Press Room

June 1, 2006

Statement of Treasury Secretary John W. Snow on Departure of IMF
United States Executive Director Nancy Jacklin

I would like to express my deep gratitude to Nancy Jacklin for her exemplary service as United States Executive Director for the International Monetary Fund for the past three years. Nancy's expertise, leadership and personal diplomacy were invaluable assets at the Fund and she leaves the institution in a strengthened position.

Some of Nancy's most notable accomplishments include her role in pushing for enhanced Article IV surveillance by the IMF of its members' economies, her role in creating the Policy Support Instrument, her efforts to advance Collective Action Clauses, and working to advance the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative through the IMF Executive Board.

Nancy was extremely dedicated to working with her IMF colleagues on important reforms to IMF institutional policies. She will be remembered as part of a special team of leaders at a critical time who helped ensure that the IMF remains an institution that is strong, legitimate and relevant to all its members.

Nancy will be missed, and I wish her the best of luck in all of her future endeavors.
