Clinical Hematology Special Emphasis Panel

The Clinical Hematology Special Emphasis Panel [SEP] reviews applications proposing single-site clinical studies related to inherited blood diseases (including gene therapy or genetics), or related to red blood cell/monocyte/leukocyte biology, hematopoiesis, hemostasis and thrombosis, or inflammation. Multi-center clinical trials are not appropriate for this panel.

The Clinical Hematology SEP has the following shared interests within the HEME IRG:

With the Erythrocyte and Leukocyte Biology [ELB], Hematopoiesis [HP], and Hemostasis and Thrombosis [HT] study sections:  Clinical hematology applications may be assigned to other study sections within the IRG to cluster like kinds of applications or provide alternative review venues to the extent that appropriate expertise exists on those panels.

The Clinical Hematology SEP has the following shared interests outside the HEME IRG:

  • With the Cardiovascular Sciences [CVS] IRG: The interaction of blood elements with the vascular wall is complex and represents an area of shared interest. (1) Where the primary focus of an application is on clinical studies of the interaction of blood elements with the vascular wall, assignment to the Clinical Hematology SEP may be appropriate. Where the primary focus of an application is on the properties of cells and extracellular matrix of the vascular wall, including extravasation, assignment may be to the CVS IRG.  (2) The Clinical Hematology SEP may be appropriate when the primary focus is on clinical studies of soluble angiogenic factors from blood in regulating endothelial cell growth and function. When the primary focus is on the role of the vessel wall elements in non-tumor associated angiogenesis, assignment to the CVS IRG may be considered. (3) Atherogenesis is also an area of shared interest. When the focus is on clinical studies of platelet cell biology and thrombosis, assignment to the Clinical Hematology SEP may be considered. The CVS IRG may be considered for studies that focus on vascular homeostasis, endothelial biology and barrier function. (4) Studies on the response of smooth muscle and endothelial cells to shear stress may also be appropriate for the CVS IRG. Clinical studies on the effects of shear stress and hemodynamics on blood elements are appropriate for the HT study section.

  • With the Oncological Sciences [ONC] IRG:  The pathogenesis of the leukemias and lymphomas is an area of shared interest. The Clinical Hematology SEP is the appropriate review panel for studies of the molecular pathogenesis of hematologic malignancies. Studies of leukemia and lymphoma diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, as well as treatment outcomes and complications are best reviewed in the ONC IRG. The ONC IRG should also review early phase clinical trials of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation specifically for the treatment of malignant diseases, or the use of these approaches to modulate tumor immunity.

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Last updated: January 06, 2006

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