
Press Release- Feb 07, 2007


Evan Dreyer, 720.350.8370


Governor taps Aden, Kennedy & Tointon to lead panel

Gov. Bill Ritter today announced Doug Aden, Cary Kennedy and Bob Tointon as co-chairs of the Colorado Transportation Finance and Implementation Panel, a blue ribbon task force that will lead a statewide conversation about the future of Colorado's transportation system.

"These three strong and visionary leaders bring an unprecedented depth of transportation, finance and private-sector expertise to the table," Ritter said. "They share my passion for engaging the people of Colorado in a dialogue about how we create a modern, 21st century transportation system that will support a vibrant economy and enhance our quality of life."

Doug Aden is the current chairman of the Colorado Transportation Commission. He has served on the commission for the last 10 years. He spent 34 years in the banking industry, including 14 years as regional president for U.S. Bank in Western Colorado. He lives in Grand Junction.

Cary Kennedy was elected treasurer in November. She started her public service career in 1998 in the Romer administration and has become one of the state's preeminent budget and financing experts. She helped lead the Amendment 23 and Referendum C coalitions, and she worked as policy director for House Speaker Andrew Romanoff.

Bob Tointon
is president of Phelps-Tointon Inc. and before that was president/CEO of Hensel Phelps Construction from 1975 to 1989. He lives in Greeley and was inducted into the Colorado Business Hall of Fame in 2003. He earned his engineering degree from Kansas State University and has served on numerous economic development boards.

Ritter said the panel's complete membership of 20 to 30 people will be named within the next several weeks. The panel will kick off its work with a transportation summit in April. During the spring and summer, the task force will hold regional hearings on the Front Range, Eastern Plains, Western Slope, San Luis Valley and central mountains.

The panel's mission will include examining Colorado's transportation funding mechanisms and the process by which transportation projects are prioritized. The panel also will be asked to identify possible long-term, sustainable revenue sources. Two of Colorado's primary transportation revenue streams, the gas tax and Highway Users Trust Fund, are not keeping up with rising maintenance and construction costs.

"Creating a transportation panel isn¿t a new concept," Ritter said. "But this effort will differ because all options will be on the table. We will not limit the panel's ability to explore new ideas and creative solutions.

"We all recognize that investing in a modern, efficient and safe transportation system is vital to our economic development and overall quality of life," the governor added. "By naming these co-chairs, we take the first step in asking the people of Colorado, "What sort of 21st century transportation system do we want? How much will it cost? What's the best way to pay for it?"

Ritter said the panel will present recommendations by the end of 2007.