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E P A -- How can I keep up?

There is not a single way to keep tabs on all the activities of the U S  E P A that may impact R D programs, rural communities, and persons that reside in those communities. However, the following Web sites provide information on EPA activities such as when proposed and final regulations are published, policy meetings, task forces, press releases, etc. These pages have links to actual documents or summary information and how to make additional contacts. E P A Regional offices maintain sites and so do most State offices that administer E P A programs. You may find accessing these Web pages for your State will save you time and ensure you are using current documents and policies. Don't forget to bookmark the good ones for later access.

E P A General Information: You can check what is new from the agency standpoint at the web site www.epa.gov/epahome/WhatsNew.html.

Water: The Office of Groundwater and Drinking Water has three Web pages that are helpful. The site www.epa.gov/OGWDW/new.html provides information on recent activities associated with drinking water. The second Web page www.epa.gov/OGWDW/openc.html lists all the regulations, policy issues, focus group reports, etc. that are open for comment.  The last page involves water security.  In an effort to to help systems obtain security information, the web page www.epa.gov/safewater/security/links.html contains a list of links to trade and industry organizations, clearinghouses and information centers, and federal agencies that offer security information for water and wastewater systems.

Wastewater: The Office of Wastewater Management information site is www.epa.gov/OW/new.html

Solid Waste and Emergency Response: The Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response covers a wide specturm of activities. They have a Web page www.epa.gov/swerrims/whatsnew.htm that has links to what is new in all the areas covered, i.e. emergency preparedness, superfund, solid waste, underground storage tanks, brownfields, etc.

Air Quality: The Office of Air and Radiation maintains the web page www.epa.gov/oar/oarnew.html for new information in their areas. The Airnow Program Web page,  www.epa.gov/airnow/, provides real-time air pollution data information.

E P A Regional Offices: Each region maintains a Web site that can be located from www.epa.gov/epahome/locate2.htm

LGEAN: Local Government and Environmental Assistance Network. This network provides online access to regulatory and pollution prevention information, message boards, regulatory updates and financing information. E P A and six partnering organizations created the network and are providing resources, including copies of publications, and staff expertise. It looks like a good source of environmental information for small communities. www.lgean.org

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