Press Room


November 16, 2004

Joint Statement of the 2005 US-UK
Transatlantic Enterprise Partnership

Both the US administration and the UK Government are committed to the economic reform agenda and to sharing ideas across the Atlantic on how to strengthen enterprise, productivity and jobs - which are essential for faster growth in the US, UK and across Europe, and for balanced global growth.

Following the success of the US-UK initiative in 2004, the 2005 US-UK Transatlantic Enterprise Partnership will build on the earlier initiatives, and will take the policy dialogue further.

US - UK Enterprise Initiatives

UK-US Enterprise Summit

Following the success of last year's summit and academic seminar held in the US, we agree to co-chair a second joint government-business enterprise summit in the UK next year to discuss the contribution of enterprise to productivity, jobs and growth and the best methods for encouraging entrepreneurship. The summit will draw on experience from entrepreneurs and policy makers, and share lessons from areas of national strength in both countries. In conjunction with the summit, we will convene a group of academic experts to consider the role of government and education in fostering entrepreneurship, productivity and jobs, to assess progress over the last year and to propose areas for future policy action.

Enterprise in education

The UK has established the National Council for Graduate Entrepreneurship in order to encourage students and graduates to consider entrepreneurship as a viable career option. Lessons have already been learnt from US models of stimulating interest in enterprise in universities, and the UK is keen to maintain this momentum. We propose to hold a conference for UK and US leaders of universities, working with the National Council for Graduate Entrepreneurship and the Kauffman Foundation.

In June this year, experts, teachers, and enterprise education providers from the US and the UK exchanged ideas and best practice on all aspects of enterprise education in schools. We believe that this co-operation should continue and therefore we propose to continue this dialogue in 2005.

  EU-US Economic Cooperation

We reaffirm the importance of enhancing economic cooperation between the EU and the US for growth and prosperity on both sides of the Atlantic.  We welcome the June EU-US summit declaration calling for a new forward-looking strategy for eliminating barriers to further economic integration, and the steps taken by the US administration and the Commission to consult stakeholders. 

We look to the 2005 Summit to endorse an ambitious strategy injecting new impetus into the transatlantic economic agenda and including the active engagement of key policy makers and regulators on both sides of the Atlantic. We are also pleased that the OECD is taking forward a study of the potential economic benefits of closer economic cooperation and look forward to the publication of results in March.