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  Intercarrier Compensation Proceedings

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Intercarrier Compensation Proceedings

Following are key proceedings on comprehensive intercarrier compensation reform, access reform, compensation for Internet-bound traffic, and application of intercarrier compensation to voice over Internet protocol, or VoIP.  Intercarrier compensation reform is also closely linked to reform of universal service.

Comprehensive Intercarrier Compensation Reform

Phantom traffic proposal, filed by the United States Telecom Association
Ex parte:  Acrobat

Phantom traffic proposal, filed by NECA.
Ex parte:  Acrobat

Phantom traffic interim process and call detail records proposal filed by supporters of the Missoula Plan.
Proposal: Acrobat

Missoula Plan, filed by the NARUC Task Force on Intercarrier Compensation

  1. Cover Letter to Chairman Martin [Acrobat]
  2. Missoula Plan Fact Sheet [Acrobat]
  3. NARUC Press Release[Acrobat]
  4. Missoula Plan[Acrobat]
  5. Missoula Plan Phantom Traffic Proposal -- filed 11/6/06[Acrobat]
  6. Federal Benchmark – filed 1/30/07 [Acrobat]

Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Continuing the Commission's Ongoing Re-examination of All Regulated Forms of Intercarrier Compensation.
FNPRM: Acrobat

This Further Notice seeks comment on reform proposals or principles submitted by the following telecommunications industry and interest groups:

  • The Cost Based Intercarrier Compensation Coalition (CBICC) [Acrobat]
  • The Intercarrier Compensation Forum (ICF) [Acrobat]
  • Alliance For Rational Intercarrier Compensation (ARIC)
    • Plan [Acrobat]
    • Appendix E Continued: Proposed Rule Revisions - Part 32 [Acrobat]
    • Appendix E: Proposed Rule Revisions - Part 51 [Acrobat]
    • Appendix E Continued: Proposed Rule Revisions - Part 61 [Acrobat]
  • The Expanded Portland Group (EPG) [Acrobat]
  • The National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates (NASUCA)[Acrobat]
  • Western Wireless [Acrobat]
  • Home/PBT Telecom [Acrobat]
  • CTIA - The Wireless Association (CTIA)[Acrobat]

T-Mobile et al. Petition for Declaratory Ruling Regarding Incumbent LEC Wireless Termination Tariffs.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Declaratory Ruling and Report and Order: Word | Acrobat

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Re-examine Intercarrier Compensation and Develop a More Unified Regime Governing Payment Flows Among Telecommunications Carriers.
NPRM: Text | Acrobat

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Access Reform

Commission Acts on Petitions Filed by PrairieWave Telecommunications, Inc., SouthEast Telephone, Inc., and Cox Communications, Inc.
Order: Word | Acrobat

FCC Seeks Comment on Alleged Access Stimulation.
Commission Also Grants In Part Qwest Access Stimulation Complaint.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
NPRM: Word | Acrobat
MO&O: Word | Acrobat

FCC Denies Core Communications Inc. Petition for Forbearance from Sections 251(g) and 254(g) of the Communications Act and Implementing Rules.
Order: Word | Acrobat

Coalition For Affordable Local And Long-Distance Services Petition For Reconsideration of the CALLS Order dismissed as moot.
Order: Word | Acrobat

Special Access Rates for Price Cap Local Exchange Carriers and AT&T Corp. Petition for Rulemaking to Reform Regulation of Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier Rates for Interstate Special Access Services.
Order & NPRM: Word | Acrobat

FCC Maintains Lower Access Rates Charged By Competitive Carriers.
Eighth Report and Order and Fifth Order on Reconsideration.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Order: Word | Acrobat
Powell Statement: Word | Acrobat

Sprint PCS and AT&T Corp. Petition for Declaratory Ruling on Wireless Access Charges.
Declaratory Ruling: Word | Acrobat

Multi-Association Group (MAG) Plan to Reform the Interstate Access Charge and Universal Service Support System for Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers Subject to Rate-of-Return Regulation.
Order and FNPRM: Text | Acrobat

CALLS Access Charge Reform for Price Cap Carriers
News Release:  Text
Order: Text | Acrobat

Commission Limits Competitive Local Exchange Carriers’ Ability to File Tariffs.
Seventh Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.
Order: Word |  Acrobat 

Fifth Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Pricing Flexibility and Other Access Charge Reforms.
Order:  [ Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat ]

Price Cap Fourth Report & Order
Order:  Text | Acrobat

Commission Reforms Interstate Access Charge System
(Access Charge Reform First Report & Order, FCC 97-158)
Order: Text  Acrobat

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Compensation for Internet-Bound Traffic

Core Petition for Writ of Mandamus to the FCC (U.S. Court of Appeals, D.C. Circuit).
Granted: Acrobat

Core Communications, Inc. v. FCC (U.S. Court of Appeals, D.C. Circuit).
Opinion: Acrobat

FCC Denies Core Petition for Forbearance With Respect to Rate Caps and the Mirroring Rule, and Grants Forbearance With Respect to Growth Caps and New Markets Rule.
Order: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat

WorldCom, Inc. v. FCC (U.S. Court of Appeals, D. C. Circuit).
Remanded for further proceedings.
Opinion: Word | Acrobat

Commission resolves intercarrier compensation rules for internet-bound traffic.
(ISP Remand Order)
News Release
Order: Word | Acrobat 

Bell Atlantic Telephone Cos v. FCC (U.S. Court of Appeals, D.C. Circuit). Vacated and remanded.
Opinion: Word

FCC Adopts Order Addressing Dial-Up Internet Traffic, Seeks Comment on Proposals to Govern Future Compensation Agreements. (FCC 99-38)
News Release & Statements
Order: Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat

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Application of Intercarrier Compensation to VoIP

Embarq Petition for Forbearance from Enforcement of the ESP Exemption for IP-Enabled Voice Calls Terminated to the Public Switched Telephone Network
Public Notice: Acrobat

Feature Group Petition for Forbearance from Application of Access Charges to VoIP.
Public Notice: Acrobat

FCC Decision on Petition for Declaratory Ruling that AT&T's Phone-to-Phone IP Telephony Services are Exempt from Access Charges.
Order: Word | Acrobat
Powell Statement: Word | Acrobat
Abernathy Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Moves to Allow More Opportunities for Consumers Through Voice Services Over the Internet.
NPRM: Text | Acrobat
News Release (2/12/04): Word | Acrobat
Powell Statement: Text | Acrobat
Abernathy Statement: Acrobat
Copps Statement: Text | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Text | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Text | Acrobat

FCC Rules That Pulver.com's Free World Dialup Service Should Remain Free From Unnecessary Regulation.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Order (2/19/04): Acrobat
Powell Statement: Word | Acrobat
Abernathy Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat

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last reviewed/updated on 07/11/2008 

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