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Chequamegon-Nicolet N.F. - Natural Resources - Quarterly Schedule of Proposed Actions
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Chequamegon-Nicolet Quarterly Schedule of Proposed Actions (SOPA)


Visit the National SOPA Page for the Forest Service (where you can see project information for other National Forests, Grasslands and Prairies)

Purpose of the SOPA

The schedule lists actions being proposed on the Forest that are governed by the National Enviromental Policy Act (NEPA). The purpose of this schedule is to provide early and informal notice of proposed projects so that you can become aware of Forest Service activities, indicate your interest in specific projects, and become involved early in the environmental analysis and documentation process.


Proposed actions (also called "projects") are sorted by the Ranger District where the action would occur. In some cases, a project occurs on multiple districts and it is listed under a "lead" district. Forest-wide projects are listed separately. Information indicating the current planning stage, or status of each proposal is provided. . With this information, you'll have an idea of upcoming projects, and you may wish to get involved by commenting on them.

We're still analyzing some projects listed in the previous SOPA's, so they appear once again in the most current edition. In future editions, we will continue to add new projects as they are proposed, and remove old projects when decisions are completed.

The information given for each project is brief, but specific. A table provides the project name, purpose, status, location, description, time frames, and a contact person.

The Recent Project Decisions page will provide you with a list of decisions made since the last SOPA.

Quarterly Schedules of Proposed Actions

July - September 2008
April - June 2008
January - March 2008
October - December 2007
July - September 2007
April - June 2007
January - March 2007


How You Can Become Involved  return to top

Read through the list of proposed projects. If you want to be involved in a project, you will need to submit comments or request to be placed on the project mailing list. You can do this by calling, visiting, writing or sending an e-mail to the contact person listed for that project in the SOPA.

Addresses of each of our offices can be found here. If you see a project listed that you think you may be interested in, you do not need to comment immediately. Contact us and ask to be involved. At the same time you may request additional information to consider before commenting.

In addition to commenting, you are also provided the opportunity to appeal major decisions. However, the regulations do impose an obligation on you to provide substantive and specific comments during the proper time periods in order to exercise this opportunity.

Role of the Quarterly Schedule of Proposed Actions  return to top

The Quarterly Schedule of Proposed Actions adds to the public involvement activities we have always done; but it doesn't replace them. To assure you are included in a specific project's public involvement list, you will need to notify us of your interest either from SOPA listings, or other involvement activities such as initial scoping and comment legal notice.

We may contact those people who have indicated past interest in similar proposals, however, the best way for us to be sure of your interest is to hear directly from you on specific projects.

Where to call, write, or visit  return to top

ITo visit or write to our offices, see the Office Listing.

Privacy of your comments  return to top

Comments received in response to solicitation as part of the NEPA process, including names and addresses of those who comment, will be considered part of the public record on a proposed action. The full text of the comments will be available for public inspection.

Comments submitted anonymously will be accepted and considered; however, those who submit anonymous comments will not have standing to appeal the subsequent decision under 36 CFR Parts 215 or 217.

Additionally, regulations (7 CFR 1.27(d)), provide that any person may request the agency to withhold a submission from the public record by showing how the Freedom of Information Act permits such withholding.

Minor Proposals Not Listed  return to top

Minor proposals and response to requests from the public occasionally necessitate that NEPA analysis be conducted within a short time period (occur between SOPA listings). Typically, these are categories of minor actions excluded from full NEPA disclosure by federal policy. This may result in some decisions being made without prior SOPA listing.

Examples of such actions include special use permitting for private access, utility rights-of-way, and maintenance of roads and buildings. Scoping efforts for these proposals will continue to be conducted as applicable.

Additional Requests:

For additional requests, including change of address, please contact one of our offices.

Large print versions of the SOPA are provided by contacting the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest headquarters in Rhinelander, Wisconsin.

Legal Notice  return to top

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice). To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, or call (800) 795-3272 (voice). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Page last updated Jul. 8, 2008

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