Attention UCC and EFS Lien Users


Due to the popularity of UCC electronic filing, effective January 28, 2008, we will be implementing a change to the "check status of submitted filings" display. We will only display the past 14 days worth of previously submitted UCC filings.

You can save each "image" of your submitted filings to a Word document by clicking the "print" link on the right side of the status page. This will display a picture of the filing; then click "File", "Save As"; where prompted for "File Name" provide a name such as your filing number. Where prompted for "Save as Type" choose "Web Page". You can now use Word or a browser to display the saved file on your hard drive.

We hope this does not inconvenience our UCC e-filers. Thank you for your understanding.

Before transacting business with others, you may wish to review restrictions and obligations imposed by federal law. For more information, visit or contact the U.S. Department of Treasury,, or the Office of Foreign Asset Control,


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