Chapter 8

Approved by Keith Gershon
Revised 03/08

Note: The following documents can be downloaded as Word files:



8.1 Introduction
8.2 Definitions and Acronyms

8.3 Scope

8.4 Policy

8.5 Electrical Hazards

8.5.1 Electrical Shock
8.5.2 Delayed Effects
8.5.3 Arc-Flash
8.5.4 Arc Blast
8.5.5 Other Burns

8.6 Hazard Control

8.6.1 Engineering Controls
8.6.2 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

8.6.3 Safe Work Practices
8.6.4 Safe Work Rules

8.7 Energized Electrical Work Requirements

8.7.1 Job Briefing and Job Planning Checklist
8.7.2 Energized Electrical Work Procedural Steps
8.7.3 Hazard Classes R&D Energized Hazard Classes Facilities Hazard Classes Battery Hazard Control Requirements

8.7.4 Hazard Modes
8.7.5 R&D Energized Electrical Work Requirements
8.7.6 Facilities Energized Electrical Work Requirements (Building Distribution)
8.7.7 Energized Electrical Work Approval Energized Electrical Work Approval Table
8.7.8 Energized Electrical Permit Process Flowchart

8.8 Qualifying and Authorizing Personnel

8.8.1 General Guidelines for Qualification
8.8.2 General Guidelines for Authorization
8.8.3 Specific Qualification and Authorization Criteria On-the-Job Training Task Specific Training Criteria

8.8.4 Electrical Distribution Systems (Premises Wiring)
8.8.5 Research Apparatus (Utilization Equipment)
8.8.6 Electrical Two-Person Rule Exemption to Two Qualified Persons
8.8.7 Electrical Safety Watch
8.8.8 Service or Maintenance Contracts (Equipment Subcontractors)

8.9 Roles and Responsibilities
8.9.1 Authority Having Jurisdiction

8.9.2 Appeals

8.9.3 Responsibilities Individual Employees Supervisors Division Directors Facilities Division Director Engineering Division Environmental, Health, and Safety Division Director Electrical Safety Committee Composition

8.10 Training

8.10.1 LBNL Training Courses
8.10.2 Training Matrix by Job Task

8.11 Recordkeeping
8.12 Standards
8.13 Electrical Safety Considerations

8.13.1 General Considerations
8.13.2 Clearance around Electrical Equipment
8.13.3 Flexible Cords
8.13.4 Extension Cords
8.13.5 Relocatable Power Taps
8.13.6 Heating Tapes and Cords

8.14 Appendices

Appendix A1. Energized Diagnostics and Test Job Briefing Form
Appendix A2. Contractor Energized Diagnostics and Test Job Briefing Form
Appendix B. Energized Manipulative Electrical Work Permit
Appendix C. Job Planning Checklist
Appendix D. Definitions
Appendix E. Fabrication and Maintenance Practices

E1. Equipment Acceptability
E2. Equipment Safety Practices
E3. Enclosures

Appendix F. Portable Workbenches
Appendix G. Noncombustible Insulated Electrical Cable
Appendix H. Power Supplies
Appendix I. Large-Capacitor Hazards
Appendix J. Inductor and Magnet Hazards
Appendix K. Control and Instrumentation
Appendix L. Ground Fault Circuit Interruptors (GFCIs)
Appendix M. References
Appendix N. Electrical Safety Committee Members
Appendix O. Safe Work Rules Description
Appendix P. Sample Electrical Safety Committee Commission
Appendix Q. Cord and Plug Equipment Guidelines
Appendix R. Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratories (NRTLs)
Appendix S. Working Definitions for Approach Boundaries
Appendix T. Guidelines

Appendix T1. Guidance on Instrumentation Crates and Bins

. . . . . Denotes a new section.
. . . . . . . . Denotes the beginning of changed text within a section.
. . . . . . . . Denotes the end of changed text within a section.


8.1 Introduction

In the United States, 4,000 non-disabling and 3,600 disabling electrical contact injuries occur in the workplace annually. 2,000 workers are sent to burn centers with electric burns each year. Most of the burn victims become permanently disabled from their injuries. Typically, the victim’s lives are forever restricted due to sensitivity to cold weather, mobility, or other physical barriers. Every day one person dies from electrical incidents.

This chapter contains general requirements and information for all electrical work at LBNL. All employees of the lab, participating guests, students and all subcontractors working at the lab must comply with the requirements in this chapter.

8.2 Definitions and Acronyms

Definitions of terms used in this chapter are included as Appendix D. Many terms used in this Chapter have meanings unique to ELECTRICAL SAFETY. All such terms will be printed in CAPITALS. Acronyms used are:

AHJ: Authority Having Jurisdiction
ANSI: American National Standards Institute
BSO: Berkeley Site Office
DOE: Department of Energy
EH&S: Environment, Health & Safety
ESC: Electrical Safety Committee
J: Joules (watt-seconds)
LBNL: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
JHQ: Job Hazards Questionnaire
LOTO: Lockout/Tagout
mA: Milliamperes
NEC: National Electrical Code. See also NFPA 70
NESC: National Electrical Safety Code
NFPA: National Fire Protection Association
NFPA 70: National Electrical Code. See also NEC
NFPA 70E: Standard For Electrical Safety in the Workplace
NRTL: Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory
OSHA or Fed OSHA: Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration
PPE: Personal Protective Equipment
SRC: Safety Review Committee
V: Volts
W: Watts

8.3 Scope

The purpose of this chapter is to ensure the ELECTRICAL SAFETY of every employee, visiting guest and contractor at the lab by:

  1. Defining safe work practices and use requirements for all people who work with electrically ENERGIZED equipment as part of their normal job duties.
  2. Establishing training requirements for qualifying and authorizing LBNL employees who work on or near ENERGIZED electrical circuits and components.
  3. Establishing a process for evaluating the shock and arc FLASH HAZARDS of every ENERGIZED electrical work task and for providing commensurate hazard controls.
  4. Establishing a formal process for controlling ENERGIZED electrical work through an approval process.

This Chapter applies to:

Note: There is no training required to plug or unplug a typical appliance into a wall socket or to switch on an appliance. However, every employee at the Lab is responsible to ensure that any electrical device they use is in good working condition and the power cords are not frayed or damaged.

The electrical safety program is intended to provide LBNL employees, contractors and participating guests who may come into proximity with ENERGIZED electrical parts in their work the minimum knowledge of safety and laboratory practices necessary to protect themselves and others against electrical shock or burns.

Reading this chapter does not qualify the reader to perform electrical work. Guidelines that are beyond the scope of this document must be established at each work area. They should include, as a minimum, the safety concerns outlined herein.

This chapter is in no way to be construed as a synopsis of all electrical requirements, nor as a substitute for formal study, training, and experience in electrical design, construction, and maintenance.

8.4 Policy

It is the policy of LBNL that:

  1. LBNL shall comply with DOE and Fed OSHA regulations, the California Electric Code (includes the National Electrical Code), Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace (NFPA 70E), National Electrical Safety Code ANSI C2 (NESC) and other established safety standards to reduce or eliminate the dangers associated with the use of electrical energy. Go here to download a PDF of Work Smart Standards for LBNL.
  2. All electrically ENERGIZED equipment will be used in a safe manner as intended by the manufacturer and within the equipment NRTL listing.
  3. All electrical wiring and equipment will comply with the National Electrical Code, OSHA regulations, and other consensus industry standards for ELECTRICAL SAFETY and engineering.
  4. All employees have a responsibility to ensure they and others around them are working in a safe manner with the proper equipment. LBNL has, and supports a Stop Work Policy, (PUB-3000, Section 1.5) It is the responsibility of everyone to exercise this policy when observing unsafe work conditions or practices.
  5. All research or test devices operating at a VOLTAGE greater than 50 volts or storing more than 1000 watt/seconds (joules) must be protected by an enclosure with secured or interlocked covers, or isolated in a manner (such as by elevation) that will prevent inadvertent contact with EXPOSED live parts.
  6. Fabrication of research and test equipment will be done following prescribed LBNL design and engineering requirements.
  7. Work on or near equipment operating within the ELECTRICAL HAZARD conditions identified in Section 8.7.3 and Section 8.7.4 of this Chapter will be performed in an electrically safe state (verified DE-ENERGIZED).
  8. Work will only be performed on ENERGIZED electrical circuits or components operating at greater than 50 volts and capable of an electrical current greater than 5 milliamperes or power greater than 1000 watts when it can be demonstrated that deenergization introduces additional or increased hazards or is infeasible due to equipment design or operational limitations. ENERGIZED parts that operate at less than 50 volts and less than 1000 watts shall not be required to be DEENERGIZED if there will be no increased exposure to electrical burns or to explosion blast due to electric arcs. Approval is required per Section 8.7.7 before WORKING ON or near hazardous ENERGIZED electrical circuits or components.
  9. When work on ENERGIZED electrical circuits or components operating at VOLTAGES greater than 50 volts to ground and capable of an electrical current greater than 5 milliamperes is justified and APPROVED, engineering controls (guards, covers, shields, INSULATED tools & probes, remote methods) must be used to reduce the potential for contact with ENERGIZED components.
  10. All employees who work on or near hazardous ENERGIZED electrical circuits or components must be qualified and authorized prior to performing such work.
  11. Safety related work practices and procedures for employees who work on or near EXPOSED hazardous ENERGIZED circuits or components will be done in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 70E, Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace.

8.5 Electrical Hazards

8.5.1 Electrical Shock

Accidental contact with EXPOSED electrical parts operating at a VOLTAGE greater than 50 volts to ground, and having a current greater than 5 milliamperes, can cause serious injury or death. Fatal ventricular fibrillation of the heart can be triggered by a current flow of as little as several milliamperes. Severe injuries, such as deep internal burns, can occur even if the current does not pass through the vital organs or nerves.

8.5.2 Delayed Effects

Damage to the internal tissues may not be apparent immediately after contact with the current. Delayed internal tissue swelling and irritation are possible. Prompt medical attention can help minimize these effects and avoid death or long-term injury.

8.5.3 Arc-Flash

When an electric current passes through the air between two conductors, the temperature can reach 35,000°F. Exposure to these extreme temperatures can result in life threatening burns. The majority of hospital admissions due to electrical accidents are from arc-flash burns, not electrical shocks. Arc-flashes can and do kill at distances in excess of 10 ft.

8.5.4 Arc Blast

The tremendous temperatures of the arc cause an explosive expansion of both metal and the surrounding air in the arc path. For example, copper expands by a factor of 67,000 times when changed from a solid into a vapor. The dangers of this explosion are of high blast pressure wave, high decibel levels of sound and high velocity shrapnel. Finally the material and molten metal is expelled away from the arc at speeds exceeding 700 miles per hour. Arc blasts often cause severe injuries and death.

8.5.5 Other Burns

Other burns suffered in electrical accidents are of two basic types: electrical burns and thermal contact burns. In electrical burns, tissue damage (whether skin deep or deeper) occurs because the body is unable to dissipate the heat caused by the current flow. Typically, electrical burns are slow to heal. Thermal contact burns are those normally experienced from skin contact with the hot surfaces of overheated electric conductors.

8.6 Hazard Control

The following hazard control hierarchy will be used to mitigate ELECTRICAL HAZARDS:

  1. Engineering controls, such as panels, shields or barriers, to isolate employees from the ENERGIZED components.
  2. Administrative controls, such as the Energized Electrical Work Permit, assignment of a Safety Watch, and qualification training.
  3. Personal protective equipment (PPE) to isolate workers from EXPOSED hazardous electrical conductors.
  4. Safe work practices (safe work rules, electrical safety considerations) to support the development of safe working habits.

8.6.1 Engineering Controls

Engineering controls should be the primary control measure used to reduce the potential for direct contact with EXPOSED and ENERGIZED electrical components. Engineering controls may include, but are not limited to the following:

8.6.2 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Qualified workers who are potentially EXPOSED to ELECTRICAL HAZARDs that cannot be controlled through some engineering means must be provided with and use personal protective equipment that is appropriate for the specific work to be performed and the associated hazard level. NFPA 70E defines PPE requirements.

8.6.3 Safe Work Practices

Electrical safe work practices must be applied during analysis, diagnostic, and troubleshooting, and manipulative work on ENERGIZED equipment by a qualified person who has been trained and briefed by a knowledgeable supervisor for the specific tasks the supervisor authorizes.

8.6.4 Safe Work Rules

Note: A summary of the LBNL electrical safe work rules is provided below. For a more thorough description of the safe work rules see Appendix O.

  1. Positively ensure the correct circuit is identified before lockout and tagout.
  2. Whenever possible DEENERGIZE the equipment before testing.
  3. The employee in charge must conduct a briefing before all ENERGIZED electrical work.
  4. Identify hazards and anticipate problems.
  5. Resist “hurry-up” pressure.
  6. Don’t hesitate to use the Stop Work Policy (PUB-3000, Section 1.5).
  7. Always consider electrical equipment ENERGIZED until positively proven otherwise.
  8. Use suitably rated electrical devices only as intended.
  9. Remove or cover all jewelry before performing ENERGIZED electrical work.
  10. Know how to shut down equipment in an emergency.
  11. Know LBNL emergency procedures.
  12. Design for safety.
  13. Reset circuit breakers only after the trip problem has been corrected.
  14. Maintain the protection of covers, barriers and shielding.
  15. Never drill into a wall or floor slab without Facilities approval. See Admin 053 Facilities penetration Policy.
  16. Never modify or penetrate premises wiring conduit or ENCLOSED wireways. Only qualified and authorized Facilities Department personnel are allowed to work on premises wiring, conduits or ENCLOSED wiring. See Section 8.8.4.

Note: For a listing and description of other ELECTRICAL SAFETY considerations, see Section 8.13.

8.7 Energized Electrical Work Requirements

LBNL has adopted National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 70E, Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace. All employees at LBNL shall comply with this standard’s ELECTRICAL SAFETY work practices in addition to following all the requirements of this Chapter.

It is LBNL policy to DEENERGIZE live parts, whenever possible, before an employee works on or near them (see PUB-3000, Chapter 18, Lockout/Tagout). This is the preferred method for protecting workers from ELECTRICAL HAZARDs. Workers are permitted to work on or near EXPOSED LIVE PARTS only if it can be demonstrated that deenergization introduces additional or increased hazards or is infeasible due to equipment design or operational limitations. ENERGIZED parts that operate at less than 50 volts need not be DEENERGIZED if there will be no increased exposure to electrical burns or to explosion blast due to electric arcs.

8.7.1 Job Briefing and Job Planning Checklist

Before starting any diagnostics & test ENERGIZED electrical work having a Hazard Class greater than 1A or 1B, the workers, must complete a Job Planning Checklist (Appendix C) and the person in charge must conduct a job briefing with the qualified person(s) who will do the work. The briefing may be very simple and verbal, or quite detailed and fully documented, depending on the complexity and hazard level of the job and the background and knowledge of the worker performing the work. The Energized Diagnostic & Test Job Briefing Form (Appendix A1) is used for the purpose of documenting the briefing. Regardless of whether the briefing is verbal or documented, all elements of the briefing form, Appendix A1: Energized Diagnostic & Test Job Briefing Form, must be included in the briefing. Especially important for all employees involved is to look for Stop Work Conditions (PUB-3000, Section 1.5) during the briefing, and when filling out the checklist. For repetitive work, the briefing may be conducted once each shift before work begins.

8.7.2 Energized Electrical Work Procedural Steps

It is not feasible to develop a single set of hazard controls for ENERGIZED work that covers every electrical task. The nature and complexity of these controls is dependent upon the combination of the Hazard Class (VOLTAGE and power levels) and the Hazard Mode (risk level) of the ENERGIZED electrical task to be performed. In general, electrical work at LBNL can be organized into eight hazard classifications, according to the degree of energy present, and three hazard modes, according to the operational status of the equipment or system.

There are 7 procedural steps that must be completed before any ENERGIZED electrical work is performed:

Table 8.1: Energized Electrical Work Procedural Steps
Justify that the task cannot be accomplished in a verified DEENERGIZED condition. Section 8.4, Policy Number 8 Section 8.4, Policy Number 8
Determine the Hazard Class.
Determine whether you are Qualified and Authorized to perform the task. 8.7.5 8.7.6
Determine the Hazard Mode. 8.7.4 8.7.4
Determine the requirements for hazard control. 8.7.5 8.7.6
Obtain Energized Electrical Work Approval.
Implement hazard control requirements and perform the task per the approval procedure.    


8.7.3 Hazard Classes

The Hazard Class is a function of the potential exposure presented by the VOLTAGE, current, power and stored power or energy available while performing the task. Because premises wiring usually presents extremely high fault currents, a separate category is used for Facilities equipment. Experimental or R&D equipment is a second hazard category. Finally, batteries appear in a third hazard category. The four Facilities category Hazard Classes are 1A, 2A, 3A, & 4A, and the four R&D Hazard category Classes are 1B, 2B, 3B, & 4B.

These three categories and their associated Hazard Classes are characterized in the following charts: R&D Energized Hazard Classes


Figure 8.1. R&D Energized Hazard Classes

Note: VOLTAGE is line-to-ground or line-to-line, whichever is higher. Facilities Hazard Classes

Figure 8.2. Facilities Energized Hazard Classes

Note: VOLTAGE is line-to-ground or line-to-line, whichever is higher. Battery Hazard Control Requirements

Figure 8.3. Battery Hazard Control Requirements

Further information is pending engineering review. Contact the ESC for guidance.
Further OSHA and NFPA requirements apply to work on battery installations. Contact EH&S for help.
This chart does not release the worker from understanding and following these requirements.

8.7.4 Hazard Modes

The Hazard Mode is determined by what work procedure will be performed. The three task hazard Modes, in order of increasing danger, are:

  1. WORKING ON or near DEENERGIZED circuits or components. In this mode all operations are conducted in a verified DEENERGIZED state. All external sources of electrical energy are disconnected or controlled by some positive action (for example, with a locked and tagged out circuit breaker), and all internal energy sources are rendered safe. See PUB-3000 Chapter 18, Lockout/Tagout.
  2. Performing ENERGIZED Diagnostic and Test procedures on circuits or components. This mode includes measurements and observation of equipment functions, without manipulation, which are conducted with the equipment ENERGIZED and with some or all protective barriers removed and interlocks bypassed. Such work requires completion of a Job Planning Checklist (Appendix C) and job briefing, which may require completion of an Energized Diagnostics & Test Job Briefing Form (see Appendix A1). See Section 8.7.7 for additional information. If the briefing is verbal, all the requirements of Appendix A1 must be met. Some examples are:

    • LOTO verification
    • Troubleshooting or diagnostics.
    • Normal expected operation of premises wiring connected isolation devices, such as bank switching, rolling out breakers, and disconnecting a load via a switch.
    • WORKING ON or near ENERGIZED EXPOSED components. The definition of “Near” in this instance means working within the limited or arc flash boundary, whichever is larger.

  3. Performing ENERGIZED Manipulative work on circuits or components is the highest hazard work mode. Manipulative operations are defined as physically manipulating any ENERGIZED components or any time the worker physically enters the PROHIBITED APPROACH BOUNDARY. Probing ENERGIZED circuitry with test equipment is not manipulation unless the workers body passes into the PROHIBITED APPROACH BOUNDARY. Such work in excess of 50 volts is a high-risk situation and is permitted only when formally justified and APPROVED. ENERGIZED manipulative work must be conducted under close supervision and control. This requires completion of a Job Planning Checklist (Appendix C) and an Energized Manipulative Electrical Work Permit (Appendix B).

Some ENERGIZED work activities, while are not by definition manipulative work, require similar formal authorization, approval and hazard controls. For example, in Facilities switching operations, a “Switching Tag” procedure is followed.

8.7.5 R&D Energized Electrical Work Requirements

Hazard Class
Qualification Requirements
Authorization Requirements
Hazard Control Requirements
Energized Electrical Work Documentation
R&D Class 1B • EHS 260 Basic Electric Hazard Awareness.
• Trained and knowledgeable about the equipment and site.
• Familiar with safe work practices, PPE, tools and test equipment.
• Approval by Supervisor De-energized • A qualified person may work alone. • None
Diagnostic & Test
Energized Manipulative • If exposed voltages are less than 50V differential, or to ground, a qualified person can work alone with implied approval and general supervision.
R&D Class 2B

• EHS 256 Lockout/Tagout
• EHS 249 Electrical Safety for Electronic Technicians.
• EHS 116 & EHS 123 First Aid & CPR.
• EHS 267 NFPA 70E.
• Trained and knowledgeable about the equipment and site.

• Authorization by Supervisor.
• Authorization by Division Management.
De-energized • A qualified person may work alone. • None
Energized Diagnostic & Test • The two-person rule is mandatory
• Insulated gloves, insulated tools and other personal protective equipment (PPE) per NFPA 70E.
• Access restricted by barricades per NFPA 70E
Appendix C: Job Planning Checklist
Appendix A1: Energized D&T Job Briefing Form
Energized Manipulative • A Safety Watch is required.
• Insulated gloves, insulated tools and other personal protective equipment (PPE) per NFPA 70E.
• Access restricted by barricades per NFPA 70E
Appendix C: Job Planning Checklist
Appendix B: Energized Manipulative Electrical Work Permit
R&D Class 3B & 4B • Authorization by Supervisor.
• Authorization by Division Management.
De-energized • A qualified person may work alone. • None
Energized Diagnostic & Test • A Safety Watch is required.
• Insulated gloves, insulated tools and other personal protective equipment (PPE) per NFPA 70E.
• Access restricted by barricades per NFPA 70E.
Appendix C: Job Planning Checklist
Appendix A1: Energized D&T Job Briefing Form
Energized Manipulative Appendix C: Job Planning Checklist
Appendix B: Energized Manipulative Electrical Work Permit


8.7.6 Facilities Energized Electrical Work Requirements (Building Distribution)

Hazard Class
Qualification Requirements
Authorization Requirements
Hazard Control Requirements
Energized Electrical Work Documentation
Facilities Class 1A • EHS 260 Basic Electric Hazard Awareness.
• Trained and knowledgeable about the equipment and site.
• Familiar with safe work practices, PPE, tools and test equipment.
• Approval by Supervisor De-energized • A qualified person may work alone. • None
Diagnostic & Test
Manipulative • A qualified person may work alone.
Facilities Class 2A

• EHS 256 Lockout/Tagout.
• EHS 250 Electrical Safety for Electricians.
• EHS 116 & EHS 123 First Aid & CPR.
• EHS 267 NFPA 70E.
• Trained and knowledgeable about the equipment and site.

• Authorization by Supervisor.
• Authorization by Division Management.
De-energized • A qualified person may work alone. • None
Diagnostic & Test • Insulated gloves, insulated tools and other personal protective equipment (PPE) per NFPA 70E .
• Access restricted by barricades per NFPA 70E.

Appendix C: Job Planning Checklist
Appendix A1: Energized D&T Job Briefing Form
Manipulative • A Safety Watch is required.
• Insulated gloves, insulated tools and other personal protective equipment (PPE) per NFPA 70E .
• Access restricted by barricades per NFPA 70E

Appendix C: Job Planning Checklist
Appendix B: Energized Manipulative Electrical Work Permit
Facilities Class 3A • Authorization by Supervisor.
• Authorization by Division Management.
De-energized • A qualified person may work alone. • None
Diagnostic & Test •The two-person rule is mandatory.
• Insulated gloves, insulated tools and other personal protective equipment (PPE) per NFPA 70E .
• Access restricted by barricades per NFPA 70E
Appendix C: Job Planning Checklist
Appendix A1: Energized D&T Job Briefing Form
Manipulative • A Safety Watch is required.
• Insulated gloves, insulated tools and other personal protective equipment (PPE) per NFPA 70E .
• Access restricted by barricades per NFPA 70E

Appendix C: Job Planning Checklist
Appendix B: Energized Manipulative Electrical Work Permit

Facilities Class 4A
• EHS 256 Lockout/Tagout.
• EHS 250 Electrical Safety for Electricians.
• EHS 116 & EHS 123 First Aid & CPR.
• EHS 267 NFPA 70E.
• FAC 030 High Voltage Safety Training.
• Trained and knowledgeable about the equipment and site.
• Authorization by Supervisor.
• Authorization by Division Management.
De-energized • A qualified person may work alone. • None
Diagnostic & Test • A Safety Watch is required.
• Insulated gloves, insulated tools and other personal protective equipment (PPE) per NFPA 70E .
• Access restricted by barricades per NFPA 70E
Appendix C: Job Planning Checklist
Appendix A1: Energized D&T Job Briefing Form
Manipulative • A Safety Watch is required.
• LBNL personnel must not work on Class 4A equipment in Mode 3, except for certain testing procedures performed under a Facilities Department Switching Tag.
• Insulated gloves, insulated tools and other personal protective equipment (PPE) per NFPA 70E .
• Only commercial power utility personnel or their subcontractors will work on energized Class 4 equipment, and they will follow their own procedures.
• Access restricted by barricades per NFPA 70E
• Facilities Department Switching Tag.
• Only commercial power utility personnel or their subcontractors will work on energized Class 4 equipment, and they will follow their own procedures.
Appendix C: Job Planning Checklist
Appendix B: Energized Manipulative Electrical Work Permit


8.7.7 Energized Electrical Work Approval

Lab Supervision must formally approve all ENERGIZED electrical work. This approval may be in the form of:

  1. A Job Planning Checklist (Appendix C), and
  2. An Energized Diagnostics & Test Job Briefing Form (Appendix A1) completed and approved prior to the work.

    Note: A Contractor Energized Diagnostics & Test Job Briefing Form (Appendix A2) is used for contractors, if required.
  3. Standing Energized Diagnostics & Test Job Briefing Forms (Appendix A1) are allowed for anticipated diagnostics and test repetitive work. However, the Supervisor must provide a daily briefing before any ENERGIZED electrical work is performed. Standing Job Briefing Forms must be renewed annually.
  4. An Energized Manipulative Electrical Work Permit (Appendix B) approved prior to the work, or
  5. A Facilities Switching Tag approved and in place for Facilities switching tasks, or
  6. A System or Equipment Specific Testing Procedure approved by Division Management. Energized Electrical Work Approval Table

Energized Electrical Work Approvals
Group or Function
Hazard Class
Hazard Mode
Type of Approval
Facilities 1A Energized Diagnostic & Test
Energized Manipulative
Supervisor approval
2A or 3A Energized Diagnostic & Test Job Planning Checklist, and
Appendix A1 Job Briefing recommended
4A Energized Diagnostic & Test Job Planning Checklist, and
Appendix A1 Job Briefing required
2A or 3A Energized Manipulative Job Planning Checklist, and Appendix B Work Permit required
4A Energized Manipulative Job Planning Checklist, and Appendix B Work Permit required, or
Facilities Switching Tag
R&D 1B Energized Diagnostic & Test
Energized manipulative
Supervisor approval
2B or 3B Energized Diagnostic & Test Job Planning Checklist, and
Appendix A1 Job Briefing recommended
4B Energized Diagnostic & Test Job Planning Checklist, and
Appendix A1 Job Briefing required
2B, 3B or 4B Energized Manipulative Job Planning Checklist, and Appendix B Work Permit required


8.7.8 Energized Electrical Permit Process Flowchart

8.8 Qualifying and Authorizing Personnel

Only those persons who are both qualified and authorized may install, fabricate, repair, test, calibrate, or modify electrical or electronics wiring, devices, systems, or equipment.

A qualified and authorized person is an individual formally recognized by Laboratory Management as:

A person can be considered qualified and authorized with respect to certain equipment and methods but not authorized for others.

8.8.1 General Guidelines for Qualification

Qualification for electrical or electronics work is determined by the employee’s Supervisor, and is based on a combination of LBNL classroom training (including required periodic retraining), formal electrical trade, military, college or other training, work experience, and on-the-job training. Formal training can be the completion of apprenticeship or comparable training. Experience may be a combination of, or include, formal technical related education courses, hand-on field or classroom lab work that may or may not result in licenses or certifications.

On-going electrical and electronics training must include an annual review of this Chapter and all Appendices pertinent to the employee’s work assignment, Chapter 18, Lockout/Tagout, annual update of the employee’s JHQ and a biannual review of the EH&S ELECTRICAL SAFETY classes identified in the employee’s (JHQ) or by the respective supervisor. For specific work requirements the supervisor may add classes to the employee’s training course list not required by the JHQ, but deemed important by the supervisor.

8.8.2 General Guidelines For Authorization

Authorization to perform electrical or electronics work by an employee is determined by the employee’s Line Management and Supervision, and is based on the ability of the employee to perform a specific task safely.

8.8.3 Specific Qualification And Authorization Criteria On-The-Job Training

On-the-job training for specified equipment or classes of equipment must be documented to ensure that training is adequate and consistent for all employees with similar tasks. This documentation must be reviewed and approved by a person who is knowledgeable in safe electrical work practices, and is familiar with the hazards involved in the apparatus. This training shall cover: Task-Specific Training Criteria

Supervisors shall use the following guidelines to determine whether an individual is qualified to perform specific electrical work. Different subsets of these criteria shall be selected according to the exact nature of the task; however, some analysis must always be performed, no matter how minor the job.

The supervisor shall authorize the employee to perform the work task only if he/she is satisfied that all relevant criteria are met. If the supervisor cannot verify an employee's qualifications, assistance from the Engineering Division or EH&S Electrical Safety Engineer should be obtained. As a minimum, the documentation of an employee’s qualifications should consider:

If the individual will be permitted to work within the LIMITED APPROACH BOUNDARY of EXPOSED ENERGIZED parts operating at 50 volts or more the individual shall at a minimum be additionally trained in all the following:

8.8.4 Electrical Distribution Systems (Premises Wiring)

Only qualified and authorized Facilities Department personnel are allowed to perform electrical wiring or other work directly connected to any facility electrical distribution system (premises wiring as defined by the NEC). Premises wiring includes that portion of utilization equipment (see 8.8.5, below) that is permanently connected (hard-wired) to the facility electrical distribution system, viewed from the utilization equipment’s first disconnect (or circuit breaker) looking backward into the premises wiring.

Connection to and diagnosis and repair of, circuit breakers in building electrical panels may only be done by specified qualified electrical workers.

If there is a question about what differentiates a facility system versus utilization equipment, consult the LBNL Electrical Safety Committee, Electrical Safety Engineer or Facilities Electrical Shop Supervision.

8.8.5 Research Apparatus (Utilization Equipment)

Only QUALIFIED PERSONs may fabricate, modify, install or repair electronic or electrical equipment used at LBNL. Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that only qualified persons under their supervision are assigned to work on electronic or electrical equipment at LBNL. The supervisor shall ensure the qualifications of these employees are documented. Any Laboratory worker or researcher who performs any electrical work must complete the EHS course Basic Electrical Hazard Awareness (EHS 260) as a prerequisite to further specific qualifications.

Laboratory employees, including researchers, may operate or reset circuit breakers under the following conditions:

• A circuit breaker may only be reset one time for a given event. If the breaker trips a second time, contact Facilities.
• A hazard assessment has been done to determine the cause of the tripped breaker.

8.8.6 Electrical Two-Person Rule

Certain work requires two QUALIFIED PERSONS. This occurs when work is considered electrically hazardous, as established by the conditions in Section 8.7.5 (R&D Energized Electrical Work Requirements) and Section 8.7.6 (Facilities Energized Electrical Work Requirements (Building Distribution)) of this Chapter, or by the work supervisor. When the "Two-Person Rule" is required, both workers must be present at the work site, and each worker must be aware of the other worker's tasks and must:

Note: Both workers may perform separate work tasks so long as safety is not compromised. Exemption to Two Qualified Persons

Under limited conditions, the Electrical Two-Person Rule may allow for a second person that is not a qualified persons. All of the remaining requirements of Section 8.8.6 apply, and in addition the following must be met:

  1. Management must approve this exemption.
  2. During the briefing process the QUALIFIED PERSON will assess the qualifications of the second person to determine that the work may proceed safely.
  3. The second person must be First Aid and CPR trained.
  4. The second person may not enter the LIMITED APPROACH BOUNDARY or the FLASH PROTECTION BOUNDARY.
  5. The electrical disconnecting means must be located outside of the LIMITED APPROACH BOUNDARY and the FLASH PROTECTION BOUNDARY.
  6. The electrical disconnect must be located within 50 feet of the second person.
  7. The second person must be briefed in emergency procedures and the electrical work being performed.

Note: This exemption only applies to the Two Person Rule, and shall not be used when a Safety Watch is required.

8.8.7 Electrical Safety Watch

A Safety Watch is a more stringent hazard control measure than the Two-Person Rule and must be implemented when there are grave consequences from a failure to follow safe-work procedures. This occurs when work is considered high-hazard electrical work, as established by the conditions in Section 8.7.5 (R&D Work) and Section 8.7.6 (Facilities Work) of this Chapter, or by the work supervisor. When a Safety Watch is required, the Safety Watch must be a qualified person who is responsible for monitoring the qualified person(s) doing the work. A Safety Watch must:

8.8.8 Service or Maintenance Contracts (Equipment Subcontractors)

Third-party service companies or individuals may provide installation or maintenance of commercial equipment under purchase orders, service contracts or blanket purchase orders for service. The LBNL property custodian of the equipment needing service must be aware of the hazards, nature and extent of maintenance to be done on the equipment when engaging non-LBNL workers. Non-LBNL workers must follow the safety requirements and procedures of their employers and NFPA 70E, which must provide a level of ELECTRICAL SAFETY consistent with this Chapter. The equipment custodian may impose additional safety requirements on the work to ensure that the work can be done safely and not present an unexpected hazard to the contract worker, to LBNL employees or other workers. This may include providing additional safeguards such as protective barriers, posting an LBNL qualified person at the work site to control access, or other safety measures as may be required to ensure safe working conditions for LBNL employees and contract workers. The contractor may fill out the Appendix A2 Contractor Energized Diagnostics & Test Job Briefing Form if the Custodian requires it.

8.9 Roles and Responsibilities

8.9.1 Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ)

ELECTRICAL SAFETY decisions are made by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). NFPA 70 defines the AHJ as “an organization, office, or individual responsible for enforcing the requirements of a code or standard, or for approving equipment, materials, an installation or a procedure.”  In a R&D environment, there are frequent situations where facilities, equipment and work practices are developed that are not specifically addressed by codes or standards and interpretations are necessary for work to proceed safely.  DOE has delegated electrical AHJ authority to the lab as follows:

Facilities and Premises Wiring
The AHJ responsibility for the infrastructure power distribution and premises wiring of the Laboratory is delegated to the Facilities Division Director.  It is implemented by the Appointed Facilities Electrical Engineer and two alternates.  The AHJ for the facilities and premises wiring interprets the NEC (National Electrical Code, NFPA 70) and other codes and approves electrical installations, and installed facilities electrical equipment for compliance.

Research and Scientific Equipment
The Engineering Division Director is delegated the responsibility as AHJ to assure compliance with appropriate ELECTRICAL SAFETY requirements for the design, installation, maintenance, and repair of research and development (R&D) and scientific equipment and apparatus. The Engineering Division Director will appoint an Electrical Engineer, which will be delegated with this authority. The Engineering Director will apply criteria from ANSI, UL, NFPA and other standards as appropriate to establish the safety of equipment.  LBNL specific criteria may also be developed based on established engineering principles.

Electrical Safety--Work Practices & Workplace Conditions
The Environment, Health and Safety Division Director is delegated the responsibility for assuring compliance with all ELECTRICAL SAFETY requirements that pertain to maintaining safe electrical work practices and workplace conditions and thereby for protecting Laboratory employees, contractors and subcontract personnel from injury or death as a result of electrical hazards.

The AHJ for ELECTRICAL SAFETY is the Electrical Safety Engineer in the EH&S Division, or a qualified alternate designated by EH&S Management.  The AHJ for ELECTRICAL SAFETY provides interpretations to ELECTRICAL SAFETY requirements in 29 CFR 1910 Subpart S and 29 CFR 1926 Subparts K and V, NFPA 70E, “Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace,” and other standards and codes for worker electrical safety.  The AHJ for Electrical Safety will additionally apply the requirements fo NFPA 70 in evaluating workplace conditions.  The AHJ for Electrical Safety is responsible for coordinating the electrical equipment acceptance process.

8.9.2 Appeals

All appeals regarding electrical and ELECTRICAL SAFETY questions must be submitted to the SRC via the Electrical Safety Committee. These groups review the appeal and make recommendations to the Deputy Laboratory Director for Operations for a final decision.

8.9.3 Responsibilities Individual Employees

Individual Employees are responsible for their own and their coworkers’ safety. Each employee will: Supervisors

Supervisors of electrical workers have the primary responsibility of ensuring a safe working environment. They must; Division Directors

Division Directors, by virtue of the delegation of responsibility for all aspects of occupational health and safety through line management, are responsible to the Laboratory Director for assuring compliance with all ELECTRICAL SAFETY requirements as defined in the procedure and pertaining to all programs, activities, and facilities within their respective divisions or areas of responsibility. Facilities Division Director

The Facilities Division Director is responsible for interpretations of NFPA 70, The National Electrical Code. The Facilities Division Director will appoint a Facilities Chief Electrical Engineer, which will be delegated with this authority. The Facilities Chief Electrical Engineer will: Engineering Division

The Engineering Division Director will nominate, from the Engineering Division, a chair for the Electrical Safety Committee. Engineering Division electrical engineers will: Environment, Health and Safety Division Director

The Environment, Health and Safety Division Director is delegated the responsibility by the Deputy Laboratory Director for Operations for applying the Electrical Safety Program and assuring compliance with all ELECTRICAL SAFETY requirements that pertain to maintaining a safe working environment and protecting Laboratory employees and contract and subcontract personnel from injury or death as a result of ELECTRICAL HAZARDs.

The EH&S Division, is responsible for the documentation of Lab-wide electrical safety policies and procedures, site wide training, and field support for the implementation of the LBNL electrical safety program. EH&S will:

As the authorized representative of the EH&S Director, the Electrical Safety Engineer has the responsibility to ensure the acceptability of experimental electrical wiring and apparatus. In this capacity the Electrical Safety Engineer will: Electrical Safety Committee

The Electrical Safety Committee (ESC) is a subcommittee of the LBNL Safety Review Committee (SRC). The Electrical Safety Committee has the responsibility to develop and maintain the LBNL Electrical Safety Program. The ESC will: Composition

The ESC should be comprised of members who are knowledgeable in ELECTRICAL SAFETY, electrical systems, electrical equipment, and electrical requirements and standards (Fed OSHA, NFPA, NEC, and ANSI as appropriate).

8.10 Training

8.10.1 LBNL Training Courses

8.10.2 LBNL Training Matrix By Job Task

  LOTO – EHS 256 NFPA 70E – EHS 267 or EHS 268 First Aid Safety – EHS 116 Adult CPR – EHS 123 Basic Electrical Safety- EHS 260 Qualified Electronic Techs – EHS 249 Qualified Electrician – EHS 250
Facilities Electricians
HVAC, Plant Maintenance Technicians & Lighting Technicians
Electronic Technicians
Other General Lab Population performing authorized electrical work above 50V


8.11 Recordkeeping

8.12 Standards

8.13 Electrical Safety Considerations

8.13.1 General Considerations

If the test equipment is used for any kind of certification, it must be calibrated regularly, according to the manufacturers’ maintenance instructions. This may vary from meter to meter, but generally, recalibration once a year is typical.

8.13.2 Clearance Around Electrical Equipment

For all new construction and installations, maintain access and working clearance space around power and lighting circuit breaker panels, motor controllers, and other electrical equipment in accordance with OSHA or the latest edition of the National Electrical Code (NEC), whichever is most stringent. This clearance space ensures safe access for personnel who inspect, adjust, maintain, or modify ENERGIZED equipment.

Clearance space must not be used for storage or occupied by bookcases, desks, workbenches, or similar items. Not even a wastebasket.

8.13.3 Flexible Cords

Because cord and plug connections are generally well understood, this instruction does not cover portable hand-operated power tools, small kitchen appliances, office equipment, electronic instruments, personal computers, and other similar equipment.

Allowed Uses: Flexible cords and cables may be used for:

  1. Pendants
  2. Wiring of fixtures
  3. Connections of portable lamps or appliances
  4. Elevator cables
  5. Crane and hoist wiring
  6. Connecting stationary equipment that requires frequent interchange
  7. Preventing transmission of noise or vibration
  8. An appliance or equipment with fastenings and mechanical connections specifically designed to permit removal for maintenance and repair, and intended or identified for flexible cord connection
  9. Power cables (ac) for data-processing equipment
  10. Connecting moving parts

When flexible cords and cables are used in conditions 3, 6, or 8 above, they must be equipped with an APPROVED attachment plug and ENERGIZED from a receptacle outlet. Only QUALIFIED PERSONs may install cord caps, (the attachment plug), on cords.

Flexible cord and cable, attachment plugs, and receptacles must be of the proper type, size, and VOLTAGE and current rating for the intended application.

Branch circuits that feed cord-and-plug connected equipment must be designed, have overcurrent protection and be GROUNDED in accordance with the NEC.

All cord-and plug-connected equipment must be GROUNDED with a correctly sized and identified equipment-grounding conductor that is an integral part of the ac power cord or cable. Exception: LISTED equipment that is protected by a double insulation system or its equivalent.

It is LBNL policy to allow cord and plug connection of equipment that operates at 250V or less and has a maximum circuit rating of 30 A. Any equipment operating at higher VOLTAGES or currents should be permanently connected. (exception; portable arc welders) If a higher VOLTAGE or current cord-and-plug connection is desired, contact the EH&S Electrical Safety Engineer (ext. 4314) for requirements and guidelines.

Forbidden Uses of Flexible Cables:

  1. Substituted for the fixed wiring of a structure
  2. Run through holes in walls, ceilings, or floors
  3. Run through doorways, windows, or similar openings
  4. Attached to building surfaces
  5. Concealed behind building walls, ceilings, or floors
  6. Installed in electrical raceways, unless specifically allowed by NEC provisions covering electrical raceways

Except for the temporary wiring provisions of NEC, the NEC does not allow the cord-and-plug connection of equipment to be ENERGIZED from extension cords. Extension cords are not legal substitutes for the fixed wiring of a structure such as a receptacle outlet.

In industrial locations, a suitable guard or cover must protect the interface between attachment plug and receptacle from intrusion of process waste or other foreign material, such as cutting oils and machining chips.

8.13.4 Extension Cords

Extension cords provide a convenient method of bringing ac power to a device that is not located near a power source. They are used as temporary power sources. Extension cords are probably involved in more electrical-code and safety violations than any other device at the Laboratory. They are stepped on, stretched, cut, OVERLOADED, and, in general, used improperly.

Guidelines for the Safe Use of Extension Cords:

Avoiding Misuse of Extension Cords: Observe the following restrictions to avoid misuse of extension cords:

Acceptable Combination:

The following combination is not recommended, but will be accepted to provide power to personal computer systems and peripherals only when there is no other reasonable way to do so:

This is an interim solution, limited to 600 watts total load. For long-term installation a premises wiring outlet at the computer system will be required.

A plug strip with overvoltage protection, overcurrent protection and line noise filtering is highly recommended. (such as an Isobar).

8.13.5 Relocatable Power Taps

A relocatable power tap (also referred to as a power strip) is a variation of an extension cord, where the cord terminates in a row or grouping of receptacles. Relocatable power taps are commonly used in offices to provide multiple receptacles to office equipment. In general, all rules pertaining to extension cords also apply to relocatable power taps.

Additional considerations are:

8.13.6 Heating Tapes and Cords

Many experiments at LBNL use heating tapes or cords, including many high vacuum apparatus.  The heating tapes or cords pose an electrical shock hazard if not used properly.  This advisory establishes requirements for the proper selection, care, and use of heating tapes and cords.  These guidelines also apply to heating pads, wraps, or similar components intended to be applied directly to laboratory apparatus.  Exemptions to the below requirements must be approved by the EH&S Electrical Safety Engineer.
This document supplements procedures and policies found in this PUB-3000 chapter (Chapter 8, Electrical Safety).

General Electrical Safety Requirements for use of Heating Tape
Heating Tape Power Source Requirements
Unusual Conditions
  1. Circuit Breaker Trip
  2. If a circuit breaker trips during a heating operation, this is usually because the circuit is overloaded.  Disconnect an appropriate number of the heat tapes and reset the breaker.  If the breaker trips again, call an LBNL qualified electrical worker, Facilities Electrical shop (x6023) or the EH&S Electrical Safety Engineer (x4694) for help.

  3. GFCI Trip
  4. If a GFCI trips during the heating operation, it is permissible to reset the GFCI one time.  Personnel must remain clear of equipment when the GFCI is reset. If the GFCI trips again, all of the heating tapes must be disconnected and thoroughly inspected for damage.  If the problem persists, call an LBNL qualified electrical worker, Facilities Electrical Shop staff (x6023) or the EH&S Electrical Safety Engineer (x4694).

  5. Variable Transformer Issues
  6. If the fuse blows in the device, replace the blown fuse only with a fuse rated for the device.  Using a higher current fuse than rated for the device will allow overheating and may cause a fire.  Variable transformers and other control devices for heat tape control should be periodically checked by a qualified electrical worker for receptacle tension and proper fusing.

For More Information please contact an LBNL qualified electrical worker, Facilities Electrical Shop staff (x6023), or the EH&S Electrical Safety Engineer (x4694) with any questions.


8.14 Appendices

Appendix A1. Energized Diagnostics and Test Job Briefing Form

Appendix A2: Contractor Energized Diagnostics and Test Job Briefing Form

Appendix B: Energized Manipulative Electrical Work Permit

Appendix C: Job Planning Checklist

Appendix D: Definitions

Appendix E: Fabrication and Maintenance Practices

Appendix F: Portable Workbenches

Appendix G: Noncombustible Insulated Electrical Cable

Appendix H: Power Supplies

Appendix I: Large Capacitor Hazards

Appendix J: Inductor and Magnet Hazards

Appendix K: Control and Instrumentation

Appendix L: Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs)

Appendix M: References

Appendix N: Electrical Safety Committee Members

Appendix O: Safe Work Rule Description

Appendix P: Sample ESC Commission

Appendix Q: Cord and Plug Equipment Guidelines

Appendix R: Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratories (NRTLs)

Appendix S: Working Definitions for Approach Boundaries

Appendix T. Guidelines

Appendix T1. Guidance on Instrumentation Crates and Bins



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