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Precocious Puberty
What is precocious puberty?
Precocious puberty is puberty that begins before age 8 years for girls and before age 9 years for boys.   The word “precocious” means developing unusually early.

What are the signs of precocious puberty?
The signs of precocious puberty are the same as those for regular puberty.  The difference is that they start to occur at a younger age than normal. 
  • For females, signs include development of breasts, pubic hair, and underarm hair; increased growth rate; and menstrual bleeding.
  • In boys, signs include growth of the penis and testicles, development of pubic and underarm hair, muscle growth, voice changes, and increased growth rate.
What causes precocious puberty?
Sometimes precocious puberty is the result of a structural problem in the brain that triggers puberty to begin too early.  There are many conditions that may lead to precocious puberty, such as:

But in many cases, there is no identifiable cause for the precocious puberty.  Puberty just starts earlier than normal.  If you think your child is beginning puberty early, talk to your child’s health care provider.

What is the treatment for precocious puberty?
Treatment for precocious puberty can help stop puberty until the child is closer to the normal time for sexual development.  One reason to consider treating precocious puberty is that rapid growth and bone maturation can prevent a child from reaching his or her full height potential.

Children grow rapidly in height during puberty and reach their final adult height after puberty.  Children who go through puberty too early may not reach their full adult height potential because their growth stops too soon. 

Another reason to consider treating precocious puberty is that a young child may not be psychologically ready for the physical and hormonal changes that occur in puberty.

If precocious puberty is caused by a specific medical problem, treating the underlying problem can often stop the puberty. In addition, precocious puberty can often be stopped by medical treatment to block the hormones that cause puberty.