Press Room

March 1, 2007

Paulson Appoints Carfine as Fiscal Assistant Secretary

Washington, D.C.--Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson, Jr. today announced the appointment of Kenneth E. Carfine to serve as Treasury Fiscal Assistant Secretary.

"Ken Carfine has served the Treasury with distinction for more than 30 years," said Secretary Paulson. "He has been a truly dedicated public servant, rising through the ranks of this Department and proving that he possesses the experience and talent to take up the important responsibilities of this critical position."

Carfine has served as Treasury Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fiscal Operations and Policy since April 2003. He began his Treasury career at the Financial Management Service in 1973, holding positions with increasing responsibility in banking, cash management, payments, check claims, and government-wide accounting.

The Fiscal Assistant Secretary, who reports to the Under Secretary for Domestic Finance, manages the Office of the Fiscal Assistant Secretary. The office develops policy on payments, collections, debt financing operations, electronic commerce, government wide accounting, and government investment fund management. The Office also manages the government's daily cash position and produces the cash and debt forecasts used to determine the size and timing of the government's financing operations.

The Fiscal Assistant Secretary oversees the Financial Management Service and the Bureau of the Public Debt. These Treasury bureaus operate the financial infrastructure of the Federal government, including payments, collections, cash management, financing, central accounting, issuance of Treasury securities, and delinquent debt collection.

Secretary Paulson will swear in Carfine on Thursday, March 15.