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2002 News Releases

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December 23, 2002   Scientists Devise Tiny Liquid Crystal Devices for Telecommunications
December 19, 2002   Brookhaven Lab Added Over $31 Million to Long Island Economy in 2002
December 17, 2002   BioSurface Engineering Technologies, Inc. Licenses Brookhaven Lab’s Novel Synthetic Growth Factor Technology
December 3, 2002   Addicts' Brains Work Harder to Control Behavior
November 26, 2002   Women in Science High School Career Day Held at Brookhaven Lab
November 22, 2002   Singer-Songwriters Jim Dexter and Bill Meehan to Perform at Brookhaven Lab, December 14
November 19, 2002   Scientists Reveal a New Way Viruses Cause Cells to Self-Destruct
November 14, 2002   Molecular Film on Liquid Mercury Reveals New Properties
November 5, 2002   New Tool for Studying Animal Models of Neurological and Psychiatric Diseases
October 31, 2002   Scientists Identify Role of Important Cancer Protein
October 29, 2002   New Technique Reveals Structure of Films With High Resolution
October 21, 2002   Brookhaven Lab Chemist to Receive Environmental Leadership Award From Southampton College
October 8, 2002   Brookhaven Lab’s Raymond Davis Jr. Wins Nobel Prize in Physics
October 7, 2002   Brookhaven Lab Releases 2001 Environmental Report
October 3, 2002   Low Dose Radiation Research Grants Awarded
September 27, 2002   Daedalus Quartet to Give a Free Concert at Brookhaven Lab on October 16
September 25, 2002   Brookhaven Researcher Named “Innovator of the Year” by LI Business News
September 19, 2002   Study reveals how a virus escapes from host cells and returns to the environment
September 12, 2002   Biological serendipity: Molecular Details of Cell Membrane Fusion Revealed
August 27, 2002   Independent Auditor Renews Brookhaven Lab’s Registration To International Environmental Standard
August 26, 2002   Unique Structures in Molybdenum Blue Solutions Reveal Possible New Solute State
August 21, 2002   Brookhaven Spotlights: News From the 224th American Chemical Society Meeting, August 2002
August 19, 2002   Classical Indian Dance Performance at Brookhaven Lab, September 7
August 15, 2002   Brookhaven Lab, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and Industrial Partners Win R&D 100 Award for a Smart, High-Performance Coating
August 14, 2002   Mount Sinai High School Student Studies Adult/Child Fingerprint Differences At Brookhaven Lab
August 12, 2002   Four Brookhaven Lab Scientists Named Fellows of American Physical Society
August 12, 2002   Spanish Classical and Flamenco Concert at Brookhaven Lab, September 21
August 6, 2002   Queens College Student Wins Chasman Scholarship
August 1, 2002   Laura Sbarra Named Manager of Brookhaven Lab’s Occupational Medicine Clinic
July 30, 2002   Physicists Announce Latest Muon g-2 Measurement
July 30, 2002   Brookhaven Lab Receives Award for Psychologically Healthy Workplace
July 29, 2002   Future Teachers Learn Science at Brookhaven Lab
July 29, 2002   Scientists Determine Age of New World Map
July 25, 2002   Nanoscale Crystallography Reveals Hidden Structural Details
July 18, 2002   Scientists Create New Material With Varying Densities of Gold Nanoparticles
July 17, 2002   Brookhaven Lab’s Garbage Truck to Use Vegetable Oil in Hydraulic System
July 8, 2002   Air Quality Study Focuses on New England
June 27, 2002   Scientist Wins Award for High-Pressure Research
June 21, 2002   “Summer Bash” Concert at Brookhaven Lab Features Blues & Rock, July 13
June 20, 2002   More Clues About Obesity Revealed by Brain-Imaging Study
June 17, 2002   New Insight Into Origin of Superconductivity in Magnesium Diboride
June 14, 2002   Energy Secretary Abraham Announces Center for Nanosciences at Brookhaven Lab
June 13, 2002   Five Female Students Awarded 2002 Battelle-Brookhaven Women in Science Awards
June 5, 2002   Conducting-Insulating Materials Reveal Their Secrets
June 5, 2002   Free Summer Sunday Tours at Brookhaven Lab, July 14 – August 25
June 4, 2002   Brookhaven Lab Recruits Four Long Island Students for Internships in the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna
June 3, 2002   Air-Sampling Study IDs Source of Excessive Ozone Pollution
May 21, 2002   Author Susan Quinn to Give Talk at Brookhaven Lab On Experimental Drug Trials, June 12
May 20, 2002   New Food-Addiction Link Found
May 17, 2002   Students from Local School Districts Take First-Place Honors in Brookhaven Lab’s Science Fair
May 17, 2002   Stony Brook University Student Awarded 2002 Scharff-Goldhaber Prize in Physics
May 9, 2002   Raymond Davis Jr. Awarded National Medal of Science
May 9, 2002   Huntington High School student wins Brookhaven’s 2002 model bridge contest
May 7, 2002   Statement to Correct Earlier Deer Sample Report From Brookhaven National Laboratory
May 6, 2002   Brookhaven Lab Engineer Elected Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers
May 2, 2002   Looking for Clues About How Proteins Talk to Each Other
April 29, 2002   Brookhaven Lab Researchers Develop a Method for Producing Electrodes Using Nanoscale Materials
April 29, 2002   Harpist Ruth Bennett in Concert at Brookhaven Lab, May 29
April 23, 2002   Brookhaven Lab Scientist Wins Environmental Mutagen Society Award
April 20, 2002   Sensitive Measurement by SNO Observes Solar Neutrinos in a New Way
April 16, 2002   Tamoxifen and Estrogen Have Similar Effects on the Brain
April 15, 2002   Physicist-Author Freeman Dyson to Give a Lecture Series at Brookhaven Lab — “Unfashionable Thoughts About Science and Technology,” May 13, 14, 15
April 15, 2002   Brain-Imaging Study Offers Clues to Inhalant Abuse
April 8, 2002   Brookhaven Lab Scientist Helps the Federal Election Commission Revise Guidelines for Voting Systems
April 7, 2002   Brookhaven Spotlights: News From the April 2002 American Chemical Society Meeting
April 5, 2002   Brookhaven Spotlights: News from the National Synchrotron Light Source
April 4, 2002   Deborah Johnson Named Brookhaven Lab’s Director of Internal Audit
March 28, 2002   Brookhaven Lab Scientist Wins Glenn T. Seaborg Award for Nuclear Chemistry
March 22, 2002   Brookhaven Lab Hosts Earth Day Run, April 20
March 22, 2002   Brookhaven Town Honors Two Brookhaven Lab Employees
March 18, 2002   Brookhaven Spotlights: News From the March 2002 American Physical Society Meeting
March 13, 2002   Energy Department Announces Leadership Changes At Brookhaven and Oak Ridge Offices
March 6, 2002   Civil Rights Pioneer to Speak at Brookhaven Lab, March 21
March 1, 2002   Study Reveals Differences in Patients’ Response to Ritalin
February 28, 2002   Atmospheric Aerosols Found to Brighten Clouds
February 27, 2002   Nanoscience Workshop at Brookhaven National Laboratory
February 27, 2002   Department of Energy, EPA, and N.Y. State Reach Agreement On Cleanup of Brookhaven Lab’s Sewage Treatment Plant
February 26, 2002   Women in Science High School Career Day Held at Brookhaven Lab
February 19, 2002   Jeffrey Swenson Named Staff Services Manager at Brookhaven Lab
February 5, 2002   ‘An Evening of Jazz’ at Brookhaven Lab, March 5
February 4, 2002   Brookhaven Women in Science Offers Scholarship for Women Science Students
January 29, 2002   Brookhaven Lab Chemist Elected Fellow of the Optical Society of America
January 10, 2002   Physicists See Once-in-a-Trillion Event — Again!
January 9, 2002   Long Island Weather of 2001 — A Blizzard in March, Blossoms in December
January 3, 2002   Brookhaven Scientists Develop New Imaging Method
January 3, 2002   Brookhaven Lab Added Over $24 Million To Long Island Economy in 2001
January 3, 2002 Gospel Extravaganza at Brookhaven Lab, February 2