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Smoking & How to Quit
Smoking & How to Quit

"Natural" Cigarettes

"Natural" cigarettes include clove cigarettes, also called kreteks ("kree-teks"), and flavored cigarettes, called "bidis" or "beedies." Both cigarette types are imported mainly from Southeast Asian countries. In addition to tobacco, they contain various flavorings. Kreteks contain ground cloves and clove oil. Bidis contain candy-like flavors, such as chocolate, cherry, and mango.

Some young people think that kreteks and bidis are safer than regular cigarettes because of the "natural" flavorings. Also, the packs often do not have warning labels. In fact, both kreteks and bidis deliver more nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide than regular cigarettes. Like smoking regular cigarettes, smoking kreteks and bidis can cause cancer and other diseases.

Another type of "natural" cigarette is the herbal cigarette. This is made from a blend of herbs, such as passion flower, jasmine, and ginseng. Although herbal cigarettes contain no tobacco or nicotine, the smoke contains tar, carbon monoxide, and other toxins. As a result, herbal cigarettes can be dangerous to your health.

Additional Information on "Natural" Cigarettes:


  1. Federal resource  Alternative Cigarettes May Deliver More Nicotine Than Conventional Cigarettes - This report provides information on the nicotine levels in clove cigarettes, bidis, and additive cigarettes. It explains the health effects of these products and discusses why they are not any safer than regular cigarettes.

  2. Federal resource  Bidis and Kreteks - This publication provides information on two types of imported cigarettes that are used by teens. It explains the health effects of these tobacco products and gives statistics on the use of these products by teens.

  3. PDF file  Bidis (Copyright © Campaign for Tobacco-free Kids) - This fact sheet describes what bidis are, how many people use them, what their appeal is, and also touches on the issue of child labor.

  4. 'Natural Tobacco' Poses Greater Health Risks (Copyright © ALA) - This publication explains the health risks found in using natural tobacco compared to regular cigarettes. It also describes what the American Lung Association has done to combat the misconception that natural tobacco is safer than other kinds of tobacco.

  5. Questions About Smoking, Tobacco, and Health (Copyright © ACS) - This publication answers common questions about health and tobacco use. It provides information on the health risks of smoking, nicotine, the connection between smoking and cancer, the harmful chemicals cigarettes contain and how they affect the lungs.

  6. Tobacco Use Health Risks (Copyright © American Lung Association of San Diego and Imperial Counties) - This web site contains statistics and information about the risks of cigarettes, chewing tobacco, cigars, and "natural tobacco."


  1. Federal resource  National Cancer Institute, NIH, HHS
  2. American Lung Association
  3. Prevent Cancer Foundation

Federal resource = Indicates Federal Resources

Content last updated March 19, 2008.

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