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Consolidated Statement of Changes in Net Position

U.S. Agency for International Development
For the Years Ended September 30, 2007 and 2006
(Dollars in Thousands)
  2007 2006
  Consolidated Total Consolidated Total
Cumulative Results of Operations:    
Beginning Balances $1,362,566 $760,502
Adjustments-Changes in Accounting Principles (Note 20) $(1,026,284) $–
Beginning Balances, as Adjusted 336,282 760,502

Budgetary Financing Sources:
Appropriations Used 9,235,818 9,675,521
Donations and Forfeitures of Cash and Cash Equivalents 117,541 71,962
Transfers-in/out without Reimbursement 1,189,017
Other Financing Sources (Non-Exchange):    
Imputed Financing 21,858 19,288
Total Financing Sources 9,375,217 10,955,788
Net Cost of Operations (9,295,894) (10,353,724)
Net Change 79,323 602,064

Cumulative Results of Operations
415,605 1,362,566

Unexpended Appropriations:
Beginning Balance 14,334,819 13,004,174
Adjustments-Changes in Accounting Principles (Note 20) (896,460)
Beginning Balance, as Adjusted 13,438,359 13,004,174

Budgetary Financing Sources:
Appropriations Received 10,853,865 10,238,890
Appropriations Transferred in/out (64,272) 845,076
Other Adjustments (204,904) (77,800)
Appropriations Used (9,235,818) (9,675,521)
Total Budgetary Financing Sources 1,348,871 1,330,645
Total Unexpended Appropriations 14,787,230 14,334,819

Net Position
$15,202,835 $15,697,385

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.


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Mon, 14 Jan 2008 09:12:05 -0500