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Classification for Kingdom Plantae Down to Genus Yucca L.

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Up to the Kingdom
Kingdom  Plantae – Plants
Subkingdom  Tracheobionta – Vascular plants
Superdivision  Spermatophyta – Seed plants
Division  Magnoliophyta – Flowering plants
Class  Liliopsida – Monocotyledons
Subclass  Liliidae
Order  Liliales
Family  Agavaceae – Century-plant family
Genus  Yucca L. – yucca P
Contains 30 Species and 45 accepted taxa overall
Down one level
Species  Yucca aloifolia L. – aloe yucca P
Species  Yucca angustissima Engelm. ex Trel. – narrowleaf yucca P
Variety  Yucca angustissima Engelm. ex Trel. var. angustissima – narrowleaf yucca P
Variety  Yucca angustissima Engelm. ex Trel. var. kanabensis (McKelvey) Reveal – Kanab yucca P
Variety  Yucca angustissima Engelm. ex Trel. var. toftiae (S.L. Welsh) Reveal – Toft's yucca P
Species  Yucca arkansana Trel. – Arkansas yucca P
Species  Yucca baccata Torr. – banana yucca P
Species  Yucca baileyi Woot. & Standl. – Navajo yucca P
Variety  Yucca baileyi Woot. & Standl. var. baileyi – Navajo yucca P
Variety  Yucca baileyi Woot. & Standl. var. intermedia (McKelvey) Reveal – intermediate yucca P
Variety  Yucca baileyi Woot. & Standl. var. navajoa (J.M. Webber) J.M. Webber – Navajo yucca P
Species  Yucca brevifolia Engelm. – Joshua tree P
Variety  Yucca brevifolia Engelm. var. brevifolia – Joshua tree P
Variety  Yucca brevifolia Engelm. var. jaegeriana McKelvey – Jaeger's Joshua tree P
Species  Yucca campestris McKelvey – plains yucca P
Species  Yucca constricta Buckley – Buckley's yucca P
Species  Yucca elata (Engelm.) Engelm. – soaptree yucca P
Species  Yucca faxoniana (Trel.) Sarg. – Eve's needle P
Species  Yucca filamentosa L. – Adam's needle P
Species  Yucca flaccida Haw. – weak-leaf yucca P
Species  Yucca glauca Nutt. – soapweed yucca P
Variety  Yucca glauca Nutt. var. glauca – soapweed yucca P
Variety  Yucca glauca Nutt. var. gurneyi McKelvey – Gurney's yucca P
Species  Yucca gloriosa L. – moundlily yucca P
Species  Yucca guatemalensis Baker – bluestem yucca P
Species  Yucca harrimaniae Trel. – Spanish bayonet P
Variety  Yucca harrimaniae Trel. var. harrimaniae – Spanish bayonet P
Variety  Yucca harrimaniae Trel. var. neomexicana (Woot. & Standl.) Reveal – New Mexico Spanish bayonet P
Variety  Yucca harrimaniae Trel. var. sterilis Neese & S.L. Welsh – Spanish bayonet P
Species  Yucca ×karlsruhensis Graebn. P
Species  Yucca louisianensis Trel. – Gulf Coast yucca P
Species  Yucca madrensis Gentry P
Species  Yucca necopina Shinners – Brazos River yucca P
Species  Yucca pallida McKelvey – twistleaf yucca P
Species  Yucca recurvifolia Salisb. – curve-leaf yucca P
Species  Yucca reverchonii Trel. – San Angelo yucca P
Species  Yucca rupicola Scheele – Texas yucca P
Species  Yucca schidigera Roezl ex Ortgies – Mojave yucca P
Species  Yucca ×schottii Engelm. (pro sp.) – Schott's yucca P
Species  Yucca tenuistyla Trel. – whiterim yucca P
Species  Yucca thompsoniana Trel. – Thompson's yucca P
Species  Yucca torreyi Shafer – Torrey's yucca P
Species  Yucca treculeana Carrière – Don Quixote's lace P
Variety  Yucca treculeana Carrière var. succulenta McKelvey – Don Quixote's lace P
Variety  Yucca treculeana Carrière var. treculeana – Don Quixote's lace P

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