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Silica, Crystalline Silica, Crystalline

Quick Link
General Industry For information related to general industry, see OSHA's Silica, Crystalline page.
  • ADSC: International Association of Foundation Drilling. OSHA Alliance Page. Focuses on providing the association’s members and others in the foundation drilling industry, including small businesses and non-English or limited English speaking employees, with information, guidance, and access to training resources to help them protect employees’ health and safety.
    • Silica-Related Diseases. Provides links to OSHA Alliance pages that have information specifically relating to silica-related diseases.
OSHA Standards

Exposures to crystalline silica are addressed in specific standards for the construction industry. This section highlights OSHA standards and the Regulatory Agenda (a list of actions being taken with regard to OSHA standards) related to crystalline silica in the construction industry.

Highlighted Standards
Construction Industry (29 CFR 1926)
Regulatory Agenda Hazard Recognition

Silicosis is a disabling, nonreversible and sometimes fatal lung disease caused by overexposure to respirable crystalline silica. The following references aid in recognizing crystalline silica hazards in the workplace. Exposure Evaluation Possible Solutions

Controlling the exposure to silica can be done through engineering controls, administrative actions, and personal protective equipment (PPE). Engineering controls include such things as replacing silica with another material, isolating the source, and using ventilation systems. Administrative actions include limiting the worker's exposure time and providing showers. PPE includes wearing the proper respiratory protection and clothing. The following references aid in controlling crystalline silica hazards in the workplace.
  • Construction Workers: It's Not Just Dust! ... Prevent Silicosis. US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Publication No. 97-101, (1997), 1 MB PDF, 6 pages. Summarizes the presence of silica exposures in the construction industry and describes prevention measures.
  • Control Technology for Crystalline Silica Exposures in Construction: Wet Abrasive Blasting. US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Report No. ECTB 247-11, (1999, December). Describes how a wet abrasive blasting system sufficiently reduced respirable crystalline silica exposures so that air purifying respirators could be used to control worker exposure to crystalline silica.
  • For additional information regarding possible ways of controlling crystalline silica exposures, see OSHA's Safety and Health Topics Pages on:
  • For additional information, see the general industry Possible Solutions page.
Additional Information

Related Safety and Health Topics Pages
  • Silicosis. OSHA. Provides program information, presentation and training materials
    • Silica. Slide Presentation, 78 slides.
Other Resources
 Safety and
 Health Topics
  Silica, Crystalline
  OSHA Standards
  Hazard Recognition
  Exposure Evaluation
  Possible Solutions
Content Reviewed 05/30/2008

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Page last updated: 07/03/2008