Scientific Areas of Integrated Review Groups (IRGs)

For a listing of the Scientific Review Officer and membership roster for each study section, click on the study section roster under the study section name within an IRG listed below or go to the study section index (study sections listed alphabetically) and click on the specified roster next to the name of the study section.

Biology of Development and Aging IRG [BDA]
Last updated on 4th August, 2005

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The Biology of Development and Aging Integrated Review Group (IRG) will consider research applications that are focused on Development and/or Aging and that employ approaches at a variety of levels from molecules to whole organisms. Development and Aging are inherently integrative research areas focusing on biological changes over time. Proposals in this IRG will frequently transcend the boundaries of single organs or systems.

Areas of review related to development include:

Morphogenesis and pattern formation; gastrulation; cell fate, lineage and differentiation; organogenesis; gametogenesis; pre- and post-implantation development; regeneration; evolutionary aspects of development; and the molecular basis of primordial birth defects.

Areas of review related to both development and aging include:

Chromosome dynamics; cell cycle control; cell death; responses to stress; cellular signaling; the biology and applications of stem cells; and tissue repair.

Areas of review related to aging include:

Determinants of longevity; age-related changes in physiological functions; geriatric syndromes and diseases; animal models of aging; predictive markers of biological health and aging; and mechanisms of exceptional aging.

The expectation is that each of these study sections will receive 50 or more applications. However, in the event of fewer applications, adjustments may be necessary, e.g., as near mirror image study sections, DEV-1 and DEV-2 could be combined.

The following Study Sections are included within the BDA IRG: