Press Room


January 10, 2005

Assistant Secretary Wayne A. Abernathy Resignation Letter

Dear Mr. President,

I hereby resign from the office of Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Institutions, effective after January 31, 2005.

It has been my great honor and privilege to serve you and the people of this nation for a little over two years as a member of your Administration.  I look back with deep satisfaction on the achievements of this Administration, including those with which I have been involved.  Under your leadership, we have worked to promote expanded access to financial services for ever more Americans, while strengthening the resilience of our financial institutions to provide those services despite threats from terrorists or dangers from natural disasters.  Our nation's financial institutions are stronger and more prepared today, and our citizens have greater tools to save, invest, and build for their families' future.

It is with confidence that I leave government service to enter work in the private sector, knowing of your continued dedication to good government that recognizes that private initiative and innovation and freedom are the engines for growth and progress.  Thank you for the opportunity that I have had to serve with you.  I in turn pledge my continued dedication to the principles of freedom and good government that will make for progress in the days ahead.

Yours respectfully,

Wayne A. Abernathy
Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions