Press Room

November 20, 2007

Secretary Paulson Statement on the Appointment
of Judith R. Tillman as FMS Commissioner

Washington- Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson, Jr. issued the following statement today announcing the appointment of Financial Management Service Commissioner Judith R. Tillman, effective January 4, 2008, upon the retirement of Commissioner Kenneth R. Papaj:

"I am pleased to announce the appointment of Judith Tillman as FMS Commissioner. I am confident that Ms. Tillman will serve the American people in an exemplary manner in her new position. She is an outstanding addition to our team of bureau heads within Treasury and brings a wealth of experience to our critical responsibility of effectively managing U.S. government finances."

Ms. Tillman has worked at FMS and the Internal Revenue Service for more than 34 years. For the past 18 months, she has served as FMS Deputy Commissioner. Prior to that, she was the FMS Assistant Commissioner for Regional Operations, responsible for issuing federal payments at Financial Centers across the country for hundreds of Federal agencies.

FMS has primary responsibility for the Federal Government's payments and collections, annually processing more than one billion disbursements to more than 100 million people, processing over $3 trillion in Federal revenues, and collecting over $3.5 billion in delinquent debt. As manager of the government's central accounting and financial reporting systems, FMS issues the annual Financial Report of the U.S. Government.
