Scientific Areas of Integrated Review Groups (IRGs)

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Respiratory Sciences IRG [RES]
Last updated on 01/21/2005

Printer Friendly (Complete IRG)

The Respiratory Sciences IRG will consider research applications ranging from basic sciences through clinical studies that are focused on the entire pulmonary system and related organs and processes.  

Topics to be covered will include research related to normal lung biology, including the processes of development and aging, alterations in processes which can result in inflammation, immune dysfunctions, and altered physiology of the lung.  This would include studies on the chest wall, upper and lower airways, parenchyma, pleural surfaces, and cells affected by and operative in these processes, including neural and endocrine control processes.  Applications that study lung injury, repair and remodeling as may occur from genetic, environmental, developmental and toxic causes, will also be considered.  These applications will range from the molecular level to organ to human investigations and include study of the interactions between mediators, cells, tissues, and the regulation of these processes such as signal transduction.  Applications may also focus on the integrative biology of the lung and its related organs and tissues, including biophysics, biomechanics, and gas exchange, and the various control processes.  In addition, translational and clinical investigations as they relate to the broad areas of biological sciences of the respiratory system, e.g., including genetics, genetic susceptibility, populations, development, therapeutic interventions and sleep, will be considered.

The structure and organization will be covered in four  Study Sections: