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April 14, 2008



FROM:        Nicholas Lammers
                  NICHOLAS LAMMERS
                  Acting Regional Administrator

SUBJECT:    Rescission Questions & Answers

1.  Purpose.  To transmit to State Workforce Agencies a series of questions and answers concerning the rescission of Workforce Investment Act funds for FY 2006-2008.

2.  References. Revised Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2007, February 15, 2007 [Pub.L. 110-5]; Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2008, December 26, 2007 [Pub.L. 110-161]; TEGL 24-07, Rescissions During Fiscal Year 2008 for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Programs, March 26, 2008.

3.  Links.  This Letter is in the Region 5 website archive at:

4.  Substance.  The FY 2007 and 2008 Appropriations Acts provided for a rescission of current and prior year obligations for certain Workforce Investment Act programs. The Employment and Training Administration provided guidance on the rescissions in Training and Employment Guidance Letter 24-07, Rescissions During Fiscal Year 2008 for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Programs. In addition, a webinar was conducted on April 3rd entitled: Technical Guidance for Performing Calculations Pertaining to the Workforce Investment Act Programs Rescissions during Fiscal Year 2008. This information sharing resulted in a number of questions from the workforce development community.

The attachment to this Letter, WIA Rescissions During FY 2008, Technical Guidance to States, State Questions and Answers, contains the questions - and answers - on rescission topics.

5.   Action Required.   State Administrators are requested to share this Letter with appropriate staff and other agencies.

6.   Inquiries.  Questions or comments concerning the rescission may be directed to Larry Greevers of the Offices of State Systems and Special Initiatives and Demonstrations on 312.596.5437; or Barry Dale of the Division of Financial Management and Administrative Support on 312.596.5455.

Questions or comments about the format of this Letter may be directed to Tom Coyne on 312.596.5435.

7. Attachments. WIA Rescissions During FY 2008, Technical Guidance to States, State Questions and Answers

8. Effective Date. April 10, 2008

9.  Expiration Date.  Continuing