Federal Communications Commission
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Advanced Television Systems and Their Impact
Upon the Existing Television Broadcast Service

5th Report And Order on MM Docket No. 87-268
FCC 97-116

image of page one on FCC 97-116
  • WordPerfect Version (no Appendix D)
  • Acrobat Version (156 pages, 447 KB)
  • image of first page of FCC 97-116, Appendix D
    Appendix D
  • Acrobat Version (6 pages, 43 KB)
  • The 5th Report And Order is available above in WordPerfect and Adobe Acrobat formats. The WordPerfect version however, does not contain Appendix D. Appendix D is included in the Acrobat Version of the order and is also available separately above, or from the FCC Forms web page (Appendix D is a copy of Section V-D of FCC Forms 301 & 340). Acrobat versons of the documents are provided so that when you view them on your screen or print them out on your printer the format will be virtually identical to the original formatting regardless of the computer platform, operating system, browser, or fonts that you may be using.

    To view the Acrobat Version of the full Order or just Appendix D, you must have Acrobat Reader software installed on your computer and configured as a "helper" or "plug-in" application in your browser. If not, you need to download, install, and configure the free Adobe Acrobat Reader Software . If you already have the Reader installed and configured, you can go ahead and click on the links above to view the Acrobat versions of the documents now.

    posted 4/23/97