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Special Effects Rules

Policy and information about special effects and safety.

Safety First

If a Special Effect has been pre-approved but the overall situation in which it occurs during the event is deemed to be unsafe, approval will be 
withdrawn without advance notice.

General Rules

All Special Effects are totally prohibited without written permission from the Fire Marshal's Office and/or the KiMo Theatre Technical Manager.

Violation of these rules, or non-disclosure of any Special Effects, could result in the immediate cancellation of your Event and/or forfeiture of your Damage and Compliance Deposit. 

Additional Liability Insurance may be required. Your Insurance carrier may be contacted concerning your Special Effects.

You may be required to post advisory/cautionary notices to the audience.

  • All proposed Special Effects must be reviewed prior to approval. 
    It is the Renter's responsibility to seek approval far enough in advance to allow for corrective measures and administrative process. Special Effect reviews will be scheduled by Appointment only, during regular Business Hours with the KiMo Theatre Technical Manager.   (505) 768-3578    
  • Any reviews requested (or equipment presented) after the final rehearsal will be automatically denied.  This is due to the unsafe condition created by potentially hazardous equipment in an un-rehearsed situation, with all persons unfamiliar with the effect, in the very limited amount of (high stress) time immediately prior to a performance. 
  • If a Special Effect has been "pre-approved" but the overall situation in which it occurs (during the event) is deemed by us to be unsafe, approval will be withdrawn WITHOUT ADVANCE NOTICE.


Any use of firearms, flame, pyrotechnics, lasers, strobe lights, smoke, fog or break-away props, food heating equipment, will require that the item(s) creating the effect be commercially manufactured for theatrical/entertainment use, rated for indoor use and operated by appropriately trained personnel in accordance with the manufacturers instructions.

Separate and written approval is required from the Fire Marshal's Office for ANY open flame or pyrotechnics. The Fire Marshal's Office (764-6300) charges a fee for their Permits and will require on-site Albuquerque Fire Dept. personnel, at your expense, for these effects. Any fines or penalties charged to the KiMo by the Fire Dept. as a result of your actions, or in-action, will be added to the Rental Fees due in addition to the forfeiture of your Damage and Compliance Deposit.

Any special effect that involves the use of: weapons, electricity, persons on raised platforms, suspended objects/persons, traps doors, will be inspected for workmanship and safety. Items that are found to be deficient may not be used until they are properly repaired or replaced.

The use of objects with sharp edges or points is not permitted. (knives, swords, arrows, etc.)
Sharp edges must be dulled or permanently covered.
The use of most glass items is strongly discouraged, and may not be allowed.

The use of body paint, food and any liquids on stage must be reviewed for approval in advance.

Some of the Special Effects or conditions listed on this page, and others, may cause the unintended activation of our Smoke & Fire Alarm system. 
Evacuation of the building is mandatory until the cause is confirmed. 
This may cause the delay or cancellation of your activities in the building and specifically includes during public performances.
Previous causes of accidental activation have included; hair spray, curling irons and ironing costumes in the dressing rooms.


Specific Rules


Must have a solid barrel or no firing pin, no exceptions. All blank ammunition and firearms, including non-functional replicas, may be handled only by authorized personnel and must kept locked up when not in actual use.

Matches, Lighters, Cigarettes, Candles or Incense

May be used on-stage only, not in the Auditorium. Handled only by Stage Mgr. and relevant performer(s),and never left out on a backstage table. Ashtrays or fireproof containers are needed. AFD personnel may be required as 'Stand-by-Firemen' for the duration of the effect. Candles must be enclosed, glass is generally acceptable. Additional Liability Insurance may be required. The use of electric candles and artificial cigarettes is strongly encouraged.


Flaming batons, Fire-eaters, etc. and all other fire effects. AFD personnel will be required as 'Stand-by-Firemen' for the duration of the effect. Flammable liquids must be kept closed in their original, labeled container. Transfer from that container will take place outside. You must provide a leak/fireproof container for 'after performance' storage of all flammable items. All flame or flammable liquids may be used on or back-stage only, and away from drapes or flammables.   Additional Liability Insurance will be required.

Pyrotechnics, Flash pots, Fireworks, etc.

They must be controlled from on-stage and may not use 'Edison' or 'pin connector' hook-up cables. They must be placed away from drapes or flammable material and preferably up-stage of the Main curtain. AFD personnel required as 'Stand-by-Firemen' for the duration of the effect. Supplies must be kept in a locked fireproof container when not in use. Additional Liability Insurance will be required.

Liquids or Food

The use of any liquids or food onstage or backstage must be reviewed for potential damage to any curtains or other stage surfaces before approval. This includes drinking water. (The fireproofing chemicals in stage curtains is water soluble and corrosive, it will cause stains and holes in the curtains if they get wet.)

Smoke, Haze & Fog Equipment

Can not have damaged electrical cords, leak fluids or be placed near curtains or flammables. Fluids used must match the equipment manufacture's recommendations.

Material Safety Data Sheets

Must be provided for any chemicals to be used on-stage.   Applicable safety instructions must be followed. The normal flow of air within the building is NOT "adequate ventilation" for hazardous substances.


The use of animals on stage will be reviewed on a case by case basis and must follow all generally accepted practices of humane treatment, as well as the regulations of the City's Animal Services Division.


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