Press Room

January 30, 2006

Under Secretary Adams Meets with AfDB
Local Officials in Tunisia

Following the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Treasury International Affairs Under Secretary Tim Adams traveled to Tunis, Tunisia to meet today with local finance and African Development Bank (AfDB) officials.

Adams met with AfDB President Kaberuka, AfDB U.S. Executive Director Cynthia Perry, and the AfDB Board of Directors to discuss the economic challenges and opportunities Africa faces and the role of the U.S. and AfDB in promoting growth and development. He also met with African ambassadors based in Tunisia, as well as Tunisian Minister of Development and International Cooperation, Mohamed Nouri Jouini.

"I'm very pleased to be in Tunis to demonstrate the United States' strong support for the critically important work of the African Development Bank," said Adams. "President Kaberuka is bringing some important new ideas and energy to the bank, and we very much support efforts to enhance the Bank's work in the private sector, and deliver real results to the African people that need them most and fight corruption – which acts like a tax on the poor - inside or outside the Bank."

Adams discussed with local media the U.S.'s support for President Keberuka's efforts to make the Bank more effective and efficient as well as the U.S.'s strong aid and development commitments in the region. The U.S. is the largest provider of development assistance to sub-Saharan Africa. Since 2000, U.S. assistance has tripled – from $1.1 billion to $3.5 billion in 2004 – with assistance going to 32 countries at least doubling in this period.