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Teacher Resource Center: LInC Projects

The Fermilab LInC

Leadership Institute Integrating Internet, Instruction and Curriculum

Designed to demonstrate principles of engaged learning and effective use of technology by K-12 teachers who participated in staff development programs
at Fermilab.

Teachers created these projects as homework during the Fermilab LInC course for a particular community and school. Some of them may be A's; others C's. Some may be appropriate to adapt for your classroom; others may give you ideas for a project you want to develop. You may assess their merit using a rubric we developed for "publishable quality" projects. Projects are evolving as teachers gain more experience with engaged learning and the Internet as a tool. These projects are designed for a particular community and school. Other teachers may wish to modify them to reflect their own situations. Projects are evolving as teachers gain more experience with engaged learning and the Internet as a tool.

Bilingual Class Projects: Class HomePage
Student Pages

Birds Of A Feather: Science
Second graders and primary learning disabilities students are working on an integrated unit as part of the Chicago Academy of Science Museums in the Classroom Threatened, Endangered, and Extinct Species Program. Through this study students are introduced to the concept of plot studies. (The path study attempts to measure bird abundance over time and geographic area.) Student Pages

CheSSie: Science, Language Arts, Math
Two classes of fourth through sixth grade students, one in Maryland and the other in Washington, DC, are working cooperatively on a simulation to determine the health of rivers and streams in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Student Pages 1 - Student Pages 2

Children's Health: Language Arts: Expository and Persuasive Writing - Science: Health and Nutrition
Sixth grade students research and find out about the different foods people eat. They then take this information and incorporate it into their life in the form of a health and fitness program designed by a group of students. Student Pages

Communicating Through the Internet: Cross-curricular, Internet, Communications, e-mail

Cultural Scavenger Hunt: Social Studies - Diversity and Inter-relationships of People, Places and Events
Student Pages

Community and Ecosystems: Math, Science, Language Arts
Community and Ecosystems is an integrated unit for fourth and fifth graders in math, science, and language arts focusing on ecosystems, food chains and webs, predicator/prey relationships, and man's role in the destruction and protection of the environment. Using the scientific method, activities will include data collection, observation, and problem solving. Math skills include graphing, data analysis, statistics, and problem solving. Language Arts skills include vocabulary, journal writing, Microsoft Works reports, and multimedia reports using HyperStudio. This unit relates math, science and language arts to real-world applications through hands-on experiences and engaged and discovery learning. Student Pages

DinoHunt: Science - Dinosaurs, Math, Language Arts, Art
Student Pages

E-Mail to Learning: Language Arts - Reading, Writing, Literature, Technology, Research
Student Pages: Learning E-Mail - E-Mail Pals - Communicating with an Author - The Internet as a Resource

Everybody Eats Bread: Social Studies - World Cultures
Student Pages

Here A Bug, There A Bug: Science
Kindergarten students unearth insects on school grounds; use various sources including the Internet to research information about the insects; record tthe information and share this with classmates. The students also share information with Kindergarten students in other geographical areas via e-mail. Student Pages

Internet Interviews: All Curriculum Areas

I Want To Be An American Citizen: Social Studies
The bilingual students at Turner Elementary School are creating web pages to help their parents and friends study for the US Citizenship Test. These web pages contain information about immigrations issuess that will help the users to become American citizens. Student Pages

It's a Small World: Math, Language Arts, Geography
As a result of their participation in the Small World Project, fourth and fifth grade students develop the interest and abilities necessary to find reliable information on the Internet. They will understand the importance of global communication. (Spanish/English) students. Student Pages

KidLink: Written Language Skills for Children with Learning Disabilities
Student Pages

Kids in Space: Science - Astronomy
Student Pages

Learning to Live in a Risky World: History, Health, Math, Social Science , Science
This project fosters the development of critical-thinking skills, provides students with an opportunity to look at issues from multiple and empathetic perspectives, and provides an introduction to the concept of risk. It can therefore be integrated into lessons in history, health, math, social science, and/or science. This project provides students with opportunities to explore how many of the things they do on a daily basis entail risk. Students gain insight into how to engage in risk analysis on a personal level and make decisions accordingly. Student Pages

Lewis and Clark in Washington Shrub Steppe Habitat: Science, Math, Social Studies
The students at two school sites will research the natural areas adjacent to their schools. They will collect data on the flora and fauna of these areas. The third school will study Lewis and Clarke journal entries for comparison with the present-day data from the other two participating schools. Student Pages Grade 2 - Grade 4/5

Maya Mystery: Social Studies
The sixth grade students at Gary School are studying the ancient Maya civilization. The students are using a variety of materials, including Mayaquest on the Internet. The end product is a HyperStudio presentation demonstrating their knowledge of the ancient Maya Indians. Student Pages

Montgomery County to the Rescue!: Social Studies
The hometown of the Power Rangers, popular TV and movie action characters, has been destroyed by evil forces. The Rangers post an Internet plea for help in locating a new home base that is ethnically and culturally diverse. In order to convince the Rangers to adopt Montgomery County as their new home base, second grade students must find out specific facts about different ethnic and cultural groups in the community, and present these facts in a persuasive case to the Rangers. Students use the Internet and e-mail to obtain current facts about Montgomery County, and send their invitation back to the Rangers. Student Pages

Native American Dwellings: Social Studies
Fifth grade students will research the Native American Dwellings of various tribes and regions in the United States using various forms of technology. The information gleaned will be shared with other students both locally and throughout the country via the Internet and student product presentations. Student Pages

Rainforest Realities: Science, Language Arts, Math, Social Science
When posed with the problem of destruction of the rainforest, third and sixth grade students will develop interpersonal skills, research skills, content objectives, technical skills, and higher order thinking skills through an interactive, interdisciplinary, thematic project. Student Pages

The RainForest Walk: Science
Student Pages

A River Runs Through It: Ecology, Data Collection
A local river is the focus for this year-long series of integrated mathematics and science units for gifted fourth and fifth grade students. Student Pages

Regions: Meet the Experts: Math, Science, Social Studies, Language Arts
Students become "Experts" while engaged in creating a web page for others to learn about the plains, mountains, forests, and desert regions of the world. Student Pages

Route 66: Social Studies
Fourth or fifth grade students will research the history of Route 66 and in particular the history pertaining to Illinois. They will use this knowledge in preparation of a Route 66 Festival. Student Pages

ScienceNet: Science

The Seed Connection: Science, Social Studies, MSTe
The purpose of this project is to find the best conditions for growing plants. Through this venue students will develop an understanding of how math, science and technology are interrelated and can be used to solve real-life problems. They will use technology to interact with EMO botanists, (a sixth grade partner class), and a partner school in Africa, using hydroponics and conventional methods, in order to grow plants for a real-life purpose. The students will use BNL scientists as a real-life link in their investigations. They will create a problem statement, develop a plan, test their ideas and use construction technology as well as computer technology as a tool for research, planning, recording data and communication. Student Pages

Smallville's Prairie Problem: Science - Environmental Science, and/or Social Studies
The invitation to learn is offered via a fictitious newspaper story regarding the potential commercial development of a tallgrass prairie site. The resulting multidisciplinary science study has many common elements which can be tailored to various grade levels. Student Pages

Student Newspaper Project: Interdisciplinary

Three Little Pigs: Science, Math
A group of students from the Oneida Elementary School researched heat transfer by building a structure using straw bale walls. The students discovered the variety of materials used for insulation of structures around the world. The students worked with the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the project and learned of the value of research, collecting data and comparing data. Student Pages

Traveling the USA on the Internet: Social Studies, Science, Math, Language Arts
Student Pages

Vital Signs: Health
The focus of the Vital Signs project is to promote good health in our young people. It is the goal of the Vital Signs project that students everywhere will contribute to promoting good health decisions. Through the use of telecommunications, second through fourth grade students will research health related topics such as good nutrition, exercise, and basic body functions. They will analyze three research data and distribute it through the use of the Internet. The World Wide Web will assist students in communication with experts in related health fields. Electronic mail will be used in collaborative research effort between communities around the world. Students will have the opportunity to conduct health related research, discuss their findings, and present solutions for problems that are facing their generation. Student Pages 1 - Student Pages 2

Weather Project: Science, Social Studies, Language, Math, Technology

Welcome Back Carrie! Social Studies

Wetlands In Danger: Science - Language Arts
Students are able to identify the issues and concerns facing local wetland areas. They voice their concerns in the form of an essay. Student Pages

What Made Alexander So Great! U.S. Regional Study
This integrated, multidisciplinary unit involves gifted fourth and fifth grades in a simulation. Problem solving, decision-making, and research skills, as well as persuasive discourse and social studies content are emphasized. Student Pages

Where is the World is 5MT? Science, Geography
Student Pages

Where in the World is 5T? Science
Student Pages

Working Together to Improve the Community Interdisciplinary - Social Studies, Language Arts, Math
The purpose of this project is two-fold; the students will study the government and assess issues that are important to the local community. The students will demonstrate an understanding of what they learned as they participate in the political process by writing letters to their representatives in all levels of government. Student Pages

Activating EnergyNet: Physical Science - Electricity, Geometry, Applied Math Surging one step further than the EnergyNet data collection and interventions, junior high students at Carl Sandburg design resources for other students involved in the EnergyNet project and create Web pages for a district energy program. Student Pages

Add'm and Eve in the Garden: Math, Science
The students will form themselves into "company teams" to research and design raised beds for the Grice Middle School Vegetable Garden area. Students will select their own teammates giving consideration to the fact that each team should have some members who have Internet access and printer capability at home as the school facilities are limited. Each team will research "raised bed" gardening on the Internet locating general topical information, sources of commercial materials, and existing application sites. The team members will divide the labor of measuring and creating an accurate cost analysis for construction and actual design of both the overall garden plan and individual raised bed designs within the given existing area of the current garden. The team or a segment of it will discuss the use to which the adjacent garden area with be put. They will research and determine to what use they wish it to be put. A design for this additional habitat area will be submitted to the student council for funding. Ideas might come from discussions with other schools that already have garden areas in place. Student Pages

Attack A Cell, Any Cell: Seventh Grade Science
Student Pages

Band on Line: Sixth Grade Band
Student Pages

Bats: Biological and Physical Sciences
Student Pages

The Cutting Edge of Music Technology: Music - Technology, Instruments
Student Pages

Doctor, Doctor, Gimme The News: Interdisciplinary - Science, Health, Math, English, Reading, Use of Computer Technology
Student Pages

East Moriches Weather Watchers: Science, Mathematics, Technology
The sixth grade class at East Moriches School learn about weather and weather prediction in science class and how to research information using the Internet in computer class. The students' task is to:

  • set up a weather station on the school site to collect data on local weather conditions. Students collaborate with Brookhaven National Laboratory meteorologists and share their data with Long Island and New York area schools through Project W.A.R.M., a meteorological network developed in cooperation with the Laboratory. They access the Internet for up-to-date information on local and regional weather.
  • find ways to disseminate the local weather conditions to the school and surrounding community; students will broadcast a local weather report over the school closed-circuit television system and set up a local weather news Website.
Student Pages

Exploring Foreign Cultures: Social Studies
Semester-long project for eighth grade. Students are grouped to do an in-depth study of a country's culture. They are to include four concerns or social problems which are found in the U.S. and their country. Using the regular research sources plus adding Internet, students will connect with their country by e-mail, surveys, listservs, and newsgroups to do a compare and contrast between the two countries. By the end of the semester, the teams will each produce a Web Page including their information and results from their studies; a display for a Culture Expo to be held in the LLC will also be required. The Web Pages will be accessible during the Expo by students and parents visiting the LLC. Student Pages

Guild Hall: All subjects
Travel back in time to take on the role of apprentice, then master for one of the various guilds that existed during the Renaissance period. Experience, firsthand, applying for a guild apprentice card; meet masters who will teach you all that you will need to know to earn the status of journeyman (or woman) on the way to becoming a master in your own right. Student Pages

Health Wellness Interdisciplinary Unit: Lauguage Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies
Student Pages

Health Wellness Search Web: Health - Human Diseases
Student Pages

The Holocaust's Place in History: Social Studies, Language Arts
Student Pages

How Safe Is Your Backyard?: Science, Math, Language Arts, Technology
The World Wide Web has brought revolutionary changes to education. We can now observe new data as it happens. The potential for enhancing our classroom presentations with up-to-date information in a multimedia format offers students an exciting new way to learn. Students are exposed to the latest in technology and it gives them access to a variety of information using the Internet. Students will be able to communicate with other students and participate in a universal problem. Just how safe is your backyard? Test the soil and water to see. Student Pages

Life Science Research: Life Science
Student Pages

Monster Project: Mind's Eye: Interdisciplinary
Interdisciplinary unit which engages students in cooperative learning in Language Arts, Fine Arts, and Computers.

Out Of This World And Into Our Classroom: Math, Science - Astronomy
Student Pages

Passport to Africa: Integrated Language Arts and Reading, Social Studies
Student Pages

100% Recyclable: Social Studies, Science
Seventh grade students will be challenged to develop a school-wide recycling program. The challenge will be for everyone; students, teachers, administrators and especially the cafeteria and lunch program to recycle waste products. Students will form teams to investigate waste and waste management. They will also contact other schools throughout the country (via e-mail) and collect data on school recycling programs. Do they exist? How are they managed? What percentage of waste has to be hauled away? What are the costs for running such a program? The teams will be encouraged to develop a Total School Recycle Program to either internally handle waste, or to find resources that will productively utilize waste products. This will involve investigating the means of disposing or recycling all the waste generated from their school building. Can it be done? Student Pages

Salt Creek Investigation: Environmental Science
This interdisciplinary study of Salt Creek involves junior high students in the examination of authentic community problems. Through the use of technology and other community resources, students are introduced to water quality issues and develop proposals for interventions to improve water quality. Student Pages

Selecting a Harbor: Oceanography and the Impact of Oil Spills: Science
Interdisciplinary unit engaging students in cooperative learning structures in selecting three sites for oil shipping terminals. Student Pages

SIMply Prairie: Science, Environmental Science, and/or Social Studies
This multidisciplinary, inquiry-based project is based on a research problem related to prairie grasses and forbs. The open-ended problem lends itself to a variety of investigatory directions and is appropriate for students at all ability levels. The project provides opportunities for students to conduct quadrat studies, record and analyze their data, and compare their results with students at other prairie sites. The program is based on a local field-based program, Particles and Prairies, conducted at Fermilab for many years. A sampler of information and activities from this program is available online. Student Pages

Smallville's Prairie Problem: Science, Environmental Science, and/or Social Studies
The invitation to learn is offered via a fictitious newspaper story regarding the potential commercial development of a tallgrass prairie site. The resulting multidisciplinary science study has many common elements which can be tailored to various grade levels. Student Pages

Sol Cache-Solar Energy: Science, Math, Language Arts, Social Science
Through this project, students are introduced to important energy concepts and apply that knowledge to "real-life" situations. Students gain insight into energy supply and demand and develop critical thinking skills as they learn about these complex issues. Student Pages

Take a Ride Around the World on the Internet: Internet
Student Pages

Teaching in the Switched On Classroom: Introductory Technology (In Conjunction with an Interdisciplinary Unit - Social Studies, Science, Math, Language Arts)
Student Pages

There Is No Place Like . . . . SPACE: Art, Language Arts. Math, Reading, Social Studies, Science
Junior high students explore living in space through this interdisciplinary project. Student Pages

U.S. History Project: History
Student Pages

WebGraphics, Inc.: Social Studies
It's an international collaboration between Minnesota's Mahtomedi Middle School's eighth grade elective class "Movie Making . . . in Animation" and the John F. Kennedy Schule's computer science class in Berlin, Germany. Both schools have divided their classes into three teams. Each team is assigned to create, as their business, a graphic art's company to be home based on the World Wide Web (WWW). Along with being entrepreneurs in the graphic world, all teams are potential clients to the other cooperative school's teams. They will approach their problems creatively and in an interdisciplinary scope using a variety of sources such as mentors, facilitators, the library and the Internet. Student Pages

Were the Three Bears Robbed? An Issue of Teen Rights: Graphic Arts, Math, Technology, Science, Business
The Constitution is too powerful a document to be studied without our students realizing the tremendous impact it has on their lives as citizens. Help them become active participants by researching the Constitutional Amendments through familiar fairy tale characters. The purpose being to gain a greater appreciation of the Constitution and the rights it reserves for them an others. Student Pages

Working Together to Improve the Community Interdisciplinary - Social Studies, Language Arts, Math
The purpose of this project is two-fold; the students will study the government and assess issues that are important to the local community. The students will demonstrate an understanding of what they learned as they participate in the political process by writing letters to their representatives in all levels of government. Student Pages

Air Pollution: a Local and Global Problem: Chemistry
Students investigate the problem of air pollution in a given location and research possible solutions using a variety of tools (laboratory technology, Internet resources, multimedia technology, etc.).Student Pages

Around the World Zoo: Biology
Tenth grade students design and maintain a zoo Website. They research, classify, and provide habitats for different animals. They interact with experts in the animal field, such as zookeepers, veterinarians, and zoology professors. The students communicate with other students from around the world to learn about new animals to add to their zoo. Student Pages

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (Mad Cow Disease): Food Science
Student Pages

The Bridges Of Adams County: Drafting
Assisted by computer software programs and the Internet, eleventh grade Carpentry students along with eleventh and twelfth grade Drafting students at the Ohio Valley Vocational School in West Union, Ohio will design and build their own balsa wood model bridges. The technological development of bridges throughout history, the science principles that apply to bridge building, and the construction techniques and skills necessary for creating an exemplary bridge will be explored. The hoped-for final product of the activity is student contribution to their community regarding the future construction of bridges within their county. Student Pages

Build a Recreation Center Using Geometry: Geometry
Students work in groups to design specific parts of a recreation center. By choosing their area of interest, they will research and apply concepts of geometry. Student Pages

Cancer Therapy and Physics: Physics or Integrated Biology, Chemistry, Physics
This project provides student with the opportunity to apply their knowledge of electricity and magnetism, high energy physics, and radiation as they explore treatments and ultimately present and defend their preferred method of therapy. Student Pages

Careers in Mathematics Project: Math - Careers
Student Pages

Classical Greek Sculpture: Art - Sculpture
Student Pages

College Search Made Easy: Giudance and Counseling
Students find excellent, up-to-date, and personalized information about their college choices by using university home pages, scholarship Web sites, e-mail to college admissions counselors, and e-mail to college students. They will use this information to find a college that is a perfect fit. Student Pages

The Cutting Edge of Music Technology Music - Technology, Instruments
Student Pages

EcoWatch Biome Research Project: AP Biology
Student Pages

The Effects of Counseling on the Potential Drop-Out - Counseling
Fifteen tenth-grade students will be classified based on the following criteria: Failed three or more subjects, has an attendance rate less than 75 percent, low self-esteem, no parents or siblings ever graduated from high school, low socioeconomic status, and lacks self-motivation. Once these students are classifed as potentail drop-outs, they will engage in counseling strategy to affect this status. A survey will be designed and utilized to place these students in a potential drop-out classification. The counseling strategy will include an in-class session that will focus primarily on character building traits. Students will make Web pages and work on activities for topics. The parent's role is to serve as support and caregivers. The students will communicate with three different schools for students who have left school before graduation but have returned. This communication will be done through e-mail and other online programs. Student Pages

The Future of Social Security: Economics
The Social Security will go broke by the year 2025 if it remains as it is. An Advisory Council on Social Security can not agree on what to do to extend and expand Social Security. High school students will be a part of the Advisory Council's decision-making team. Some of them will be working with state representative, Jerry Weller from Illinois. The students will also be in contact with Peter Ladd, Field Director of Economic Security 2000 and Marcilyn Creque, Regional Volunteer Director for the American Association of Retired Persons. Peter and Marcy represent opposite opinions about the Social Security dilemna. Student Pages

Global Symposium: English, Biology, Algebra, Geography
Student Pages

How Do We Inherit Our Biological Characteristics?: Biology
Tenth grade biology students investigate human genetic disorders. Student Pages

How to Personalize Your College Search -- Or College Search Made Easy
Student Pages

Investment Portfolio: World of Business - How to Invest Your Money

International Relations: Presidential Brief Assignment: International Relations
Freshmen at Wheaton Warrenville South High School enrolled in the AP International Relations class, are assigned a semester-long engaged learning project by means of the Internet entitled - Presidential Brief Assignment. Student Pages

Multimedia Final Project: Computers, Math, Health, English, Science, Buisness, social studies
Student Pages

Point-Source Pollution: Science - Environmental Science, Science and Society, Pollution
Student Pages

Public Art Exchange Project: English - World Literature
Student Pages

The Recycler Project: Physics
This home page has been set up so that the non-scientist, or person with minimal science background, may learn a little about Fermilab's Recycler Project. It is a unique project that is remarkable in its simplicity, while requiring an intense knowledge of the structure and function of magnets, sub-atomic particles, nuclear accelerators. Even if you aren't an expert, you can still peruse this home page and learn, learn, learn! Student Pages

Relativity: Physics
This is an open ended investigative study of relativity. Student Pages

Roadmap To Buying A New Car: Comsumer Education/Business Education
Student Pages

Search for ET: Science - Physics
High school students physics concepts to investigate the existence of extraterrestrial life. Student Pages

Sight and Sound in Nature: Science
High school physics students choose from a variety of topics to demonstrate their understanding through year-end projects. Student Pages

Smallville's Prairie Problem: Biology, Environmental Science, Social Studies and/or Math
The invitation to learn is offered via a fictitious newspaper story regarding the potential commercial development of a tallgrass prairie site. The resulting multidisciplinary science study has many common elements which can be tailored to various grade levels. Student Pages

Supplying Our Water Needs - This interdisciplinary project involves students in a number of problems relating to water quality and supplying our water needs. This topic is a natural for study at all levels of elementary and secondary school. These units focus on projects that help students make connections among national issues, the school disciplines, and their own communities.

Take a Ride Around the World on the Internet: Internet
Student Pages

Technical Writing for Skill Development: Writing
Recent research is indicating that engaging students in authentic technical writing can improve student performance in all areas of the curriculum. Ninth through twelfth grade students involved in this project will work with peer review groups, on-line mentors and mathematics, science, social studies and language arts teachers and a project facilitator to learn the technical writing process and to publish technical writing pieces (on student designed web pages) for student selected non-profit organizations. Student Pages

Water, Water Everywhere and None to Drink - English
Ninth-grade students at Carver Area High School in Chicago will research the importance of maintaining an unpolluted water source for today and for the future. The students will determine what steps they can take to make their parents and the community-at-large more aware of the need for involvement in the effort to maintain a pure water supply. Student Pages

Weather Investigation Through the Internet: Earth Science
Student Pages

Wildlife Trade: Buyer Beware: Math, Social Studies, Science
This project demonstrates the feasibility of integrating learning strategies, math, social studies and science within a traditional high school schedule. Student Pages