws.
- Help the Dominican Republic strengthen its capacity to
protect the
environment through the promotion of sustainable
development, such as by
establishing consultative mechanisms.
· Labor, including Child
- Seek an appropriate commitment by the Dominican Republic to
effectively enforce its labor laws.
- Establish that the Dominican Republic will strive to ensure
it will not, as an encouragement for trade or investment, weaken
or reduce
the protections provided for in its labor laws.
- Based upon a review and analysis of its labor law and
practices, establish procedures for consultations and cooperative
with the Dominican Republic to strengthen its capacity to
respect for core labor standards, including compliance with ILO
182 on the worst forms of child labor, building on technical
programs administered by the U.S. Department of Labor.
· State-to-State Dispute
- Encourage the early identification and settlement of disputes
through consultation.
- Seek to establish fair, transparent, timely, and effective
procedures to settle disputes arising under the agreement.
In addition, the FTA will take into account other legitimate U.S.
objectives including, but not limited to, the protection of legitimate
health, safety,
environment, essential security, and consumer
We are committed to concluding these negotiations with timely and
substantive results for U.S. workers, consumers, businesses, and
farmers and will pursue these
specific objectives, keeping in mind the
overall and principal U.S. negotiating objectives and
priorities that
the Congress has identified. We look forward to continuing to work with the
Congress as negotiations with the Dominican Republic begin, and we
commit to work with you as we
bring them to a successful
Robert B. Zoellick