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Teacher Resource Center: Customized Workshops

From time to time we receive requests for information about workshops offered through the Fermilab Teacher Resource Center. We have conducted workshops for schools, districts and intermediate service agencies. We work closely with organizers to customize the workshops to their needs—the discussion and collaboration is essential. We receive many requests for curriculum analysis and examination and inquiry workshops. The needs and goals of the organization determine the time frame, specific focus/emphasis and resources used.

All workshops are available free of charge. If we are going to the site, we request travel reimbursement. If there are grant monies and a contribution is possible, a donation to our non-profit organization is appreciated. If you would like to discuss possibilities, please contact:

Susan Dahl, TRC Education Specialist
Fermilab, MS 777, P.O. Box 500, Batavia, IL 60510-0500
(630) 840-3094,

Curriculum Analysis Workshops - This session begins with a refresher on mathematics and/or science standards, national initiatives and best practice research. Local needs, in the context of research, set the tone for inspecting many of the most recently published core mathematics and/or science program materials. You choose the grade level, content and programs to research and select from among several instruments to gather data.

Inquiry Zone: Inquiry Teaching and Learning - Depending on time availability, this can range from a 45-minute presentation to a half- or full-day workshop. We do hands-on, minds-on activities exploring why inquiry is an emphasis, what research says, where the questions come from, how to model and shape questions and teaching practices, how to introduce inquiry activities, manage inquiry within curriculum topics, and resources for helping teachers and students organize within an inquiry learning model. We use a variety of resource materials including hands-on activities and video, and share practical classroom aides.

TRI-it in Science - TRI (Trade books, Textbooks, Reading and Inquiry)-it in Science examines how reading, inquiry and science work hand-in-hand to support student learning. Participants will understand more about the necessary foundation of prior experiences through hands-on activities and activating learning through questioning. Experience how scientific reading can be a challenge. Experience a hands-on activity that can prompt further scientific investigation, questions to explore through supporting data and topics to reading more about. Examine the connections between reading and scientific investigation skills. Depending on available time this workshop can be an introductory session of one hour up to a three hour workshop.

Multimedia Evaluation - This one-day workshop begins with a one-hour presentation/discussion on finding, evaluating and integrating digital educational media tools for student-centered teaching and learning. Participants have access to hundreds of multimedia packages from CD for web-based (password protected included), DVD enriched and software embedded producets, for all grade levels representing all content areas with an emphasis on mathematics and science. Participants practice evaluation skills with their own unit topics identified prior to the workshop. For groups within two hours of Fermilab, the session is held at the Lederman Science Center. For groups more than two hours away, staff can bring this workshop to you on a portable lab. The minimum number for onsite workshops is 10, offsite minimum is 20; capacity of the session onsite is 25, offsite is negotiable.

Internet Workshops - We have a bit of everything from basic what is the Internet, how do we use the different components (e-mail, listserv, web) to effective searching and model classroom projects. We have been doing Internet workshops for about six years. Our office also has examples of teacher-developed online projects from LInC Online (

Technology Integration - We have done one- and two-day in-depth workshops on evaluation and best practice technology integration. We provide a template for integrating software or websites that participants use during the workshop. Participants look for software and websites that meet evaluation criteria that link the instructional modes and resources to unit teaching/learning objectives. We share sample lessons integrating standards for content, information literacy and technology. For groups within two hours of Fermilab, the session is held at the Lederman Science Center. For groups more than two hours away, staff can bring this workshop to you on a portable lab. The minimum number for onsite workshops is 10, offsite minimum is 20; capacity of the session onsite is 25, offsite is negotiable.