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U.S. Department of Labor 
Employment and Training Administration
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John C. Kluczynski Building
230 South Dearborn Street, 6th floor
Chicago, IL 60604-1505

November 21, 2003



FROM:                            Byron Zuidema
                   BYRON ZUIDEMA
                   Regional Administrator

SUBJECT:    Region 5 Reorganization

1.  Purpose.  To inform State Workforce Agencies of changes to the structure of the Chicago and Kansas City Regional Offices.

2.  References. Information Bulletin 063-03, March 7, 2003.

3.  Links.  This Letter is in the Region 5 website Library at:

4.  Background.  The Employment and Training Administration (ETA) is proceeding to implement a reorganization of its offices, divisions and units to better serve its customers. This reorganization is  consistent with similar changes in the agency’s National Office and will parallel the organizational structure of other ETA Regional Offices in the nation.

5.  Substance.  Effective December 1, 2003, Regional Offices in Region 5 will adopt the following organizational structure and functional roles:

Office of the Regional Administrator (ORA)

Byron Zuidema, Regional Administrator, 312.596.5400

April Hall

Sandy Wilson

a.  Advises, assists and provides input to the ETA Deputy Assistant Secretary for Performance and Administration on strategic planning, policy, program operation and performance accountability for the development and administration of a national workforce investment system.

b.  Manages and directs all workforce development activity in the Region, with the exception of Job Corps and BAT activities.   Serves as the chief spokesperson and focal point for overall workforce development system activities and issues within the Region.

c.  Ensures that Regional performance data analysis is used to identify performance improvement and to drive the delivery of technical assistance.

d.  Implements and oversees a regionwide strategy for discretionary grantees.

e.  Manages and directs Regional efforts, through collaboration with State and local partners and other stakeholders, to identify and resolve system‑wide crosscutting activities, initiatives, and issues necessary to achieve an integrated coordinated workforce development system, including management and governance activities.

f.  Provides leadership to Regional staff, grantees, partner organizations, including business and labor organizations, and other stakeholders for the implementation and continuous improvement in the State and local workforce system.

g.  Provides leadership and guidance to State and other grantees for the development, approval and administration of plans for WIA, Wagner‑Peyser, Ul, trade programs and other programs that meet established performance requirements and provides effective compliance assistance.

h.  Engages employers, labor and Federal, State and local partners under the workforce development system to plan design and deliver a comprehensive, streamlined One‑Stop delivery system throughout the designated workforce investment area that provides for universal access, customer choice, quality labor exchange and reemployment services.

i.  Collaborates with ETA National Office managers on strategic planning, development of national policies, continuous improvement approaches, and implementation plans.

j.  Provides leadership and guidance to State grantees for the development, approval and administration of the Foreign Labor Certification Program.

k.  Works with the Office of Field Operations and the national program offices to manage personnel and budgetary resources in the region to ensure fulfillment of ETA's mission and priorities.

Office of System Performance (OSP)

Nick Lammers, Regional Director, 312.596.5520

Division of Workforce Investment (DWI)

Fred Homan, Division Chief, 816.502.9019

Connie Coleman

John Scott

One-Stop and Business Services Unit (OSBSU)

Vacant, Unit Chief

Marium Baker

Shirley Burnett

Ken Casterline

Dixie Henderson

John Maclennan

Lance Potts

Stacy O’Keefe

a.  Engages Federal, State and local partners under the WIA and Wagner-Peyser Act,  UI, adult, youth, dislocated worker, and trade programs, to plan, design and deliver a comprehensive, streamlined One‑Stop delivery system throughout the designated workforce investment area that provides for universal access, customer choice, and quality labor exchange, reemployment and employer services.

b.  Provides timely and responsive policy guidance and technical assistance using ETA-wide risk analysis techniques and tools that identify grantees at greatest risk and most likely in need of on-site review and assistance.

c.  Analyzes data and reports in collaboration with OSS and ODPFLC to assess achievement of performance and GPRA goals. Identifies best practices and elements of successful systems.

d.  Increases the awareness and involvement of workforce investment partners in furthering the priority goals and special program initiatives of the Department and ETA.

e.  Assists in developing and implementing work plans to implement ETA’s oversight strategy, and provides assistance to Federal Project Officers (FPOs) on using tools to support compliance assistance activities.

f.  Provides leadership and oversight on administration of a State monitor advocate system which advocates for quality labor exchange, job placement and worker protection rights to assist migrant and seasonal farm workers pursue and obtain employment and career choices.   Assists states to comply with MSFW regulations, overall ES complaint system, and resolves complaints elevated to the Regional Office.

g.  Provides leadership for the assessment and identification of compliance assistance needs of State and local workforce system partners, for the development of training and technical assistance materials, and for the provision of training that meets the customer's needs, contributes to quality programs and results in a high return on investment.

h.  Represents and works collaboratively on workforce investment programs with State and local partners, other federal agencies and stakeholders representing business, labor, education and youth advocacy organizations.

i.  Continually assesses customer satisfaction and the effectiveness of services provided by federal staff and develops strategies to improve the quality of service delivery through ongoing strategic planning and staff capacity building activities.

j.  Conducts grant management reviews of WIA One‑Stop delivery system and Wagner-Peyser Act, tax credits, adult, youth, Worker Profiling and Reemployment Services activities to ensure the State's fulfillment of established Federal requirements and policies. Uses performance data analysis to drive delivery of technical assistance. Assists State agencies and local workforce areas in the development of improvement plans.  May use automated systems e.g. Grants e-Management System (GEMS) to track findings, corrective action plans and performance improvement.

k.  Performs the duties of a Federal Project Officer on assigned grants.

Unemployment Insurance and Reeemployment Services Unit (UIRSU)

Vacant, Unit Chief

Patricia Hernandez

Mary Ann Johnson

Ray Koch

Gerardo Lara

John Montague

Linda Mulcahey

Barry O’Connell

Dominic Pavese

Linda Spitzengel

Paul Tomaska

Steve Weigel

John Williamson

Matthew Withers

a.  Provides leadership and guidance to State grantees for the development, approval and administration of State plans for Unemployment Insurance and Trade Act programs.

b.  Provides timely and responsive policy guidance and technical assistance using ETA-wide risk analysis techniques and tools that identify grantees at greatest risk and most likely in need of on-site review and assistance.

c.  Conducts grant management reviews of UI Benefit and Tax Quality Control, Worker Profiling and Reemployment Services, and Trade Act programs to ensure the State's fulfillment of established Federal requirements and policies. Uses performance data analysis to drive delivery of technical assistance. Assists State agencies in the development of improvement plans. May use automated systems, e.g. GEMS, to track findings, corrective action plans and performance improvement.

d.  Analyzes data and reports to assess achievement of the UI and Trade Act performance standards. Identifies best practices and elements of successful systems.

e.  Provides leadership and technical assistance to State grantees on compliance with the Secretary's standards to ensure the proper and timely payment of UI and trade benefits; the administration of a claimant and employer appeals process; the maintenance of an efficient national and State employer tax contribution system; and the fulfillment of State responsibilities for the administration of Federal UI benefit programs.

f.  Reviews proposed and enacted State UI laws, enabling regulations, and appeal decisions to ensure conformity with Federal law and ETA policy.

g.  Develops and implements work plans to implement ETA’s oversight strategy and to support compliance assistance activities for the UI and Trade Act programs.

h.  Engages Federal, State and local partners under UI and Trade Act  programs to plan, design and deliver a comprehensive, streamlined One‑Stop delivery system throughout the designated workforce investment area that provides for universal access, customer choice, and quality labor exchange, reemployment and employer services.

i.  Represents and works collaboratively on workforce investment programs with State and local partners, other federal agencies and stakeholders representing business, labor, education and youth advocacy organizations.

j.  Performs the duties of a Federal Project Officer on assigned grants.

Division of State Operations (DSO)

Leslie Matthews, Division Chief, 312.596.5529

Cathrine Brooks

Alvin Gordon

Robert Hansen

Sandra Jordan

Robert Sumerwell

Hal Tyson

Bob Wilson

Thomas Wilson

a.  Provides leadership and guidance to State grantees for the development, approval and administration of State plans for the WIA One‑Stop delivery system; WIA adult, youth, and dislocated worker programs; and the Wagner‑Peyser Act programs.

b.  Provides timely and responsive policy guidance and compliance assistance using ETA-wide risk analysis techniques and tools that identify grantees at greatest risk and most likely in need of on-site review and technical assistance.

c.  Conducts grant management reviews of WIA One‑Stop delivery system; WIA adult, youth, and dislocated worker programs; and Wagner-Peyser Act programs to ensure the State's fulfillment of established Federal requirements and policies.  Uses performance data analysis to drive delivery of technical assistance.  Assists State agencies and local workforce areas in the development of improvement plans.  May use automated systems, e.g. GEMS, to track findings, corrective action plans and performance improvement.

d.  Analyzes data and reports to assess achievement of WIA performance and GPRA goals for labor exchange, adult, dislocated worker, and youth programs. Identifies best practices and elements of successful systems.

e.  Develops and implements work plan to implement ETA’s oversight strategy and to support compliance assistance activities.

f.  Engages Federal, State and local partners under the WIA and Wagner-Peyser Act  programs to plan, design and deliver a comprehensive, streamlined One‑Stop delivery system throughout the designated workforce investment area that provides for universal access, customer choice, and quality labor exchange, reemployment and employer services.

g.  Increases the awareness and involvement of workforce investment partners in furthering the priority goals and special program initiatives of the Department and ETA.

h.  Provides leadership for the assessment and identification of compliance assistance needs of State and local workforce system partners, for the development of training and technical assistance materials, and for the provision of training that meets the customer's needs, contributes to quality programs and results in a high return on investment.

i.  Represents and works collaboratively on workforce investment programs with State and local partners, other Federal agencies and stakeholders representing business, labor, education and youth advocacy organizations.

j.  Performs the duties of a Federal Project Officer on assigned grants.

Office of Discretionary Programs and Foreign Labor Certification (ODPFLC)

Larry Greevers, Regional Director, 312.596.5437

Division of Discretionary Grants (DDG)

Nola Penn, Division Chief, 312.596.5540

National Emergency Grant Unit (NEGU)

Vacant, Unit Chief

Rochelle Bradley

Montez Langford

Linda Ortolano

Darryl Shannon

Frank Wilson

a.  Develops and implements a regional oversight strategy for discretionary grantees.

b.  Analyzes data and reports in collaboration with OSS and OSP to assess achievement of grantee performance and to drive delivery of technical assistance for the NEG program.

c.  Provides timely and responsive policy guidance and technical assistance to State Grantees and local workforce investment areas in the development of NEG applications.

d.  Conducts Grants Management Reviews to ensure achievement of the planned performance objectives.

e.  Provides compliance assistance using ETA-wide risk analysis techniques and tools that identify grantees at greatest risk and most likely in need of on-site review and technical assistance.

f.  Assists in developing work plan to implement ETA’s oversight strategy and provides assistance to Federal Project Officers on using tools to support compliance assistance activities for the NEG and other discretionary grant funding streams.

Specialty Grant Unit (SGU)

          Vacant, Unit Chief

Lillian Acosta-Liszt

Rose Alvarado

Pamela Bouallegue

Doris Crawford

Herb Garcia

Lynn Kinzer

James Pouliot

Robert Sharp

a.  Develops and implements a Regional oversight strategy for discretionary grantees.

b.  Analyzes data and reports in collaboration with OSS and OSP

to assess achievement of grantee performance and to drive

delivery of technical assistance for Faith Based Organization

(FBO), Community Based Organization (CBO), Welfare–to-Work

(WtW), Earmark, H1B and other discretionary grant programs.

c.  Provides timely and responsive policy guidance and technical

assistance to State grantees and local workforce investment

areas in the development of appropriate grant program


d.  Conducts Grants Management Reviews to ensure

achievement of the planned performance objectives.

e.  Provides compliance assistance using ETA-wide risk analysis

techniques and tools that identify grantees at greatest risk and

most likely in need of on-site review and technical assistance.

f.  Assists in developing work plan to implement ETA’s oversight

strategy and provides assistance to Federal Project Officers on

using tools to support compliance assistance activities for the

following funding streams and initiatives:

- Faith Based Organizations

- Community Based Organizations

- WtW

- Earmark

- H1B

- Other discretionary grants

Division of Foreign Labor Certification (DFLC)

Ray Moritz, Division Chief, 816.502.9024

John Abraytis

Ivan Corrales

Robert Fitzsimmons

Ray Garcia

Chris Gonzalez

Eric Hernandez

Marsha Johnson

Belinda Kimmons

William Matwijiw

Angel Mendoza

Betti Myers

Heidi Rodriguez

Naima Upshaw

Renee Van

a.  Provides leadership and guidance to State grantees for the development, approval and administration of the FLC program.

b.  Negotiates and approves final cost-reimbursable grant agreement for FLC and Agricultural Worker Housing inspection activities.

c.  Reviews and approves needed modification to the annual State plan and/or cost-reimbursable grant agreements.

d.  Manages permanent and temporary application processes of the FLC program.

e.  Engages the workforce investment system for the recruitment and referral of qualified U.S. workers to FLC occupations and ensures timely processing of FLC applications.

f.  Responsible for the disclosure of information and materials under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

Office of System Support (OSS)

Barry Dale, Regional Director, 312.596.5455

Theresa Marquis

Division of Internal Support (DIS)

Michael Dooman

Richard Gatewood

Joan Steffek

a.  Manages and maintains LAN, WEBSITE, and internal computer systems.

b.  Manages or supports internal regional budget and support activities, e.g. travel, training, personnel actions, payroll, awards administration, space, telecommunications, etc.

Division of Financial and Performance Management (DFPM)

Tom Coyne, Division Chief, 816.502.9014

Financial Grant Management Unit (FGU)

Beverly Akogu

Thomas DiLisio

Deborah Galloway

Jim Kinney

Nancy Williams

a.  Engages Federal, State and local partners under the WIA and Wagner­-Peyser Act,  UI, adult, youth and trade programs, to plan, design and deliver a comprehensive, streamlined One‑Stop delivery system throughout the designated workforce investment area that provides for universal access, customer choice and quality labor exchange, reemployment and employer services.

b.  Analyzes financial data and report systems  of WIA,  labor exchange, trade, LMI, and tax credit programs.  Ensures timely, accurate reporting for grantees.

c.  Assists in developing work plan to implement ETA’s oversight strategy and provides assistance to Federal Project Officers on using tools to support Grant Management activities for the following funding streams:

- WIA adult, dislocated worker & youth programs

- Employment Service activities & the provision of core services in the One-Stop system

- Employer services

- Labor Market Information

- Trade

d.  Provides support for the assessment and identification of Compliance Assistance needs of State and local workforce system partners, for the development of training and technical assistance materials, and for the provision of training that meets the customer's needs, contributes to quality programs and results in a high return on investment.

e.  Represents and works collaboratively on workforce investment programs with State and local partners, other federal agencies and stakeholders representing business, labor, education and youth advocacy organizations.

f.  Conducts Grant Management Financial Reviews of WIA One‑Stop delivery system and Wagner‑Peyser Act, tax credits, adult, youth and trade activities to ensure the State's fulfillment of established Federal requirements and policies.  Uses financial and performance data analysis to drive delivery of technical assistance.  Assists State agencies and local workforce areas in the development of improvement plans.  Uses GEMS to track findings, corrective action plans and performance improvement.

g.  Analyzes financial data and reports to assess compliance of WIA program cost principles for labor exchange, adult, dislocated worker, and youth programs.  Identifies best practices and elements of successful systems.

h.  Reviews audit and incident reports and develops corrective action plans or initial and final determinations.

Performance/Reporting Unit (PRU)

Pamela Ayers

Paul Fredericks

Willie Lyles

a.  Provides leadership and guidance to State grantees for the development, approval and administration of State performance plans for WIA One‑Stop delivery system, Wagner‑Peyser Act, Labor Market Information, adult, youth, trade, and tax credit programs.

b.  Conducts Grants Management Performance Reviews of WIA One‑Stop performance to ensure the State's fulfillment of established Federal requirements and policies.   Uses performance data analysis to drive delivery of technical assistance.  Assists State agencies and local workforce areas in the development of improvement plans.  Uses GEMS to track findings, corrective action plans and performance improvement.

c.  Analyzes data and reports to assess achievement of WIA State Adjusted levels of performance and GPRA Goals for labor exchange, adult, dislocated worker, and youth programs.  Identifies best practices and elements of successful systems.

d.  Develops work plan to implement ETA’s oversight strategy and to support Grant Management activities for the following funding streams:

- WIA adult, dislocated worker, and youth programs

- Employment Service activities and the provision of core services in the one-stop system

- Employer services

- Labor Market Information

- Trade

6.   Action Required.   State Administrators are requested to share this Letter with appropriate staff and other agencies. 

7.   Inquiries.  Questions or comments concerning the Region 5 reorganization may be directed to the Office of  the Regional Administrator on 312.596.5400. Questions or comments about the format of this Letter may be directed to Tom Coyne on 816.502.9014.

8. Attachments. Region 5 Chart, Phone List

9. Effective Date. December 1, 2003

10.  Expiration Date. Continuing.