Scientific Areas of Integrated Review Groups (IRGs)

For a listing of the Scientific Review Officer and membership roster for each study section, click on the study section roster under the study section name within an IRG listed below or go to the study section index (study sections listed alphabetically) and click on the specified roster next to the name of the study section.

Immunology IRG [IMM]
Last updated:01/20/2005 15:39:37

Printer Friendly (Complete IRG)

The Immunology [IMM] IRG reviews applications that seek an understanding of the immune system's role in hosts’ interactions with infectious agents, tumor cells, transplanted cells, self components, the conceptus/fetus, allergens, and environmental exposures; mechanisms, prevention, and treatment of diseases when the immune system has a major role; the evolution, comparative biology, development, structure, aging, and malfunction of the immune system; the molecular, cell, organ, and organismal biology of the immune system; the biophysical and structural analysis of antigens and immune system products and components; the interactions of the immune system with other organs, such as the nervous and endocrine systems; and the participation in immunity by non-lymphohematopoietic tissues and cells, such as epithelia.


The following study sections are included within the IMM IRG: