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Democracy and Governance Publications

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USAID's Office of Democracy and Governance is tasked with supporting and advancing democracy and governance (DG) programming worldwide. As part of this mandate, the DG Office has developed several publications series to enable USAID to more effectively reach missions and other audiences with the latest technical knowledge in the field of democracy and governance.

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The Technical Publication Series
Technical "how to" guides, best practices, lessons learned, evaluations, and assessments of value to the development community working in the area of democracy and governance. Occasional Paper Series
The USAID Office of Democracy and Governance Occasional Papers Series was launched in October 2000. The series includes publications intended principally for USAID personnel; however, all persons interested in the topic may benefit from the series. The Occasional Papers Series is designed to bring together DG Office-produced or –funded publications in a coherent series that upholds the high standards and quality established by the DG Office’s Technical Publication Series. Authors of individual publications may be USAID officials and/or other individuals from the public and private sector. DG Office Briefing Booklets Implementing Policy Change Series
This series of documents was written as part of USAID's Implementing Policy Change (IPC) program, which worked in developing countries around the world to improve policy implementation and democratic governance.

USAID Sectoral Perspectives on Corruption
The basic premise of this study is the belief that governments, civil society, the business community and donor organizations can address the problem of corruption more effectively if initiatives are targeted at the root causes, vulnerabilities, and opportunities characteristic of particular development sectors. Corruption manifests itself in different ways depending on the sectoral context. Similarly, remedies must be sensitive to the distinctive nature of corruption sector-by-sector. Some anti-corruption strategies may be universally applicable across sectors, but each sector also may require customized approaches. If this premise holds true, it would suggest a new approach to USAID programming in the anti-corruption field, one that fortuitously draws on the Agency’s sectoral strengths.

Along with a summary, sector papers include: Additional papers include:
CDIE Publications
Search the DEC
At USAID's Development Experience Clearinghouse (DEC) you can search by sector or by region for publications on a variety of democracy and governance topics. Most reports can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format and others can be ordered in hard copy from the DEC.

The DEC also provides a bi-weekly list of recent publications by sector:

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Thu, 05 Jun 2008 16:43:52 -0500