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  FCC Headlines 2006

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2006 Headlines

FCC Approves Merger of AT&T Inc. and BellSouth Corp.
Order (3/26/07): Acrobat
News Release: Acrobat
Martin & Tate Joint Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

By Executive Order of President George W. Bush, the FCC will be closed on Tuesday, January 2, 2007, as a mark of respect for Gerald R. Ford, 38th President of the United States.

Chairman Martin Announces the Chief of the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau and Chief of the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

FCC Media Bureau Posts Staff Reports and Studies on Media Ownership Webpage.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Federal-State Universal Service Joint Board Staff Releases Monitoring Report.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Full Report: Available on the Monitoring Reports Page.

AT&T Files Additional Proposed Merger Commitments.

FCC Grants ACS of Anchorage, Inc. Forbearance Relief in the Anchorage, Alaska Study Area.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

FCC Releases Report on 2005 Cable Industry Prices.
Report: Word | Acrobat
News Release (12/20/06): Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Approves Transaction of GCI, Alaska DigiTel, and Denali.
Order: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Adopts Rules to Ensure Reasonable Franchising Process for New Video Market Entrants.
R&O & NPRM 3/5/07: Word | Acrobat
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Releases Report on 2005 Cable Industry Prices.
Report (12/27/06): Word | Acrobat
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Seeks Comment on Implementation of a Nationwide, Broadband, Interoperable Public Safety Network in the 700MHz Band.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
NPRM: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

Internet Protocol Captioned Telephone Service Eligible for Compensation from Interstate TRS Fund.
Declaratory Ruling (1/11/07): Word | Acrobat
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Modifies Amateur Radio Service Rules, Eliminating Morse Code Exam Requirements and Addressing ARRL Petition for Reconsideration.
Report & Order: Word | Acrobat
News Release (12/15/06): Word | Acrobat

Chairman Martin Statement on Decision of Commissioner McDowell in AT&T/BellSouth Proceeding.
Word | Acrobat

Commissioner Copps' Statement Concerning Commissioner McDowell's Announcement.
Word | Acrobat

Commissioner McDowell's Statement Regarding His Participation in the AT&T/BellSouth Merger Proceeding.
Word | Acrobat

FCC Modifies Amateur Radio Service Rules, Eliminating Morse Code Exam Requirements and Addressing ARRL Petition for Reconsideration.
Report & Order (12/19/06): Word | Acrobat
News Release: Word | Acrobat

2006 Quadrennial Regulatory Review - Review of the Commission's Broadcast Ownership Rules and Other Rules Adopted Pursuant to Section 202 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
Order: Word | Acrobat

FCC to Hold Open Commission Meeting Wednesday, December 20, 2006.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Notice Concerning Ex Parte Status of Information Submitted to the Commercial Mobile Service Alert Advisory Committee.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

FCC Chairman and Commissioners Statements From Public Hearing on Media Ownership in Nashville, TN.
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat

Statement of Commissioner McDowell Regarding Nashville Media Ownership Field Hearing.
Word | Acrobat

FCC Announces Renewal of Diversity Committee's Charter, Appointment of Members to the Re-Chartered Committee; and Scheduling of December 21, 2006 Committee Meeting.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

FCC Announces Revised Agenda for Public Hearing on Media Ownership in Nashville, Tennessee.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Memorandum from FCC General Counsel Sam Feder to Commissioner Robert McDowell on participation of Commissioner McDowell in the Commission's decision on the AT&T/BellSouth merger proceeding.
Memorandum: Acrobat

Chairman Martin Statement on Decision of General Counsel in AT&T/BellSouth Merger Proceeding.
Statement: Acrobat

Statement of Commissioner McDowell Regarding AT&T Inc. and BellSouth Corporation Application for Transfer of Control.
Statement: Acrobat

Remarks of Chairman Martin, Phoenix Center, US Telecoms 2006 Symposium.
Speech: Word | Acrobat
Presentation: PowerPoint

Notice of Appointment of Members to the Commercial Mobile Service Alert Advisory Committee; Agenda for December 12, 2006 Meeting.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

FCC Announces Agenda for Public Hearing on Media Ownership in Nashville, Tennessee (Revised).
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

FCC Announces Agenda for Public Hearing on Media Ownership in Nashville, Tennessee.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

FCC Announces Details for Public Hearing on Media Ownership in Nashville, Tennessee.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Remarks of Chairman Martin at the Georgetown University McDonough School of Business’s Center for Business and Public Policy.
Speech: Word | Acrobat
Presentation: PowerPoint

Remarks of Commissioner Adelstein to the ISCe Satellite Investment Symposium (ISIS) NYC '06.
Word | Acrobat

FCC Grants First Set of Advanced Wireless Services Licenses Won in Auction No. 66.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat
Attachment A: Acrobat
Attachment A1: Acrobat
Attachment B: Word | Acrobat
Attachment C: Word | Acrobat

FCC Releases Order to Streamline FM Table of Allotments and AM Community of License Procedures.
Order: Word | Acrobat
News Release (11/3/06): Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Names Economic Studies to be Conducted as Part of Media Ownership Rules Review.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Seeks Comment Regarding Possible Revision or Elimination of Rules Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 610--CB Docket No. 06-208.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Extension of Comment Period on Petitions for Exemption From Commission’s Closed Captioning Rules.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Notice of FCC's Commercial Mobile Service Alert Advisory Committee's First Meeting Scheduled for December 12, 2006.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Chairman Martin Confirmed for Second Term as Commissioner.
Chairman Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

Remarks of Chairman Martin to the Portuguese Association for Communications Advancement.
Word | Acrobat

FCC Announces Public Hearing on Media Ownership In Nashville, Tennessee.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Statement of Commissioner Tate on Announcement of Public Hearing on Media Ownership in Nashville, Tennessee.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Commissioner Adelstein Commends the Center for Media Democracy and Free Press for its Continued Study Regarding Video News Releases.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

FCC Grants Applications of Guam Cellular and Paging, Guam Wireless, and DoCoMo Guam for Transfer of Control and Assignment of Licenses and Authorizations.
Order: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat

Commissioner Copps Announces Staff Changes.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau Action Request For Exemption From Commission's Closed Captioning Rules.
Public Notice: Acrobat

FCC Classifies Broadband Over Power Line-Enabled Internet Access as "Information Service."
Order: Word | Acrobat
News Release (11/3/06): Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Seeks Comment on Possible Measures to Reduce Migratory Bird Collisions with Communications Towers.
NPRM: Word | Acrobat
News Release (11/3/06): Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

Commission Issues Order on Remand Addressing Earlier Broadcast Television Indecency Decisions.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Order: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Classifies Broadband Over Power Line-Enabled Internet Access as "Information Service."
Order (11/7/06): Word | Acrobat
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Seeks Comment on Possible Measures to Reduce Migratory Bird Collisions with Communications Towers.
NPRM (11/7/06): Word | Acrobat
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Adopts Order to Streamline FM Table of Allotments and AM Community of License Procedures.
Order (11/29/06): Word | Acrobat
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

Deletion of Agenda Item from November 3, 2006, Open Meeting.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Petition for Declaratory Ruling Regarding the Over-the-Air Reception Devices (OTARD) Rules.
Order: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat

Commissioner Tate's Remarks at 2006 Quello Lecture.
Word | Acrobat

FCC to Hold Open Commission Meeting Friday, November 3, 2006.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Speech by Chairman Martin to the 2006 ABA Administrative Law Conference.
Word | Acrobat

WRC-07 Advisory Committee Schedules Eleventh Meeting.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Indian Telecommunications Initiatives Program to be Webcast.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Live Webcast

Technological Advisory Council ("TAC") Postpones Meeting Scheduled for Wednesday, October 25, 2006.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

ITI Public Safety and Homeland Security Regional Workshop and Roundtable in Polson, Montana, Agenda Released.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Advanced Television Systems and Their Impact upon the Existing Television Broadcast Service.
FNPRM: Word | Acrobat
Appendix B: Excel | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

Annual Assessment of the Status of Competition in the Market for the Delivery of Video Programming.
NOI: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

Commissioner Adelstein Commends New York Attorney General Payola Settlement With CBS Radio.
Word | Acrobat

Indian Telecommunications Initiatives Public Safety and Homeland Security Regional Workshop and Roundtable in Polson, Montana, Updated Location Information.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

FCC Takes Steps to Allow New Low Power Devices on Vacant TV Channels.
Order: Word | Acrobat
News Release (10/12/06): Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

Technological Advisory Council ("TAC") to Hold Meeting, Wednesday, October 25, 2006.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

FCC Denies Application for Review of Radio X Broadcasting Corp., Bayamon, Puerto Rico.
MO&O: Word | Acrobat

FCC Denies Petition Regarding Viacom and Infinity Radio.
Order: Word | Acrobat

FCC Denies Petition Regarding Emmis Communications Corporation.
Order: Word | Acrobat

Commissioner Tate Applauds Disney's Introduction of New Nutritional Guidelines to Promote Healthier Kids' Diets.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Commission Seeks Comment on Proposals Submitted by AT&T Inc. and BellSouth Corporation.
Public Notice Erratum: Acrobat
Public Notice (10/13/06): Acrobat

FCC Requests Nominations for Membership on the Commercial Mobile Service Alert Advisory Committee To Be Established Pursuant to the Warning, Alert, and Response Network Act.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Letter From Chairman Martin Concerning Next Steps for Review of AT&T/Bell South Transfer of Control Application.

Letter Concerning the AT&T/BellSouth Merger.

Qualcomm Incorporated Petition for Declaratory Ruling.
Order: Word | Acrobat
News Release (10/12/06): Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat

Open Commission Meeting Sceduled for October 13, 2006, Cancelled.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

FCC Issues Inquiry for Annual Report to Congress on Video Competition.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Acts on Qualcomm Petition Regarding Interference Protection Requirements in the 700 MHz Band.
Order (10/13/06): Word | Acrobat
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Takes Steps to Allow New Low Power Devices on Vacant TV Channels.
Order (10/18/06): Word | Acrobat
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Seeks Comment on Recommendations Approved by the Advisory Committee for the 2007 World Radiocommunication Conference.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Deletion of Agenda Items from October 12, 2006, Open Meeting and FCC to Hold an Additional Open Meeting, Friday, October 13, 2006, at 11:00 a.m.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

FCC Announces Agenda Topics For Indian Telecommunications Initiatives Regional Workshop and Roundtable in Polson, Montana.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

FCC Grants Transfer of Control of Fox Television Stations, Inc. from K. Rupert Murdoch to Fox Entertainment Group, Inc.
MO&O: Word | Acrobat

FCC to Hold Open Commission Meeting Thursday, October 12, 2006.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

FCC Chairman and Commissioners Statements From Public Hearing on Media Ownership in Los Angeles, CA.
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Consents With Conditions to Alltel Acquisition of Midwest Wireless Licenses and Authorizations.
MO&O: Word | Acrobat
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Announces Further Details for Public Hearing on Media Ownership in Los Angeles, CA.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

FCC Adopts Pilot Program Under Rural Health Care Mechanism.
Order: Word | Acrobat
News Release (9/26/06): Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Releases Memorandum Opinion & Order on Fones4All Petition to Expand Network Unbundling Obligation Through Forbearance.
MO&O: Word | Acrobat
News Release (9/28/06): Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Adopts Annual Report on State of Competition in the Wireless Industry.
Report: Word | Acrobat
News Release (9/26/06): Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Revises Children’s Television Obligations for Broadcasters.
Order: Word | Acrobat
News Release (9/26/06): Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Denies Fones4All Petition to Expand Network Unbundling Obligation Through Forbearance.
MO&O (9/29/06): Word | Acrobat
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat

Remarks of Chairman Martin at Announcement of Task Force on Media and Childhood Obesity.
Word | Acrobat

Remarks of Commissioner Tate at Announcement of Task Force on Media and Childhood Obesity.
Word | Acrobat

FCC Announces Details for Public Hearing on Media Ownership in Los Angeles, CA.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

FCC Adopts Annual Report on State of Competition in the Wireless Industry.
Report (9/29/06): Word | Acrobat
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Revises Children’s Television Obligations for Broadcasters.
Order (9/29/06): Word | Acrobat
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Adopts Pilot Program Under Rural Health Care Mechanism.
Order (9/29/06): Word | Acrobat
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Announces Launch of the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Releases Order Forming New Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau.
Erratum (11/14/06): Word | Acrobat
Order (Adopted 3/17/06): Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement (3/17/06): Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement (3/17/06): Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement (3/17/06): Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement (3/17/06): Word | Acrobat

Public Comments filed after Voluntary Remand to FCC of Fox Television Stations, Inc. and CBS Broadcasting Inc. v. FCC

FCC to Hold Open Commission Meeting Tuesday, September 26, 2006.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Draft 2003 "Review of the Radio Industry".
Report: Acrobat

Letter from Chairman Martin to Senator Boxer.

Statement of Chairman Martin on the Conclusion of Advanced Wireless Services Auction.
Word | Acrobat

FCC’s Advanced Wireless Services (AWS) Spectrum Auction Concludes.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Extended Comment and Reply Dates for 2006 Quadrennial Regulatory Review of Broadcast Ownership Rules.
Order: Word | Acrobat

Letter from Chairman Martin to Senator Boxer.
June 2004 Draft of Working Paper: Acrobat

Chairman Martin's Statement Before the Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation, U.S. Senate.
Word | Acrobat

Commissioner Tate's Remarks, Fall 2006 VON Policy Summit.
Word | Acrobat

FCC to Accept Law Student Applications This Fall for the 2007 Attorney Honors Program.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Date of Indian Telecommunications Initiatives Regional Workshop and Roundtable in Polson, Montana Changed to October 24 -25, 2006.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

FCC Seeks Comment on Possible Modifications to Rules Governing the 700 MHz Guard Band Licenses.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
NPRM: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Announces Public Hearing in Los Angeles On Media Ownership.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Thomas M. Koutsky Appointed Chairman of the North American Numbering Council.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

FCC Announces Filing Procedures in Connection with Court Remand of Section III.B of the Commission's March 15, 2006 Omnibus Order Resolving Numerous Broadcast Television Indecency Complaints.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Quarterly Report on Informal Consumer Inquiries and Complaints Released.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Commissioner Robert M. McDowell Announces Hiring of Permanent Staff.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Clarified that section 222 of the Act does not prevent a telecommunications carrier from complying with the obligation to report violations of specific federal statutes relating to child pornography.
Declaratory Ruling: Word | Acrobat

Statement of Chairman Martin on Verizon and BellSouth Eliminating Recently Imposed DSL Fees.
Word | Acrobat

Commissioner Tate Applauds the Removal of Surcharges on Broadband Consumer Bills.
Word | Acrobat

The Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Announces FCC Form 608 is Available for Filing Spectrum Leasing Notifications and Applications and Private Commons Arrangements.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Announces Public Training for FCC Form 608 Filing Interface (Scheduled for September 7, 2006).
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Michelle P. Connolly Named FCC Chief Economist.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Commission Seeks Comment on Proposal to Revise Rules for Direct Broadcast Satellite Service.
NPRM: Word | Acrobat
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Copps & Adelstein Joint Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC to Host Public Safety and Homeland Security Indian Telecommunications Initiatives Regional Workshop and Roundtable in Polson, Montana on September 26-27, 2006.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

FCC Seeks Comment on Possible Modifications to Rules Governing Wireless Licenses in Portions of the 700 MHz Spectrum Band.
NPRM:Word | Acrobat
News Release (8/3/06): Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

The Commission Seeks Public Comment in the 2006 Biennial Review of Telecommunications Regulations.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Announces Public Demonstration of Filing Process for FCC Form 608 for Application or Notification for Spectrum Leasing Arrangements in the Universal Licensing System (Scheduled on August 16, 2006).
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Media Bureau Denies Application for Stay and Petition for Reconsideration and Request for Referral to the Full Commission in Time Warner Cable - NFL Network Case.
Order: Word | Acrobat

FCC Seeks Applicants for 2006/2007 Engineer-in-Training Program.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

FCC Adopts Memorandum Opinion and Order on Broadband Over Power Lines to Promote Broadband Service to All Americans.
MO&O: Word | Acrobat
News Release (8/3/06): Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

COMCAST/TCR Agreement to Televise Washington Nationals Games.
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Seeks Comment on Possible Modifications to Rules Governing Wireless Licenses in Portions of the 700 MHz Spectrum Band.
NPRM (8/10/06):Word | Acrobat
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

Order on Time Warner Cable - NFL Network Case.
Order: Word | Acrobat

Commissioner Deborah Taylor Tate Announces Departure of Advisor.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Deletion of Agenda Item from August 3, 2006, Open Meeting.
Word | Acrobat

Media Bureau Announces Extension of Certain Filing Deadlines.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

FCC Issues a Memorandum Opinion and Hearing Designation Order on TCR Sports Broadcasting Holding, LLP v. Comcast Corporation.
MO&HDO: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

FY 2006 Regulatory Fees Due No Later Than September 19, 2006.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Auction of Advanced Wireless Services Licenses; 168 Bidders Qualified to Participate in Auction No. 66; Information Disclosure Procedures Announced.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat
Attachment A: Word | Acrobat
Attachment B: Word | Acrobat

FCC Approves Adelphia/Time Warner/Comcast License Transfer.
Erratum: Word | Acrobat
MO&O (7/21/06): Word | Acrobat
News Release (7/13/06): Word | Acrobat
Fact Sheet: Word | Acrobat
Martin Press Statement: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC to Hold Open Commission Meeting Thursday, August 3, 2006.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau Announces August 1st Effective Date of Amended Facsimile Advertising Rules.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Request for Comment on Recommendations of the Independent Panel Reviewing the Impact of Hurricane Katrina on Communications Networks; Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

FCC Releases Data on High-Speed Services for Internet Access Report.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Report: Acrobat

FCC Releases Data on Local Telephone Competition.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Report: Acrobat

Amendment of the Commission's Rules Regarding Dedicated Short-Range Communication Services in the 5.850-5.925 GHz Band (5.9 GHz Band).
MO&O: Word | Acrobat

FCC Issues Text of FNPRM on Media Ownership Proceeding.
FNPRM: Word | Acrobat
News Release (6/21/06): Word | Acrobat
Fact Sheet (6/21/06): Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

Commissioner Deborah Taylor Tate Applauds the Efforts of Intercarrier Compensation Task Force.
Word | Acrobat

Proposed Changes to Rules Governing Stolen Vehicle Recovery Systems.
NPRM: Word | Acrobat

Amendment of the Commission's Rules Regarding Maritime Automatic Identification Systems.
Order: Word | Acrobat

FCC Approves Adelphia/Time Warner/Comcast License Transfer.
Erratum (7/27/06): Word | Acrobat
MO&O: Word | Acrobat
News Release (7/13/06): Word | Acrobat
Fact Sheet: Word | Acrobat
Martin Press Statement: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

Pleading Cycle Established for Eligible Services List for Universal Service Mechanism for Schools and Libraries.
Public Notice: Acrobat

FCC to Hold Indian Telecommunications Initiatives Regional Workshop and Roundtable in San Diego, Ca, on July 27-28.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Commissioner Tate's Remarks to the Children Now Forum on Advertising.
Word | Acrobat

FCC Seeks Comment on Broad Range of Issues Concerning TRS Compensation.
FNPRM: Word | Acrobat
News Release (7/13/06): Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

Corrected: Report and Order & Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Released on FCC Updates Approach for Assessing Contributions to the Federal Universal Service Fund.
R&O & NPRM: Acrobat
Erratum Released (7/18/06): Word | Acrobat
Erratum Released (7/10/06): Word | Acrobat
News Release (6/21/06): Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Acrobat
Copps Statement: Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Acrobat
Tate Statement: Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Acrobat

Commission Releases a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Notice of Inquiry and Order to Establish a New "MedRadio" Service for Medical Radio Communication Devices.
NPRM, NOI & Order: Word | Acrobat
News Release (7/13/06): Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

Assessment and Collection of Regulatory Fees for Fiscal Year 2006.
Order: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Approves Adelphia/Time Warner/Comcast License Transfer.
Erratum (7/27/06): Word | Acrobat
MO&O (7/21/06): Word | Acrobat
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Fact Sheet: Word | Acrobat
Martin Press Statement: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Proposes Forfeiture in Context of Its CPNI Investigation - Commission Proposes Maximum Forfeiture Of $97,500 Against Locatecell.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Notice of Apparent Liability: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Begins Rulemaking to Establish A New "MedRadio" Service for Medical Radio Communication Devices.
NPRM, NOI & Order (7/18/06): Word | Acrobat
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Seeks Comment on Broad Range of Issues Concerning TRS Compensation.
FNPRM (7/20/06): Word | Acrobat
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Announces Agenda For The Indian Telecommunications Initiatives Regional Workshop And RoundTable In San Diego, CA On July 27-28, 2006
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat
Agenda: Word | Acrobat

Deletion of Agenda Item From July 13, 2006, Open Meeting.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

TRS and Speech-to-Speech Services for Individuals with Hearing and Speech Disabilities.
MO&O: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat

TRS and Speech-to-Speech Services for Individuals with Hearing and Speech Disabilities.
Order on Reconsideration: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat

Technological Advisory Council to Hold Meeting, Thursday, July 20, 2006.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

FCC Announces Electronic Posting of FCC Form 477 (Local Telephone Competition and Broadband Reporting) for the September 1, 2006 Filing.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

FCC to Hold Open Commission Meeting Thursday, July 13, 2006.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Notice of Debarment, Inter-Tel Technologies, Inc.
Order: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat

Notice of Debarment and Order Denying Waiver Petition.
Order: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat

Revision of Parts 2 and 15 of the Commission's Rules to Permit Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (U-NII) Devices in the 5 GHz Band.
MO&O: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

Regulation of Prepaid Calling Card Services.
Erratum (7/26/06): Word | Acrobat
Order: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat

Commissioner Tate's Remarks to the FCBA Annual Luncheon.
Word | Acrobat

Report and Order & Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Released on FCC Updates Approach for Assessing Contributions to the Federal Universal Service Fund.
R&O & NPRM: Acrobat
News Release (06/21/06): Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Acrobat
Copps Statement: Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Acrobat
Tate Statement: Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Acrobat

Remarks of Commissioner Adelstein to the Wireless Communications Association.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Commission Proposes Rules for New Broadcasting Satellite Service.
NPRM: Word | Acrobat
News Release (6/21/06): Word | Acrobat

Amendment of Part 54 of the Commission's Rules.
Order: Word | Acrobat

FCC Opens Media Ownership Proceeding for Public Comment.
FNPRM (7/24/06): Word | Acrobat
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Fact Sheet: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Updates Approach for Assessing Contributions to the Federal Universal Service Fund.
R&O & NPRM (06/27/06): Acrobat
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

Commissioner McDowell Announces Confidential Assistant.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Deletion of Agenda Items from June 21, 2006 Open Meeting.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Granted Applications for transfer of control of Nextel Partners to Sprint Nextel.
MO&O: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat

Recommendations of the Independent Panel Reviewing the Impact of Hurricane Katrina on Communications Networks.
NPRM: Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Approves Intelsat/PanAmSat Merger.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Order: Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Annual Satellite Competition Report to Congress.
Report: Word | Acrobat

FCC Releases Order on Telecommunications Relay Services and Speech-to-speech Services for Individuals with Hearing and Speech Disabilities.
Order: Word | Acrobat

FCC to Hold Open Commission Meeting Wednesday, June 21, 2006.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

DTV Channel Election Issues - Compliance with the July 1, 2006 Replication/Maximization Interference Protection Deadline; Stations Seeking Extension of the Deadline.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

FCC to Host Indian Telecommunications Initiatives Regional Workshop and Roundtable in San Diego, CA, on July 27-28, 2006.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Statement of Chairman Martin on Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act and Broadband Access and Services.
Word | Acrobat

FCC Seeks Public Comment on Creation of a Spectrum Sharing Innovation Test-Bed.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat

Statement of FCC Chairman Martin on House Passage of S. 193 - the Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act.
Word | Acrobat

Statement by Commissioner Tate on Passage of the Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act by the U.S. House of Representatives.
Word | Acrobat

Statement of Chairman Martin on “Consumers Having Options in Cable Entertainment (CHOICE) Act of 2006.”
Word | Acrobat

Remarks of Commissioner Copps at Kaiser Family Foundation/New America Foundation KidVid Summit
Word | Acrobat

Remarks by Commissioner Tate to the New America Foundation KidVid Summit.
Word | Acrobat

Commissioner Deborah Taylor Tate Announces Addition to Her Staff.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Commissioner Robert M. McDowell Announces Staff.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

FCC Announces Revised Prices for Duplicating Contractor.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

FCC Clarifies Certain Aspects of Its "Designated Entity" Eligibility Rules Adopted in April 2006.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Order: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC'S Auction of Air-Ground Spectrum Licenses Concludes.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Robert M. McDowell Sworn in as FCC Commissioner.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

FCC Denies Request for Reconsideration of Super Bowl XXXVIII Halftime Show Forfeiture Order.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Order: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat

Robert M. McDowell Confirmed to Serve as Commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission.
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat

Corrected Quarterly Report on Informal Consumer Inquiries and Complaints.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Commissioner Tate's Remarks to the American Public Communications Council.
Word | Acrobat

FCC's Independent Panel Reviewing the Impact of Hurricane Katrina on Communications Networks Announces Final Meeting Scheduled for June 9, 2006 at FCC Headquarters.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

FCC Modifies Advanced Wireless Services Auction Schedule, Moves Start Date To August 9, 2006.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat

Request for Review of the Decision of the Universal Service Administrator by Bishop Perry Middle School.
Order: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat

Request for Review of the Decision of the Universal Service Administrator by Academy of Careers and Technologies.
Order: Word | Acrobat

Commissioner Tate's Remarks to the Accenture Global Convergence Forum in Beijing, China on May 12, 2006.
Word | Acrobat

Jurisdictional Separations and Referral to the Federal-State Joint Board.
Order: Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat

Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service.
Order: Word | Acrobat

Remarks of Commissioner Adelstein to the National Spectrum Managers Association, Spectrum Management 2006 in Arlington, Virginia.
Word | Acrobat

Commissioner Copps Calls for the FCC to Open an Inquiry Into the Lawfulness of the Disclosure of America's Phone Records.
Word | Acrobat

FCC Adopts Order to Enable Law Enforcement to Access Certain Broadband and VoIP Providers.
Order: Word | Acrobat
News Release (5/3/06): Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Issues Consent Decree With Pilot Travel Terminating Forfeiture Proceeding Regarding Marketing of Radio Frequency Devices.
Order: Word | Acrobat

Commissioner Tate's Remarks to the Rural Cellular Association.
Word | Acrobat

FCC Declares Video Relay Service (VRS) Providers Must Provide Interoperability With Competing Providers.
Declaratory Ruling & FNPRM: Word | Acrobat
News Release (5/3/06): Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Addresses Issue of Internet TRS Fraud.
FNPRM: Word | Acrobat
News Release (5/3/06): Word | Acrobat

FCC Adopts Order to Enable Law Enforcement to Access Certain Broadband and VoIP Providers.
Order (5/12/06): Word | Acrobat
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Declares Video Relay Service (VRS) Providers Must Provide Interoperability With Competing Providers.
Declaratory Ruling & FNPRM (5/9/06): Word | Acrobat
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Addresses Issue of Internet TRS Fraud.
FNPRM (5/8/06): Word | Acrobat
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Deletion of Agenda Items from May 3, 2006, Open Meeting.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

FCC Modifies Rules for 2496-2690 MHz Broadband Radio Service (BRS)/Educational Broadband Service (EBS) Spectrum Band to Facilitate Wireless Broadband Access.
Order: Word | Acrobat
News Release (4/12/06): Word | Acrobat
Martin & Tate Joint Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Announces the Hiring of Shana Barehand as Tribal Liaison, Office of Intergovernmental Affairs.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

FCC to Hold Open Commission Meeting Wednesday, May 3, 2006.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

FCC's Independent Panel Reviewing the Impact of Hurricane Katrina on Communications Networks Announces Next Meeting Scheduled for May 12, 2006 at FCC Headquarters.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

FCC Modifies Its "Designated Entity" Eligibility Rules in Advance of the Upcoming Advanced Wireless Services Auction.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
2nd R&O & 2nd FNPRM: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat

Statement by Chairman Martin on His Renomination.
Word | Acrobat

Commissioner Copps Congratulates Chairman Kevin Martin on Renomination to the FCC.
Word | Acrobat

Commissioner Adelstein Congratulates Chairman Martin on Renomination to FCC.
Word | Acrobat

Statement of Commissioner Tate on President Bush's Renomination of Chairman Martin.
Word | Acrobat

Chairman Martin Announces Acting Deputy General Counsel.
Word | Acrobat

FCC Releases Relocation Procedures and Cost Sharing Rules to Facilitate Access of Spectrum for Advanced Wireless Services.
Order: Word | Acrobat
News Release (4/12/06): Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat

Advisory Committee on Diversity for Communications in the Digital Age to Meet by Teleconference, Tuesday, April 25, 2006, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Statement of Commissioner Adelstein Regarding Payola Letters of Inquiry.
Word | Acrobat

The FCC and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration - Coordination Procedures in the 1710-1755 MHz Band.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

FCC Resolves Petition Related to the Construction of Communications Towers in the Gulf Coast Region.
MO&O: Word | Acrobat
News Release (4/12/06): Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Establishes Procedures for Advanced Wireless Services Auction Scheduled to Begin June 29, 2006.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat
Attachnment A: Word | Acrobat
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Modifies Rules for 2496-2690 MHz Broadband Radio Service (BRS)/Educational Broadband Service (EBS) Spectrum Band to Facilitate Wireless Broadband Access.
Order (4/27/06): Word | Acrobat
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Martin & Tate Joint Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Adopts Relocation Procedures and Cost Sharing Rules to Facilitate Access of Spectrum for Advanced Wireless Services.
MO&O (4/21/06): Word | Acrobat
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Resolves Petition Related to the Construction of Communications Towers in the Gulf Coast Region.
MO&O (4/13/06): Word | Acrobat
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat

Commissioner Copps Announces Staff Changes.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Deletion of Agenda Item from April 12, 2006, Open Meeting.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

FCC Amends Rules to Implement Junk Fax Prevention Act of 2005.
Order: Word | Acrobat
News Release (4/5/06): Word | Acrobat

Statement of Commissioner Adelstein at Press Conference on Report of Fake TV News.
Word | Acrobat

FCC Amends Rules to Implement Junk Fax Prevention Act of 2005.
Order (4/6/06): Word | Acrobat
News Release: Word | Acrobat

FCC To Hold Open Commission Meeting, Wednesday, April 12, 2006.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Chairman Martin's Remarks Before the Newspaper Association of America 2006 Annual Convention.
Word | Acrobat

FCC Releases Data on High-Speed Services for Internet Access.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Report: Acrobat

FCC Releases Data on Local Telephone Competition.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Report: Acrobat

FCC's Independent Panel Reviewing the Impact of Hurricane Katrina on Communications Networks Announces Next Meeting Scheduled for Tuesday, April 18, 2006 at FCC Headquarters.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Deadline for Applications to the Intergovernmental Advisory Committee Extended.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Chairman Martin Names Acting Managing Director and Acting Chief Financial Officer.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Commissioner Deborah Taylor Tate Announces the Hiring of John Grant as Her Special Advisor for Policy.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Assessment and Collection of Regulatory Fees for Fiscal Year 2006.
NPRM (FCC 06-38): Word | Acrobat

FCC Releases Second Further Notice of Proposed Rule Making on Children's Television Obligations of Digital Television Broadcasters.
FNPRM: Word | Acrobat
Attachment (Joint Proposal of Industry & Advocates): Acrobat
News Release (3/17/06): Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat

Debt Collection Decisions of The Managing Director Available to The Public.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Released on FCC Seeking Comment on Proposals for Modifying 700 MHz Public Safety Spectrum to Accommodate Broadband Communications.
NPRM: Word | Acrobat
News Release (3/17/06): Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat

Verizon Telephone Companies' Petition for Forbearance from Title II and Computer Inquiry Rules with Respect to their Broadband Services Is Granted by Operation of Law.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Joint Statement Martin & Tate: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat

Changes and Enhancements to the FCC's Tower Construction Notification System (TCNS). Public Demonstration & Live Web Cast March 30, 2006.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

FCC Adopts Plan to Establish a Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Presentation: Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Opens Comment Period on Joint Proposal for Changes to Children's Television Rules.
FNPRM (3/24/06): Word | Acrobat
Attachment (3/24/06) Joint Proposal of Industry & Advocates: Acrobat
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Seeks Comment on Proposals for Modifying 700 MHz Public Safety Spectrum to Accommodate Broadband Communications.
NPRM (3/21/06): Word | Acrobat
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat

Commissioner Copps Announces Staff Changes.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Remarks of Commissioner Adelstein at CEA's Entertainment Technology Policy Summit.
Word | Acrobat

FCC Releases Orders Resolving Numerous Broadcast Television Indecency Complaints.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement (FCC 06-17): Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement (FCC 06-18): Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement (FCC 06-19): Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat

Full Text of Orders:

FCC 06-17: Word | Acrobat
Complaints Regarding Various Television Broadcasts Between February 2, 2002 and March 8, 2005.

FCC 06-18: Word | Acrobat
Complaints Against Various Television Licensees Concerning their December 31, 2004 Broadcast of the Program "Without A Trace".

FCC 06-19: Word | Acrobat
Complaints Against Various Television Licensees concerning their February 1, 2004 Broadcast of the Super Bowl XXXVIII Halftime Show.

FCC Releases 2004 International Traffic Data.
Public Notice: Acrobat
Report: Acrobat

Consumer Advisory Committee to Meet Friday, April 7, 2006.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

FCC To Hold Open Commission Meeting Friday, March 17, 2006.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Statement of FCC Commissioner Adelstein on New York Attorney General Lawsuit Against Entercom.
Word | Acrobat

Chairman Martin's Remarks to the Second Meeting of the FCC's Independent Panel Reviewing the Impact of Hurricane Katrina on Communications Networks.
Word | Acrobat

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Amendment of the Commission's Part 90 Rules in the 904-909.75 and 919.75-928 MHz Bands.
NPRM: Word | Acrobat

Chairman Martin Statement on AT&T and BellSouth Merger Announcement.
Word | Acrobat

3/6/06, 3/7/06
The Hurricane Katrina Independent Panel Meeting is Being Webcast Live From Jackson, Mississippi.
See the "Archived Recordings of Public Forums" page for more Information.

Media Security and Reliability Council to Meet Friday, March 10, 2006.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

FCC Issues 12th Annual Report to Congress on Video Competition.
News Release (2/10/06): Word | Acrobat
Report: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Seeks Applicants for 2006 Attorney Honors Program.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

FCC Extends Hurricane Katrina Universal Service Assistance Programs.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Order: Word | Acrobat

Written Statement of Chairman Martin from Hearing on the Federal Communications Commission's Fiscal Year 2007 Budget Estimates, Before the Subcommittee on Science, the Departments of State, Justice, and Commerce, and Related Agencies Committee on Appropriations U.S. House of Representatives.

First Choice Healthcare, Inc. Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture for Violation of Section 227 of the Communications Act of 1934.
NALF: Word | Acrobat

FCC's Independent Panel Reviewing the Impact of Hurricane Katrina on Communications Networks Announces Next Meeting Scheduled for Monday, March 6, 2006 at the Mississippi e-Center at Jackson State University in Jackson, Mississippi.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

FCC Proposes Forfeiture Against Behringer USA, Inc. for Marketing Unauthorized Equipment.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
NALF: Word | Acrobat

Remarks of Chairman Martin at the Association of Public Television Stations' Capitol Hill Day 2006.
Word | Acrobat

FCC Examines Need For Tougher Privacy Rules.
NPRM: Word | Acrobat
News Release (2/10/06): Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Issues 12th Annual Report to Congress on Video Competition.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat

Testimony and Photos From the FCC Open Commission Meeting in Keller, Texas.

FCC Media Bureau Report Finds Substantial Consumer Benefits in A La Carte Model of Delivering Video Programming.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Report: Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat

Participants for FCC Open Commission Meeting in Keller, Texas; Scheduled Friday, February 10, 2006.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Joint FCC/NARUC/NASUCA Working Group Launches Web Site on Lifeline and Linkup.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

FCC Budget of $302,542,000 Proposed for Fiscal Year 2007.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Complete FY 2007 Budget Submission

FCC to Hold Open Commission Meeting Friday, February 10, 2006. This meeting will be held in Keller, Texas beginning at 11:00 am (CST), 12:00 Noon (EST).
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

White House Announces Intention to Nominate Robert M. McDowell to be Commissioner of the FCC.
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Proposes Modifying Its "Designated Entity" Auction Rules in Advance of the Upcoming Advanced Wireless Services Auction.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
FNPRM: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat

Chairman Martin Announces the Hiring of New Deputy Chief, Office Of Strategic Planning and Policy Analysis.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Enforcement Bureau Opens New Docket for the February 6, 2006, Filing of CPNI Compliance Certifications.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Chairman Martin's Statement Before the Committee on Energy and Commerce, U.S. House of Representatives, Hearing on Phone Records For Sale.

Remarks of Commissioner Tate at the FCC's Independent Panel on Hurricane Katrina.
Word | Acrobat

Enforcement Bureau Directs All Telecommunications Carriers to Submit CPNI Compliance Certifications.
Public Notice: Acrobat

AT&T NAL for failure to comply with CPNI carrier certification requirements.
NAL: Acrobat

Alltel NAL for failure to comply with CPNI carrier certification requirements.
NAL: Acrobat

Opening Remarks of Chairman Martin at the FCC's Independent Panel on Hurricane Katrina.
Word | Acrobat

Remarks of Commissioner Copps at the FCC's Independent Panel on Hurricane Katrina.
Word | Acrobat

Remarks of Commissioner Adelstein at the FCC's Independent Panel on Hurricane Katrina.
Word | Acrobat

Announcement of Filing Window for LPTV and TV Translator Digital Companion Channel Applications From May 1, 2006 Through May 12, 2006.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Implementation of the Commercial Spectrum Enhancement Act and Modernization of the Commission's Competitive Bidding Rules and Procedures.
Report & Order: Word | Acrobat

FCC Issues Citations to Two Companies for Failure to Produce Documents and Information Pertaining to Their Obtaining Customer Call Information from Telecommunications Carriers.
Citation 1: Word | Acrobat
Citation 2: Word | Acrobat

Presentations from the January 2006 Open Commission Meeting by Senior Agency Officials Regarding Implementations of the Agency's Strategic Plan and a Comprehensive Review of FCC Policies.

FCC Announces Electronic Posting of FCC Form 477 (Local Telephone Competition and Broadband Reporting) for the March 1, 2006 Filing.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Commissioner Copps Calls for Action to Address Theft of Phone Records.
Word | Acrobat

Statement By Commissioner Adelstein on Brokering of Personal Telephone Records.
Word | Acrobat

Revised Sunshine Notice; FCC To Hold Open Commission Meeting Friday, January 20, 2006.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

FCC To Hold Open Commission Meeting Friday, January 20, 2006 at 9:30 AM.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Commissioner Tate Appointed to Serve as Federal Chair of the Federal-State Joint Boards on Universal Service and Jurisdictional Separations.
Order: Word | Acrobat
Martin Press Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Press Statement: Word | Acrobat

Notice of Appointment of Members to Serve on FCC’s Independent Panel Reviewing the Impact of Hurricane Katrina on Communications Networks; and Independent Panel’s First Meeting Scheduled for January 30, 2006.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Chairman Martin Announces the Acting Inspector General and Acting Deputy Inspector General.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Public Demonstration to be Held January 24, 2006 on Changes to the Universal Licensing System Implementing an Automated Termination Process for Licenses and Electronic Filing of Pleadings.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Fee Decisions of the Managing Director Available to the Public.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Commissioner Deborah Taylor Tate Announces the Hiring of Aaron Goldberger as One of Her Legal Advisors.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Michael J. Copps Sworn In for Second Term as FCC Commissioner.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Deborah Taylor Tate Sworn In as FCC Commissioner.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
Photo from Ceremony

last reviewed/updated on June 03, 2008  

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