I Want to be an American Citizen
Project Presentation

 Subject/Content Area


Alignment with National Standards 

 Time Frame

 Learner Description

 Learner Outcomes


 Citizenship Project

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Subject/Content Area:

Social Studies - American History, American Government; ESL- translations, vocabulary; Language Arts - reference skills, writing paragraphs.





A collaborative four to six week project that includes: research on American History and Government; learning a web page editor program (PageMill) and the use of the Internet that will result in the creation of students' web pages. The web page will help future US citizens to study for the US citizenship test.




Alignment with National Standards:

This project demonstrates elements of the National US History, Government/Civics and Language Arts Standards:

Standard 4 Level II
Standard 6 Level II
Standard 8 Level II

Standard 8 Level II
Standard 9 Level II
Standard 15 Level II

Standard 3 Level II
Standard 4 Level II

Back to learner outcomes





Time Frame for Carrying Out Project:

Students spend four to six weeks in 45 minute periods, five days a week, researching, learning a web page editor program, and creating a web page. The project lasts one month and up dating the web page occurs throughout the academic year.



Learner Description:

The fourth,fifth, and sixth grade bilingual students at Turner Elementary School in West Chicago, Illinois will participate. They all are ESL students. Their first language is Spanish and it is also the language they speak at home.


Learner Outcomes:

The 5th grade bilingual students will learn information about American history and Government -see Alignment with National Standards- They will learn to gather information using different sources (CD ROMS, Internet, Library, etc.) They will be able to use decision-making skills to evaluate this information. Students will write or translate paragraphs from English to Spanish and vice versa. As an additional learner outcome the students will learn to create web pages by learning Adobe PageMill a web page editor.





Assessment of Students:

The students are evaluated daily and the evaluation is based on their portfolio contained in a computer disk. The disk portfolio contains the student's work which includes web pages, e-mail (sent and recived), HyperStudio cards, translations, research, and any other information they may use.




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Author: Salvador Tamayo, tamawal@ix.netcom.com, Turner Elementary School, West Chicago, IL.
Created for The Fermilab LInC program sponsored by the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Education Office and Friends of Fermilab and supported by the Illinois State Board of Education.
Selection of the Top Ten LInC Projects was funded by North Central Regional Technology in Education Consortium.
Last updated: Septmeber 19, 1997