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Federal Communications Commission
1919 - M Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554
News media information 202 / 418-0500
Fax-On-Demand 202 / 418-2830
Internet: http://www.fcc.gov

DA 98-630
April 1, 1998

WTB Sponsors Attorney Outreach
Forum on Universal Licensing System

The Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (WTB) of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will hold an Attorney Outreach Forum on the Universal Licensing System (ULS), on Wednesday, April 15, 1998. This forum will be held in the Commission Meeting Room, Room 854, 1919 M Street, N.W. from 10:00 am -12:00 pm. The forum is intended to specifically address questions of the communications bar regarding the Commission's implementation of the ULS. There will also be an attorney-tailored demonstration of the ULS software. This will concentrate on how to use the ULS to file applications, modifications, amendments, pleadings, and other licensing-related filings. Persons planning to attend are encouraged to read the ULS Notice of Proposed Rule Making, WT Docket No. 98-20, FCC 98-25 (released March 19, 1998) and email any questions to Mark Becker at mbecker@fcc.gov prior to the forum.

The ULS is internet accessible and provides electronic filing, registration and search capabilities via a personal computer (PC) equipped with FCC prescribed software (e.g. industry standard browser, etc.) and internet access via a service provider of choice.

Video and audio duplications will be available after the forum from the Commission's duplicating service, Infocus. Please contact Carole Clifton at (703) 834-0100.


News Media Contact: Meribeth McCarrick at (202) 418-0256
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Contacts: Karen Wrege at (202) 418-0660,
David Furth at (202) 418-0632, and Mark Becker at (202) 418-7532.

By: Wireless Telecommunications Bureau