Federal Communications Commission

Comments and Reply Comments
on the Sec. 255 NPRM in Dkt 96-198

Implementation of Section 255 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 Access to Telecommunications Services, Telecommunications Equipment, and Customer Premises Equipment by Persons with Disabilities

| WT Docket No. 96-198, FCC 98-55 | Notice of Office of Management and Budget Action |

Reply Comments 8/14/98
The reply comments that the FCC received in this proceeding are now available for downloading in the following formats: Comments 6/30/98
The comments that the FCC received in this proceeding are now available for downloading in the following formats: ACCURACY DISCLAIMER: Most of these files were created by scanning paper documents and converting the resulting images to Adobe Acrobat files that contain both the scanned "image" of the pages and the editable text generated in the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) phase of the conversion. This editable text was then used to create the HTML and ASCII Text versions of the comments. Because the editable text was generated using current state-of-the-art OCR technology that is still less that 100% accurate, the editable text in all three file formats may contain errors such as misspelled, changed or missing words, and other inaccuracies. Use the Acrobat Reader to display the actual scanned image of the paper comments.

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