Before the FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20554 In the matter of ) ) Assessment and Collection ) MD Docket No. 96-186 of Regulatory Fees for ) Fiscal Year 1997 ) ) ERRATUM Released: March 7, 1997 This Erratum corrects the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in the above-captioned proceeding, FCC 97-49 (rel. March 5, 1997). In the Table of Contents, paragraph numbers should be corrected as follows: For topic III. Discussion, the paragraph numbers should read "8-51" rather than "8-47." For topic III.B. Development of FY 1997 Fees, the paragraph numbers should read "13-25" rather than "13-24." For topic III.C. Other Issues, the paragraph numbers should read "26-43" rather than "26- 40." For topic III.C.4. Intelsat & Inmarsat Signatories, the paragraph numbers should read "40- 42" rather than "40." In Attachment A, paragraph 1, line 8, change "Paragraph 53" to read "Paragraph 52." In Attachment A, paragraph 67, line 2, change "Footnote 3" to read "Footnote 106." In Attachment H, change the heading to read "DETAILED GUIDANCE ON WHO MUST PAY REGULATORY FEES. " FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Andrew S. Fishel Managing Director