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Publications are listed in alphabetical order by title.

A pro-poor analysis of the artichoke value chain in Peru
06/01/2007 (236KB)

This report was prepared for USAID/Peru by the Greater Access to Trade Expansion (GATE) project with support from the Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales (CEPES). It explores the artichoke value chain in Peru using a pro-poor and gender-sensitive analysis to examine the nature of production, the relationships between various actors in the value chain, and the terms and conditions of employment. With an emphasis on promoting pro-poor growth, the study aims to identify interventions that will improve market outcomes, raise productivity, and increase income for male and female farmers, day laborers, and agro-industrial workers along the value chain.

Description and analysis of the USAID girls' education activity in Guatemala, Morocco, and Peru
03/01/2002 (2.1MB)

This qualitative report of the USAID Girls' Education Activity (GEA) focuses on the results of project activities in Guatemala, Morocco, and Peru. The report is divided into four sections: Section I outlines the GEA's goals, contrasts the major tactics of each country program, and describes the multi-sectoral approach underlying all three programs; Section II presents the report's design and analytical framework; Section III describes each country's initiatives to improve girls' access to and retention in primary schools and analyzes the degree of systemic change achieved in each country's respective environment; Section IV examines the efforts of all the country programs and synthesizes their experiences into a set of observations on success factors in implementing girls' education reform.

Economic opportunities and labor conditions for women : perspectives from Latin America -- Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil
04/01/2003 (595KB)

This document reports on the outcomes of the "Economic Opportunities and Labor Conditions for Women: Perspectives from Latin America" conference, which took place in September 2002 in Panama City. At the conference, 36 participants representing grant organizations, local NGOs, and USAID discussed the achievements and obstacles faced by WID office NGO Small Grants Program projects in Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, and Peru, which focus on conservation-based economic opportunities for women. The purpose of the conference was to provide a forum to share lessons learned and discuss pressing issues that affect NGOs working in this area.

Economic Opportunities and Labor Conditions for Women: Perspectives from Latin America: Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil (Portuguese)
09/01/2002 (443KB)

This Portuguese-language document reports on the outcomes of the "Economic Opportunities and Labor Conditions for Women: Perspectives from Latin America" conference, which took place in September 2002 in Panama City. At the conference, 36 participants representing grant organizations, local NGOs, and USAID discussed the achievements and obstacles faced by WID office NGO Small Grants Program projects in Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, and Peru, which focus on conservation-based economic opportunities for women. The purpose of the conference was to provide a forum to share lessons learned and discuss pressing issues that affect NGOs working in this area.

Economic Opportunities and Labor Conditions for Women: Perspectives from Latin America: Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil (Spanish)
09/01/2002 (1.2MB)

This Spanish-language document reports on the outcomes of the "Economic Opportunities and Labor Conditions for Women: Perspectives from Latin America" conference, which took place in September 2002 in Panama City. At the conference, 36 participants representing grant organizations, local NGOs, and USAID discussed the achievements and obstacles faced by WID office NGO Small Grants Program projects in Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, and Peru, which focus on conservation-based economic opportunities for women. The purpose of the conference was to provide a forum to share lessons learned and discuss pressing issues that affect NGOs working in this area.

Gender Training Materials: Integrating Gender into Economic Growth and Environmental Programs and Analysis
3/1/2007 (644KB)

This book of gender training materials, prepared by the USAID/WID funded GATE Project, supports the Mission’s (and USAID’s) commitment to gender integration, specifically for activities related to economic growth, trade, and investment and the environment. This book is intended to be used during four different workshops planned for USAID/Peru staff, contractors, and grantees. It is primarily designed to help Mission staff on the EGE Team increase their knowledge, skills, and confidence in asking the right gender questions, finding the necessary data and assistance to answer these questions, and developing appropriate program interventions to meet gender-related targets. Our goal is to support Mission staff in their efforts to use USAID programs as a means of enhancing the abilities of both men and women, including the poorest citizens, so that they can pro-actively seize the new opportunities presented by trade and economic growth activities.

Gender-Focused Analysis of the Peru Environment and Natural Resource Survey and the Design of the Public Presentation of the Survey
12/1/1998 (82KB)

Lessons learned from the USAID girls' education activity in Guatemala, Morocco, and Peru
03/01/2002 (1.2MB)

The following report summarizes the experiences and lessons learned from twelve Girls’ Education Activity (GEA) project initiatives in the three participating countries -- Guatemala, Morocco, and Peru -- to increase the overall school participation and completion rates of girls in primary school. These projects reflect the diversity of major initiatives that GEA facilitated in partner countries, but they do not reflect the totality of project activities in host countries. For a more comprehensive examination of overall project activities, see the companion report, Description and Analysis of the USAID Girls’ Education Activity in Guatemala, Morocco, and Peru: Qualitative Report.

Materiales de Capacitacion en Genero
03/01/2007 (1.1MB)

Este libro de Materiales de Capacitación en Género, preparado por el Proyecto Mayor Acceso a la Expansióndel Comercio (GATE por sus siglas en inglés), financiado por USAID, apoya el compromiso de la Misión (y de USAID) con la integración del género, específicamente para actividades relativas al Crecimiento Económico, el Comercio y la Inversión y el Medio Ambiente. Este libro está hecho con la intención de ser usado durante cuatro talleres diferentes con el equipo de USAID/Peru, los contratistas y beneficiarios. Ha sido diseñado principalmente para contribuir a que el personal de la Misión del Equipo EGE (Economic Growth and Environment) amplíe sus conocimientos y habilidades, adquiera confianza para realizar las preguntas apropiadas sobre género, encuentre la información y apoyo necesarios para responder estas preguntas, y desarrolle intervenciones de programa adecuadas para alcanzar los objetivos relativos al género. Nuestra meta es apoyar al personal de la Misión en sus esfuerzos por usar los programas de USAID como un medio para fortalecer las habilidades tanto de los varones como de las mujeres, incluyendo a aquellos ciudadanos más pobres, de manera que puedan proactivamente aprovechar las nuevas oportunidades que presentan las actividades comerciales y de crecimiento económico.

Menarche and its implications for educational policy in Peru
Jan 2001 (239KB)

Girls' and women's education [GWE] policy research activity | Contract listed on document as HNE-C-00-96-900047-00

Monitoring and evaluation training courses in Guatemala, Guinea and Peru
03/01/2002 (1.7MB)

Project title: Girls' education monitoring system (GEMS)

Peru : an economic snapshot
Jul 2007 (127KB)

Project title: Greater access to trade expansion (GATE) | Related doc.: PN-ADJ-403

Peru country study
05/01/2002 (114KB)

Project title: Girls' education monitoring system (GEMS)

Pro-poor growth, gender, and markets : creating opportunities and measuring results
04/01/2006 (399KB)

Task order 02 | Project title: Greater access to trade expansion (GATE)

Promoting democratic values and practices : a cross-cutting approach to democracy and gender
10/01/2002 (522KB)

This report aims to help USAID/Peru operationalize its central Mission Goal of promoting the expansion of sustainable opportunities for improved quality of life of Peruvians through democratic institutions and processes. The report is divided into three sections:

  • Section 1 clarifies the definition of "democracy" as it refers to USAID/Peru programs, highlights considerations for achieving the Mission Goal, and provides a summary of recent research on democracy and cross-sectoral linkages.
  • Section 2 shares case studies of the "Strengthened Environmental Management to Address Priority Problems" and "Sustained Reduction of Illicit Drug Crops in Target Areas of Peru" strategic objectives, as well as the contributions, challenges, and opportunities associated with the Mission Goal.
  • Section 3 suggests a format and approach for better linking all Mission strategic objectives with the Mission Goal.

Toolkit for assessing and promoting equity in the classroom (EIC)
01/01/2003 (7.2MB)

Produced by the Equity in the Classroom (EIC) project, this toolkit is a compilation of instruments that permit active research in the classroom and the school to promote increased participation and improved learning by girls and other marginalized students in primary education. The toolkit is designed to orient educators to issues of equity and to help them begin a process of research and inquiry to identify factors in schools and classrooms that limit equitable participation and achievement of girls and other disadvantaged learners.

USAID girls' education initiatives in Guatemala, Guinea, Mali, Morocco, and Peru : a performance review
05/31/2002 (570KB)

Project title: Girls' education monitoring system (GEMS)

Working with community-based conservation with a gender focus : a guide
07/01/1999 (156KB)

This guide builds on examples and lessons learned from the mid-term evaluation of the Parks in Peril (PIP) Project. It suggests ways that PIP project personnel can easily, efficiently, and equitably integrate gender into their work, providing six steps for them to conduct a gender analysis with little, if any, additional time and resources. The guide is meant for use by PIP project personnel and their partners, as well as by others working in community conservation.

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