Content Highlights

A Financial Warm-up

Your Savings Fitness Dream

How's Your Financial Fitness?

Avoiding Financial Setbacks

Boost Your Financial Performance

Strengthening Your Fitness Plan

Personal Financial Fitness

Maximizing Your Workout Potential

Employer Fitness Program

Financial Fitness for the Self-Employed

Staying On Track

A Lifetime of Financial Growth

A Workout Worth Doing


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Savings Fitness:
A Guide To Your Money and Your Financial Future

Image of a woman on a tread mill with a trainer timing herA Workout Worth Doing

Monitor Your Progress

Financial planning is not a one-time process. Life, your goals, tax laws, and your financial world have a way of changing, sometimes dramatically.

Periodically review your spending plan.
Monitor the performance of investments. Make adjustments if necessary.
Make sure you contribute more toward your retirement as you earn more.
Update your various insurance safety nets to reflect changes in income or personal circumstances.
Keep your finances in order.

Where To Go From Here

You now realize that saving for your own retirement is critical and that it is primarily your responsibility. You may get help along the way, but most of the work is going to rest on your shoulders. No one will work harder or care more about your retirement and your other financial goals than you.

Look back on those 3"x 5" cards outlining your goals. Perhaps they seem more realistic now. Even if you can't do as much as you would like to right away, you can do something.

Think of this booklet as a starting point. Continue to educate yourself about managing your money and investing. Consider professional resources, as well, such as your benefits department, financial planners, and other financial experts who can help you not only with your financial questions, but, more importantly, can help motivate you into action.

Finally, there is only one real key to "buying" that retirement you've dreamed of. It doesn't matter whether you are still young or whether retirement is just around
the corner. It doesn't matter whether you're in your first job, trying to save for a home, or putting a child through college.

All that matters is that you start saving ... now!