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February 2, 2007

Statement of Secretary Paulson on International Affairs
Under Secretary Adams

Washington, D.C. – Secretary Paulson made the following statement today on the resignation announcement of International Affairs Under Secretary Timothy D. Adams:

I am deeply grateful to Tim Adams for his unsurpassed dedication and leadership in serving the President and the Treasury Department.

Tim helped shape this Administration's economic policy from its roots in Austin in the early stages of the 2000 campaign. For the last two years, Tim has traveled around the world representing the American people and strengthening our relationships with key economic partners. The U.S. economy and our global economic ties are stronger thanks to his work.

During his tenure at Treasury, Tim has advised three Secretaries, and helped this Department navigate the economic shocks of a recession, corporate scandals, terrorist attacks, and the war on terror. He played a key role in developing and implementing policies that are bringing new opportunity and hope to people in the world's poorest countries, such as the Millennium Challenge Corporation and the historic debt relief initiative.

In the critical U.S.-China economic relationship, Tim has worked to integrate China into the global system and put them on a path to increased currency flexibility. He sought to improve and strengthen the fabric of our international financial institutions by pushing them to adapt and respond to today's challenges and opportunities. Particularly through his influential efforts to modernize the IMF, he sought to ensure that our key multilateral institutions are prepared to play a beneficial role in our evolving global economy.

Tim's good humor, keen intellect, and genuine regard for the men and women around him have made him a valued member of the Treasury family. With great respect and appreciation, we bid Tim farewell and best wishes.