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Making Cities Work Urban Strategy
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"We have entered the urban millennium. At their best, cities are engines of growth and incubators of civilization. They are crossroads of ideas, places of great intellectual ferment and innovation...cities can also be places of exploitation, disease, violent crime, unemployment, and extreme poverty...we must do more to make our cities safe and livable places for all."
-- Kofi Annan (2000)

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Over 90 per cent of the world's population growth in the coming two decades will occur in developing cities - most of it in urban slums. If developing cities are well-managed, they will be engines for economic growth, national prosperity, civil harmony and global peace. If not, rapid urbanization will poison the air we breathe, create life threatening water shortages, deplete valuable natural resources, strangle economic growth, widen income disparities and increase the spread of disease. Failure to manage the growth of developing cities will lead to increased political, military and civil conflict, which is likely to have profound effects on global security.

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In the next 30 years the world's population will grow by 2.2 billion people. Of these, 2.1 billion will be born in cities. 2.0 billion will be born in the world's poorest cities.

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