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Oak Ridge Reservation: Communications & Outreach Work Group

Communications and Outreach Work Group Meeting Minutes
February 11, 2003


Donna Mosby
David Johnston
James Lewis
Lorine Spencer, ATSDR representative
Bill Murray, ATSDR liaison until 7p

I. New Recommendation:
Donna and Peggy have not met. Donna will continue to try and contact Peggy. If that happens, she will email a copy of the proposed recommendation to the members of COWG prior to 2/18th for approval. If not it will be addressed at the next meeting.

II. Review changes made to the briefing book

  1. Organizational chart...
    1. Change to landscape
    2. Reduce size of liaison blocks and remove color
    3. Increase the size of blocks for all the w/groups
    4. Make arrow lines dotted line and make them bolder
    5. Want the attn drawn to the w/groups and community opportunities block
    6. Place w/group and community opportunity block in color if possible
  2. Add project summary sheet
  3. On back of community health concerns database sheet place concerns # 29, #30, and #31 from the PHA on Uranium Y-12 releases.
  4. Community Concerns Comment Sheet place the request for information after the health concern portion to make flow consistent
  5. ORRHES fact sheet include graphics

III. Review Recommendations to be sent to ORRHES for consideration:

  1. ATSDR, in collaboration with COWG, develop a briefing book to be provided to the media and key groups and provide periodic updates for the book.
  2. ATSDR, in collaboration with ORRHES, will develop a semi-annual newsletter for program overview and updates.
  3. ATSDR will develop and issue-based, cross-referenced index of key issues based on the various agendas from meetings to be placed on the website.
  4. ATSDR put the summary of the project plan on the website.
  5. ATSDR supply the resources needed to develop briefing papers for focused PHAs on each COC for distribution 2 weeks prior to public release/ORRHES meeting.

IV. Review the fact sheet on the PHA for Y-12 Uranium Releases.
Hold until the next meeting.

V. Recommendation re: presentation on the PHA for Y-12 Uranium Releases COWG recommends one (1) central presentation for PHA on each COC as necessary. If interest is expressed for another presentation in another community, the request will be made to ORRHES who will then determine the need for a presentation.

IV. Next meeting date: Plan to meet at 11:30a on March 3rd , 2003 prior to the ORRHES meeting.


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