The Office of the United States Trade Representative

WTO Semiconductor Dispute Resolution Quotes of Support
What They're Saying about the U.S. - China WTO Dispute Resolution Regarding China's Tax on Semiconductors

"We are very pleased with China's agreement to eliminate the provisions of its value added tax regime that discriminate against imported semiconductors…[and] will assure a level playing field for all competitors. The SIA extends its special appreciation to United States Trade Representative Robert Zoellick…and the Department of Commerce, who made this case a top priority."
-- George Scalise, President, Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA)

"That this case was settled before the long, complex, and expensive WTO dispute resolution mechanism was fully deployed is good news for both sides. This is…a solid achievement by U.S. Trade Representative Robert Zoellick…[and] American businesses active with China take heart when difficult disputes involving Chinese commercial behavior are resolved through mature, energetic negotiation under the framework of the WTO."
-- Robert Kapp, President, US-China Business Council

"The importance of today's announcement is…it will bring this particular tax regime into compliance with WTO obligations, and…it is important that every attempt be made to bring such a large and important trading partner back into compliance with international obligations. That's exactly what the SIA petition and Ambassador Zoellick and his team have successfully accomplished."
-- William T. Archey, President and CEO, American Electronics Association (AeA)

"This is a really important development…[i]f China had been allowed to continue this patently unfair treatment of imported semiconductors, it could well have sought to expand this practice to a growing range of manufacturing industries…The NAM sought China's inclusion in the WTO so it would have to follow the same trade rules that we and most of the rest of the world follow. Today's announcement is one of the plusses resulting from that inclusion."
-- Frank Vargo, VP for Intl. Economic Affairs, National Association of Manufacturers (NAM)

"As the world's two largest markets for telecommunications equipment and services, it is important that industry and government from both sides work in the spirit of cooperation to make good policy and resolve trade issues. TIA is pleased that both parties were able to reach a mutually acceptable agreement."
-- Matthew J. Flanigan, President, Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA)