Press Room

March 5, 2007

US Treasury to Award NYC Organization For Excellence in Financial Education

 U.S. Treasury Deputy Assistant Secretary for Financial Education Dan Iannicola, Jr. will recognize New York City non-profit Working in Support of Education (W!SE) as a leader in financial education tomorrow at the High School of Economics and Finance.  Iannicola will join New York City Department of Consumer Affairs Commissioner Jonathan Mintz to present the John Sherman Award.

The Treasury's Office of Financial Education presents Sherman Awards to raise awareness of the urgent need for financial education and the effective practices to help meet that need. The Office of Financial Education has presented such awards to 15 organizations since its creation in 2003.

W!SE is a non-profit organization that provides innovative programs focused on financial education and literacy, business and social entrepreneurship and preparation for college and the workplace.  Treasury chose this program because it partners with schools that agree to teach 12th grade students a 6-8 week unit on personal finance as part of an Economics course required by the state of New York. W!SE's Financial Literacy Certification Program encourages teachers to teach personal finance and measures the students' performance after the unit is taught. Through this program, W!SE has reached thousands of high school students throughout New York City.

Who  U.S. Treasury Deputy Assistant Secretary for Financial Education Dan Iannicola, Jr.
What  Sherman Award Presentation
When  Tuesday, March 6, 12:00 p.m. (EST)
Where High School of Economics and Finance
10th Floor/Library
100 Trinity Place
New York, NY
